R | 16 October 2015 (USA)
Bastard Trailers

Five strangers - newlywed serial killers, a suicidal, depressed policeman, and two young runaways with a secret - become suspects and potential victims when a masked murderer makes its presence known in an isolated mountain town.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Páiric O'Corráin Bastard: A killer couple hammer to death a motorist who stops to help them then kill a nosy attendant at a gas station. Another young couple, semi-runaways take to the road and are picked up by murderous duo. Arriving at a small town they see the local sheriff asleep on a lawn; hes involved in a troubled gay relationshp.Little do they know that a psycho-killer is already at work in the area. We are talking real horror here: decapitation, spines being ripped out, ad hoc C-Sections. Not for the queasy. 6/10.
Michael Ledo The film starts out with three subplots. We have a newlywed couple who are musicians and killers. There is a second couple with different issues running away from home. And we meet a gay suicidal ex-sheriff. They all gather at a bed and breakfast where we have a non-introduced slasher wearing a mask aka DVD cover.The characters seemed quirky enough. Dan Creed and Ellis Greer had characters that carried the film. The slasher aspect was more like a WTF...seriously? Although it sort of tied into the "theme" and title. Burt Culver had a ridiculously weak character.Good sex scene. Should have left it gone on a few more seconds.Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Emily Lopato, Tonya Kay with ugly pasties...I think.)
maclarenjohn Gave this film a chance and was pleasantly surprised at how good it is. With a budget of $87,000 it was a lot better than many films with 100 times that budget. When you consider the amount of money some Hollywood films cost I bet the makers of Bastard must feel pretty proud of themselves. IMDb hasn't listed how much return was made on the expenditure but I hope they made a profit. I wont go into the details for fear of spoiling it for anybody reading this save to say there are plot twists and jumpy scares but also with an intelligence in the story. So give it a chance as I did. If you don't like it then at least its only 80 minutes long and if you do like it then good :-)
FlashCallahan So we have a winner for the most hilarious title of a film this year. A film with that title would have usually been associated with Brian Bosworth, or some old western film starring Charles Bronson, or any actor from that era who would suit the word 'grizzled'....But this film features newlywed, hitch-hiking serial killers, a brother and sister on the run, and a suicidal, alcoholic cop.Of course, they get caught in an increasingly bizarre series of murders committed by a masked killer near a mountain-town bed and breakfast....It's another one of those very deceptive horror films that have numerous 'favourable' review highlights on the cover of the DVD, stating things like 'it's the best retro slasher this week!', or 'scarier than death...literally'.If you've seen a lot of horror films, especially those that are of a low budget and cost less than £8.00 in your local supermarket, you know that you should take these quotes with a huge pinch of salt and lower your expectations.But when a film has this title, you cannot help but keep those expectations high, and hope for once, that someone has made a nostalgic reference to those wonderful stalk 'n slash films of the eighties.This isn't it, and because it's trying to homage so many different films, it gets lost in it's own convolutions. Every character is suspect, but there are ones who are just that little bit more creepy, having strange traits, or saying inappropriate things so they are obviously red herrings, but it's fun to see the writers of the film think they can fool the viewer.Aside from the film being quite bizarre for no good reason, it does hold a few things you would associate with those films of the eighties, namely terrible acting and unnecessary nudity.And that wonderful trope of people going to the wrong place at the wrong time, it's an age old problem that never seems to disappear from lazy writing.But the ending, while it's supposed to be shocking and turn the narrative on it's head, you kind of guess that this was the case, as there is always the quiet couple who never really stray of the path, but it is quite amazing that the final shot is the rationale for the title.So all in all, it's just another poorly made horror film, trying to disguise the fact by having the DVD cover look like the cover for 'Hatchet'.Aside from the audacious ending, and a turn of events once they reach the cabin, it's pretty forgettable stuff.