Short Sharp Shock
Short Sharp Shock
| 15 October 1998 (USA)
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Gabriel, Bobby and Costa are old friends from Altona, a multicultural hood in Hamburg. Just out of prison, Gabriel wants to turn his back on crime, but the others continue to operate as petty criminals. Friendships are tested as the trio navigate a dark world of mafia bosses and deals gone wrong.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
aphex83 My opinion on this film is, that it draws a very questionable image of people coming out of conditions of an immigration background in Germany and beyond that, it plays down violent behaviour, there is no obvious stance against acts of revenge, it shows an absurd relationship between human and religion and the screen play leaves too many gaps for a credible depiction of its acting characters.I have seen a lot of films playing in a similar surrounding, but I cannot remember of a film burdened with so many stereotypes, even if those might be partly true. Costa is a drug-addicted small time criminal, whose life is noticeably slipping out of his hand. The character of Bobby is depicted very authentic: likewise a small time criminal on the rise, who boasts with doubtful achievements and watches out for his big chance. And finally, the character of Gabriel, which I am going to examine in the course of this review.There are many movies and films with a comparable plot, for instance “Snatch”, “In China They Eat Dogs”, etc. In most comparable films, on condition that the minimum demands of a “good” film are fulfilled, the events and the main characters are overdrawn, in such an extent, that there is spread only an amusing entertainment, which is not to be taken serious by its spectators.But this is not the intention of "Kurz und Schmerzlos". All characters are taken serious and the plot wants to gain a penetrating access to its viewers. It is exactly here, where the crucial deficit is to be found. To achieve a certain comprehensibility and an internal monologue in the viewers mind, the script ought to give more space to the precedenting development of Gabriel’s character. The fact, that he still lives at home and probable also lived at home before he got into detention in connection to the depiction of his fathers peaceful personality and his sisters way of living, which is very European for a family influenced by the Islam, are only hardly but rather not at all consistent with Gabriel’s outdated view on friendship, when he takes revenge on Muhamer. If you look at families with an immigration background which are connected to comparable deeds, like killing women for being together with a man, who is not accepted by the family or even only violent or criminal behaviour by the family’s sons like shown in "Kurz und Schmerzlos", there is almost every time a quite patriarchic upbringing and subsequent a domineering head of the family. Thus the depiction of Gabriel’s father is the most obvious inaccuracy in the whole film.The vehement opposing to the request of resumption of his criminal past and the following behaviour, are likely to assume a purification, which he gained during his stay in prison. But in the course of the film, this will be revealed as only superficial and he has not got a realization, that the way he behaved was wrong. This circumstance alone is not to be assessed in a negative way, but the plot does not let enough space for the presentation of this substantial change and the inevitable internal conflict. Furthermore, the influence on the rehabilitation of Gabriel by his father is restricted on a few attempts to pray together, which are all refused by Gabriel, except in the end. Here, the script leaves a big dramaturgical gap, because the relationship between father and son regarding religion, would have been very interesting and important for the understanding of Gabriel’s character, instead of a few unnecessary and annoying dialogs. Thus Gabriel remains insignificant and is carried basically by the acting skills of Mehmet Kurtulus. The cold-blooded execution of Muhamer, without questioning him about the circumstances of Bobbys death, is a reflection of Gabriel’s fall back into archaic behavioural patterns. But even if Gabriel had asked Muhamer about that incident, it is likely that he would have killed Muhamer in that intense situation, anyway. However, there will be a short examination of Bobbys death: He was pursed and attacked by Muhamer, but it was him who rashly raised his revolver and threatened his interceptor with the ultimate request to let him through. Besides, it is not obvious who pulled the trigger in the following fight. Therefore, it is not possible to blame someone alone for the death of Bobby. Regarding that Bobby has known, the risks as he got involved with the organized crime, it is his responsibility trying to fix the failed weapon deal and, for instance, to attempt to talk with Muhamer and to get the money back. The fact, that Bobby is responsible for himself, is taken into consideration by Alice, in fact, but finally it comes to that exaggerated act of self justice by Gabriel, even though Costa lied seriously injured in his arms and it is to be supposed that Gabriel has lost every motivation for further violence in the face of what violence and counter violence is able cause. There is no inner conflict leaking out and at the latest, this sequence should bring up an aversion against Gabriel. But for this the film leaves no space, unfortunately.The last scene shows the father and his son doing an Islamic prayer, after Gabriel has turned away of his father’s religious way of living in the course of the film. In my opinion, this is a very absurd image of the relationship between human and religion, which stirs up reservations against Islamic fellow citizens in every attentive viewer’s mind. This is faded over skilfully by nice oriental music. Concerning this, it is to be marked, that this has another statement in the current political context, than ten years ago. But nevertheless, in a reasonable, intelligent and enlightened society, acts of revenge and self justice have never been compatible with an actual peace preaching religion.
f_baersson the movie is about a turkish guy who gets out of prison and sees himself tangled up in the same situations that he lived before, with his best friends stealing and dealing, only this time he himself has changed and has a very differentiated view of the daily crime and violence.the story unfolds with an interesting plot always centering the 3 friends in their daily life and how suddenly their live changes quickly when things go more wrong than they ever did before.a great job by the director. the pictures are beautiful at the same time very authentic. the story always feels real even though it has a lot of extreme situations in it. the characters move as they are depicted closely and without unnecessary sentiments. overall an extremly entertaining movie that brings us close foreign cultures from right around the corner.
MrBody Because you watch the movie from the view of the main character -Gabriel. And one could easily ask him/herself why do all the foreigners doing illegal jobs. Anyway as a movie it has a good soundtrack with not-so-unfamiliar plot, but still enjoyable for watching
Gurgy ...everybody else will too. Apparently this film manages to unite people who otherwise have very little in common. The main actor, a Turk, won the price for best actor in Saloniki, Greece. BILD, Germany's biggest populistic and rather right wing oriented newspaper, applauds the movie and its makers, only to be joined by many other voices from any other political directions.One of the strange - and good - things about this movie is to see all these foreign looking people talking perfect german, better german actually than many germans do. As Fatih Akin, the director and author puts it: These are the new germans, this is the new reality. He shows it using a very direct approach, letting his own friends play parts of their own lives.There is a lot of crime and violence in the movie, but hey, this is Hamburg, a big city, with its load of urban problems like any other big city in the world. And if you really think about it: Two people die, but the story seems to be much more violent than most of these action things where dozens and more do the same. Because here, you feel like you know the people, they are not just somebody, during the course of the story you may start liking, but at least knowing them. This is what makes good story telling, in my opinion.