Deep Blue
Deep Blue
| 18 May 2003 (USA)
Deep Blue Trailers

Deep Blue is a major documentary feature film shot by the BBC Natural History Unit. An epic cinematic rollercoaster ride for all ages, Deep Blue uses amazing footage to tell us the story of our oceans and the life they support.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
The_Wagon We watched this film in school the other day. I thought that it would have just been some half-hour National Geographic special on the ocean, but it was actually a real movie. They showed us creatures at the bottom of the ocean, and more. The cinematography was excellent, and the music score was also well-done. It always fit with what was going on. It wasn't just some footage from Jaws 4 and an Australian-voiced cartoon character making shark jokes. It was a very well done film, and it was narrated by Pierce Brosnan of James Bond fame. I suggest renting it or something. Hope this review was helpful and all. I give Deep Blue an 8/10.
lastliberal I have just watched three hours of the Galapagos on the National geographic Channel, and am preparing to watch 11 hours on Planet earth on Discovery. What a joy to see this film, narrated by Pierce Brosnan in between.Fi9lmed at the deepest ocean where no light can pierce, the colors and lights that are created by the inhabitants outshine any laser show that you can imagine.This is the wonder and beauty of our planet at its best. I cannot imagine why we have to travel to other worlds, when we have this one waiting for us.
marie_again This is one of the best movies of marine lives. We can watch another universe into the sea. Beautiful images and music make us feel so comfortable. In the sea, it is very different world; however, we have sympathy and impression.The movie, "Deep Blue", show us how the marine creatures live in mysterious sea. In the deep blue world, these creatures don't live without using their wisdom. So I was very surprised at their great power to survive. The polar bear dives into icy ocean and hunt a bigger dolphin for its hungry cub. Emperor penguins have gone without food in order to protect their eggs for three months on the ice of 50 points below zero. It is not only very beautiful but also sad that shakes and dolphins and sea birds fight in water with aiming the school of sardines.The story into the sea is the drama without plot, but for lives in the water, life and death are to their side. So, it's not game; it's serious. They live desperately, so I was much moved. There are cruel scenes, for example the hunting of a killer whale, but it is reality. However, it is interesting in inexperienced world, and we can feel so wonderful, as if you took a trip to all over the sea. You will meet various lives and experience something priceless in this trip. I hope you have nice trip!!
nathan_i_todd I had the opportunity to watch this movie during the Seattle International Film Festival, and I was amazed. I haven't seen the documentary series "Deep Blue Sea" on which it was based, so I cannot comment on how the film compares to that series. What I can say is for any of you who are interested in animal behavior above and below the ocean's surface, you will be amazed. This film has few interruptions between wonderfully paced and edited clips of animal behavior. While I had seen almost all of the animals and plant life that appear in this movie before, this gave me a new and thrilling opportunity to see their lives as the animals themselves do. You hear their voices and experience their emotions. The soundtrack kept me emotionally captivated for the entire 90 minute run time. The filmmakers don't try to narrate the behavior, but let you experience it first hand, to a thrilling effect.However, this movie is not for the faint of heart. The filmmakers spare no detail in showing close up the threats posed to smaller sea life by larger and more voracious variations of life. With that in mind, I recommend keeping young children away from this movie. The children sitting a few rows in front of me in the theater gasped and held onto their parents during the violent scenes in the film.If you do see this movie, make a point to do it on the biggest screen you can find, and sit as close as you can.