Silent Retreat
Silent Retreat
| 12 January 2016 (USA)
Silent Retreat Trailers

Six members of a media company go on a weekend business retreat at an isolated lodge in the woods. When one of the members goes missing, they discover that the lodge was formerly a private mental institution that had been shut down after allegations of devious misconduct. One by one, they fall victim to the dark secrets buried at the lodge.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
TheLittleSongbird Saw 'Silent Retreat' being fond of horror/thriller regardless of budget (even if not my favourite genre), and the cover was cool. Was less taken by the concept though, which sounded ridiculous. Being behind on my film watching and reviewing, with a long to watch and review list that keeps getting longer, it took me a while to get round to watching and reviewing.Unfortunately, do have to agree with the low rating and the poor reviews. 'Silent Retreat' is one of those films that never took off, starting off not very interestingly and never recovered and progressively got worse, particularly in the near-unwatchable later stages. Never judge a film without seeing the whole thing and wanted to not make 'Silent Retreat' an exception, so gave it a fair chance. The location is also suitably spooky. However, so much brings 'Silent Retreat' down. All the acting is either over-histrionic or disinterested, both in a few cases, and the direction is so phoned in and pedestrian, one gets the sense that the director showed no interest in the film at all. Too much of the soundtrack is intrusive and annoying, made worse by the excessive and obvious sound effects that just cheapens the mood. The film looks drab generally and like it was made in haste, the photography especially betrays that with its amateurishness.Where 'Silent Retreat' most underwhelms is the writing and story. The writing is incredibly lazy, it's awkward in dialogue, is gratuitously crude, confused because of not tying things up or going into full detail and doesn't feel complete. The story suffers from a very limp pace, apparent early on and gets slower and slower until an interminably dragged out and ridiculous second half. It further suffers from feeling too much like a short film stretched out with a lot of useless padding. The stereotypical characters are as unlikeable as they come, the inconsistent and illogical motivations bring them down further. For a film billed as a horror, there is very little interesting and nothing remotely scary which makes a waste of such a spooky-looking location. The scares and thrills are too few, barely any even, and are far too predictable, anaemic and weakly timed to make impact, with the dull pacing and obvious sound editing cheapening them significantly. 'Silent Retreat' doesn't engage let alone thrill, the more it progressed the duller, predictable and more nonsensical it became for a premise that was already ridiculous. The ending leaves very little impact, very contrived and not much of one at all.In summary, very poor on the whole. 1/10 Bethany Cox
linskminyuk . So I did watch this all the way through, as difficult at that was. Most of the previous 5 reviews hit the major points. Poor acting, nonsensical dialogue, annoying characters. Nice setting, and a few of wilderness shot were pleasant, but that's about it. I lost it, and almost turned the movie off when I realized, that as day passed and turned into evening, the group was sitting around enjoying a glass of wine and some scary stories - that the one female character who left for a morning walk, never returned? Really, after warning everyone not to venture outside because of bear sightings, the host, and most of the others just forgot about this girl (who also missed the entire day of meetings I presume), and better yet, thought they'd wait until morning to look for her. Ridiculous, and the remainder of the plot, the actions of the characters, make no sense. The British girl decides to put on headphones to listen to tapes, while people are missing, some presumed dead, and she's alone in the house. The headphones conveniently drown out the noise of altercations and murders one floor below - great writing. I could go on. I enjoy B horror, even C, this one as hard to watch. One more item, when they check on the caretaker's place, the one dude is sure the missing girl is behind the locked door. But the other dude says you need more than suspicion to force the door, so they leave. If you look at the scene, there is an un-draped window almost directly behind the tied up girl, had they stepped outside and peeked in, they would have found her.
Lugodoc Just watched this. Holy Cow.It tries really hard but neither the writer, director nor actors have ever seen how humans behave. It might have been written by a top secret corporate A.I. as part of a Turing test but it sure wasn't written by a human who had seen how other humans talk and act. That might explain the writing but the acting and direction still lack explanation.The actual plot mechanics are pretty good and the story does actually make sense, for what it is. The lighting and photography are excellent. Other than that it's a bit like watching that Dennis Potter play where adult actors read lines written for eight-year-old children, except that here the mental age looks like nearer to eleven.I have this theory that every film, no matter how bad it is, will always have at least one moment that is startling, that makes you raise your eyebrows, something that you haven't seen before and that you suddenly respect because it is new in an industry ripe with plagiarism and repetition. This film has one such moment. Can you guess which it is?
quincytheodore Usually, a horror cast would have one or two rowdy member, but in this "Silent Retreat" almost everyone is rude, offensive and abusive. A couple of characters who seems normal are either too bland or stuck in perpetual frantic expression to look normal as human. This is a shame because it might have some foundation for horror and the production isn't bad, but the constant bickering by obnoxious characters is all this retreat can offer.A collection of dubious people stay in a cabin for the weekend, and these might just be the most offensive cast. They communicate with profanity, sexual harassment and completely illogical banter. At no point the movie portrays a functional team, let alone actual coworkers. Everyone is the over-the-top version of the most annoying stereotype, which is undoubtedly terrible to watch.It's barely a horror as any shred of prospect is hidden under juvenile insults and terrible remarks wanting to be seductive talk. The photography involved and a few of the flashbacks are almost looking like they are going somewhere, but instead the characters would wander around aimlessly for nearly the entire movie. It relies on a shocking twist which is not sufficient to say the least.The only haunting here is the horrendous shouting between the shady characters, and it's actually a pretty horrific experience.