| 11 September 2006 (USA)
Sharkwater Trailers

Driven by passion fed from a life-long fascination with sharks, Rob Stewart debunks historical stereotypes and media depictions of sharks as bloodthirsty, man-eating monsters and reveals the reality of sharks as pillars in the evolution of the seas.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
TheExpatriate700 I rented Sharkwater expecting an environmentally conscious documentary with the emphasis largely on the sharks and their plight. I expected calm reasoning and impassioned calls for defending an endangered species. Instead, I got an ideological screed which actually hurt the reputation of the environmental movement.The film traces the activities of Rob Stewart and his activism on behalf of endangered sharks. The film has some beautiful shark photography, and makes a good argument that we should not see sharks as a danger, but as a vital part of the ecosystem.However, the movie falters when it moves to examine the activities of Stewart and Paul Watson, with whom he has teamed up to defend the sharks. The first troubling sign is when we see the boat they are using for its activities. It has markings on it to list the whaling and fishing boats it has sunk. Stewart depicts Watson and his cohorts in the Sea Shepherd Society as men of action. In fact, they seem disturbingly close to terrorists.This impression is confirmed when the boat attacks a fishing boat that is engaged in illegal sharking. Although Watson and his crew claim to have gotten the go ahead from the Costa Rican government, their actions border on outright terrorism, ramming the much smaller fishing vessel. Their actions at this point create a serious risk of injury and death for the fishing crew, and eliminate all sympathy for Stewart and his cohorts.The film asserts that the fishing crew is funded by the Asian mafia, and that subsequent legal prosecution of Watson and his crew is a result of legal corruption. This ignores the fact that they were ramming a smaller ship. Even if they did so to enforce the law, this simply makes them vigilantes.Furthermore, Stewart's attitude towards sharks at times reminds one of Timothy Treadwell. Even if they are not man-eating monstrosities, they are wild animals that need to be treated with respect. At the beginning of the film, we see Stewart grabbing and basically hugging a shark, holding it in place for over a minute. He is lucky the shark did not turn and bite him in self defense.I turned this film off roughly halfway through in disgust. It may have gotten better, but I highly doubt it.
slake09 A really awful documentary on the reasons for the declining shark population is spoiled by the director's love affair with himself. There is very little good footage of sharks but every scene has the director in it, suntanned and showing off his spiffy new haircut.I watched this because of the high rating on IMDb; shortly after it started I realized that all those good reviews were no doubt done by him. There is no one else on Earth, with the possible exception of his mother, who could think this is a decent documentary.The film is riddled with bad science, questionable facts and exaggeration. You'll hear all about the "Shark Fin Mafia" while watching the director "bravely" ram a small fishing boat with a much larger ship. And why do these self-proclaimed shark saviors need a shotgun on board for "shark protection"? I'm on board with the idea that the oceans are over fished and sharks are being decimated for their fins, and that it should be stopped. The self-obsessed way that they go about it is what makes this a lousy documentary. This director is doing more harm to the environmental cause than help; by being so completely self-centered and using a ridiculous degree of exaggeration in every scene, he makes other environmentalists look foolish by association.This is a missed opportunity to show the world how badly overfishing and finning are destroying the environment.
guptaena Now this was a movie that really made me think about our world and how cruel we humans can really be. Some parts (like the part with the people beating and almost torturing the turtle) in this movie really gets deep in your emotions (only if your an animal lover) and I did cry in this movie with some of the parts shown in this movie. It really did change me and the way I look upon humans. I was literally disgusted by some people on this earth and how they treat animals. If you are a true animal lover and are totally against animal cruelty, this is the movie to watch. It will make you cry if you truly care and change the way you think about not only sharks, but the whole world. I do recommend this movie to anyone but those who can't stand watching animals being beated and tortured or those who just who hate blood. We humans need to watch movies like this one to make a change in the world today. So let's stand together and make a difference!!!
Dan P I mean, if you see this movie, and just watch the news in general. Like one of the guys in this movie says. Humans are just primates out of control. Couldn't agree more. This movie is about the Shark dilemma, a species that has survived for over 400 millions years, and now finds itself close to extinction, do to humans. Now you might say am generalizing people, but its hard to argue against the complete destruction we have done to many species, and ecological systems of the planet earth.The movie just doesn't deal with the dilemma of the Sharks, but also the dilemma for the people that try to actually do something about it. The corruption in this business, the fact Sharks are not as dangerous as we have been told.Must watch.