R | 08 February 2002 (USA)
Shiri Trailers

North Korea's 8th Special Forces hijack a shipment of CTX, a potent new liquid explosive, and threatens South Korea as part of a plot to re-unify the two countries. Ryu and Lee, special agents of O.P., South Korea's secret intelligence service, attempt to track down the terrorists and find the CTX. Meanwhile Hee, the 8th's ultra-bad female sniper, resurfaces to wreak havoc and haunt Ryu.

Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
lastliberal You want realistic military training? How about the first one to assemble their gun gets to shoot the competitor in the head? How about target practice with real soldiers interspersed between?How about a film that out grossed Titanic in Korea?How about a really hot secret agent (Yunjin Kim)?Lots of action and exploding buildings. Not really up on the politics, so I am sure I missed something. As some have said, the film is a metaphor for those who want to see a united Korea. The two lovers represent that effort.At the end, it is a rush to find the assassin at a futbol game between the two countries.
chrichtonsworld From the start you will get the idea that this movie is going to be a blast! Soon you will realize that this is not the case! I liked this movie but was expecting so much more! I don't know what the director was trying to achieve! An action movie with a message! Stop the conflict and reunite! Or he was trying to make a thriller with a lot of action in it! As a thriller it fails! From very early on it is obvious who the leak (traitor) is,since there are not many characters to blame! It is interesting to see however the traitor got the info! The story wasn't that bad. But it only function was to set up the surprise twist (which isn't a surprise at all)! The acting is solid! Yunjin Kim (from "Lost) gives a good performance! The action scenes were nice,a bit above average,but nothing really eye popping! The people who are responsible for marketing this movie earn praise. "Shiri or Swiri" got a lot of publicity for a movie that is nothing special!
D. B. In many ways this is an excellent film with good performances all round and with more substance than the pure flash-bang of Hollywood, but the inexperience of the director in the action film genre is noticeable, and I would recommend this film more to a general audience than to lovers of action films.The problem is less with the choreography, which is adequate, than with the overall conception of the fight scenes, which tend to be a bit aimless. There are also a couple of scenes, such as the obligatory flying leap away from an explosion, and a few pistol pointing standoffs, that appear to have been copied from other films, and would have been better left out, but the effect is not so annoying as to be legendary.This film has a strong tragic romantic element, and I can recall few films that carry off the theme better. As such, it has some potential as a girlfriend friendly film, so long as the girlfriend is not too put off by blood!
Nazar (MotifOne) I saw this movie on the recommendation of a Korean friend of mine.(Original dub with English subtitles) The movie evolves around a liquid bomb which the bad people get, and the good people try to get it from them as the bad people threaten the good people.However, i have to say that although at parts the movie gets carried away. The movie is overall interesting and watchable but there are scenes that don't fit into the movie in general and hence cause the only disturbance to the plot. One of the those scenes is regarding love, whenever there is discussion about love of any sort, the acting/action seems unnatural. Plot twists turn out interesting although the plot itself is well worn out.