R | 01 March 1975 (USA)
Shatter Trailers

Shatter, an international contract killer, has been assigned to assassinate the President of a small African country and collect his fee from a bank in the Far East. On arrival in Hong Kong his life is threatened and when the bank denies all knowledge of payment arrangements, he realises he has been drawn into a dangerous game where there are no rules. Amongst the players are the Mafia and several foreign intelligence services and the stakes being played for are deadly.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
inspectors71 I have almost no memory of this film, yet I'm writing a review. Go figure! I seem to remember Stuart Whitman as some sort of hit-man in Hong Kong. It was entertaining and badly dubbed and fairly gory; the sort of movie HBO used to fill up their schedule with when they weren't showing more traditional features and before they went off the air at midnight.My suggestion is to read the ten other reviews and, if this long-lost and forgettable Kung Fu/Spy flick piques your interest, rent it or buy a used copy.Enjoy!
robot-cat It seemed to have pretty low production values for a Hammer film. The music was pretty good, but I imagine it's not original to film. There were a few nice kung-fu fights, but nothing you couldn't find elsewhere.Stuart's character seems to be somewhat clever at times and extremely dim at others.Some of the locations were neat, but only in a documentary way (a look into 70's Hong Kong)You probably won't hate it if you see it, but it's basically a low budget action film with not much to offer.3/10
Wizard-8 Stuart Whitman was a good choice to play the burly and rough-edged hitman of the movie, but it's a pity that he doesn't get much of substance to do. The main fault is a slow-moving screenplay; after the first 20 minutes, it takes about half an hour before things really start to move again, and even after that point things don't really move that much faster. The various action scenes are only okay at best. Though the behind-the-scenes problems the movie suffered from don't make for any real glaring problems, there are still some notable holes here and there. However, the movie does give us a really scenic tour of early 1970s Hong Kong; if you are curious about what it was like to live there back then, the movie may be worth a look.
PIMannix Kicking, shooting and beating aplenty in this Hammer/Shaw Brothers co-production starring Whitman as a hitman with a conscience. Not much here you haven't seen before, but Whitman is OK, the music is kinda funky and, while he doesn't have much screen time, it's always great to see Peter Cushing.