R | 09 September 2011 (USA)
Shaolin Trailers

China is plunged into strife as feuding warlords try to expand their power by warring over neighboring lands. Fuelled by his success on the battlefield, young and arrogant Hao Jie sneers at Shaolin's masters when he beats one of them in a duel. But the pride comes before a fall. When his own family is wiped out by a rival warlord, Hao is forced to take refuge with the monks. As the civil unrest spreads and the people suffer, Hao and the Shaolin masters are forced to take a fiery stand against the evil warlords. They launch a daring plan or rescue and escape.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Micitype Pretty Good
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
henhelena It's about life of a man who changed drastically after he loses everything. To watch this film is a spiritual journey. Makes me think about my own life,people I love in this mortal world, about secular desire,mortality, and my own fear of death. The monks are those with no fear of losing anything. They're not fear of losing matters, families, or even their own lives. But they do understand people. They fight for people so the people won't experience those loses.The actors and actress act really good. Perhaps the best of Andy Lau on his career. They successed to make me emotional through some scenes. The combination of the story,acting,dialogue, pictures, and soundtrack are beautiful. The soundtrack (the ending song) itself is beautiful if you understand the meaning. If you interested in the lyrics, here it is in English ( )Conclusion : beautiful, heart-touching, religious, humanize the audiences
Brad Estridge For some reason I passed on watching this a few times. Very glad I chose it to watch tonight. I think the story and message is so amazingly well portrayed as well as the choreography and quality of movie making extremely tasteful and well done. If you've seen Ip Man, or Fist of Legend, or any movie on those levels, and have any appreciation of this genre of martial arts movies...I completely and whole heatedly suggest watching this movie. I was going to suggest to see the trailer, but I think it is best to watch without seeing the trailer. The production and direction of story telling, acting, and showmanship is top notch and I believe anybody can become a better person after seeing this movie.
j-m2002 I have to admit this was not one movie Andy Lau, was meant to be in: at least not a monk. At times the plot gets confusing though it makes me think: Why did he become a monk? I mean really it could have gone in an opposite direction. But the message is quite clear where cruelty is not an absolute answer to everything, with responsibility there is more steps you have to take to watch yourself. That is really quite it of what I watched this movie. 1. story line was quite weak with transition with the general turning into a monk, it almost seem like he was a coward. 2. though give them credit where its due which, there is compassion and forgiveness where Buddihism comes into play. Amazingly they only fight for their self righteousness and self defences. 3. overall I only would recommend viewers seeing this for time to kill or nothing else to do. When i say it missed the mark it seemed like I was watching Ghandi, but the shortened version. The best part of the films is at the end where everything comes together to tells a story of the nonsense. Between the struggling of the feudal lords and their ideals to gain in whatever way.
J_Charles SPOILERS!!! Andy Lau (Hou Jie) plays a blood thirsty tyrant who thinks nothing of eliminating all his opponents in cold blood - even if they happen to be his sworn brothers. Eventually the cruel and cunning Hou gets ambushed in a double-cross perpetrated by his trusted aide. Hou loses everything he cherishes and is forced to take refuge in Shaolin temple, one of the places he had desecrated in his search for an enemy.You can probably guess the rest. The movie's plot is not its strongest point but rather the characters and the acting. The fight scenes are excellent as well without going overboard on the wire-fu. The scenery and cinematography are excellent, looking very realistic.8/10