Ghosts of the Abyss
Ghosts of the Abyss
PG | 10 April 2003 (USA)
Ghosts of the Abyss Trailers

With a team of the world's foremost historic and marine experts as well as friend Bill Paxton, James Cameron embarks on an unscripted adventure back to the wreck of the Titanic where nearly 1,500 souls lost their lives almost a century ago.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Lawbolisted Powerful
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Frederick55110 Wow! What can I, say about this movie that it won't say about itself half way thru? Starting at the end and working back the first thing I, take issue with is the dedication at the end credits "To Walter Lord" the one human who strove to explore and find the truth about the wreck of the Titanic and all things related to it (his uncle was captain of the California, the ships captain charged with not coming to the aide of the Titanic, finally cleared of the charges after his death).From the horrible computer generated graphics that are supposed to be the rovers inside the Titanic, to the stupid computer generated portholes showing the actors inside the diving equipment this work of fiction, sprinkled with just enough facts to make it try to appear genuine is overworked overacted and not very truthful. At the very least its not very accurate. The most humane thing I, can do is to tell anyone reading this that if you want a more accurate and truthful representation of the events of that night simply go to the store and get a copy of Walter Lords "A night to remember" it may be black and white but it does get to the truth of the matter. If you want to find out about what happened to the ship since it sank I, would suggest the A&E movie "Titanic: Death of a dream" with Dr. Robert Ballard, Walter Lord, The living (at the time) survivors of the shipwreck and narrated by David McCallum. Since i'm spouting off about this movie and making recommendations about other movies your probably asking what do I, know about it? Simple, I've studied this ship and dreamed of raising it since I, was a child in the 1960's of course these dreams were dashed when Dr. Ballard found the wreck in pieces. I, never gave up reading and researching this and other shipwrecks.
chowjoe Yes, the moment the shadowy wreck first looms into view sent chills up my spine. But what else was there to this mindboggling waste of time and money?Bill "Mr. Erudition" Paxton's embarrassingly vacuous comments? Unfinished thoughts and pronouncements from that motley crew (What rock, uh, wreck, did these people crawl out from under?)? Then there was the shameless co-opting of 9/11 for dramatic value. And worst of all, there's the bumbling, near-vandalizing of what the filmmakers purport to view as hallowed ground. I cringed whenever the 2 robot-cams raised dust (or is it bacteria or some other form of oceanic life as the marine biologist claims?) squeaking their way through some small opening that real scientists would probably leave unbreached. The climactic moment when they send Bot 1 back to retrieve Bot 2 reached the height of sheer lunatic insensitivity when the rescue rope got caught on something and Cameron panics he may have lost his second robot baby... instead of worrying about how he might be desecrating this relic he so worships. How self-serving can this scumbag be? And what did we learn from this crummy excuse for a movie that we didn't learn from that tearjerking behemoth 6 years ago? There was a recent news story about how the discoverer of the Titanic wreck was bemoaning its exploitation and vandalizing. Now I know who he was referring to.
dkennedy3 A fascinating blend of present-day remains, and the grandeur of the ill-fated ship on its maiden voyage over 90 years ago. The ghosts refer to the super-imposed figures of that bygone era, who give us a glimpse of what it would have been like to travel on the Titanic back then. With all the effects of 3-D working to their advantage, and the eternal intrigue surrounding the sinking, you are nevertheless left awestruck at the ability of the producers to put this film together from over 12,000 feet below the ocean surface. I found that feeling never left me for the duration of the film, even when I made an involuntary movement to catch a rope thrown at us to more fully exploit to wonders of 3-D. This is undoubtedly an above-average film of this type, and worthy of at least 8/10 from me.
serge PREDICTABLE ALREADY SEEN VISUALS. The problem was that most of the ship is all rusted red and therefore everything looks the same. Also a lot of this was shot with non-high quality 2-D digital cameras on 2 movable robots. After a while of seeing all this omnipresent orange-red rust on relatively small screens we don't know what we're looking at, where we are, and we just don't care after a while. The effects of 3D were rarely used except for the face of the russian submarine driver.