| 01 June 2011 (USA)
Shaitan Trailers

Five substance-abusing friends decide to fake a kidnapping in order to bribe a police constable for covering-up a hit-and-run accident.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
iammrigank Just when i thought i was done expecting something different from Bollywood, came along this HELL of a movie, pure desi, made in India!! Right from the start, Shaitan is extremely engrossing. I did'nt move an inch throughout the span, and ended it with a feeling of utter satisfaction and gratefulness of not having wasted my time in another stupid movie Bollywood's so full of.Shaitan has no huge starcast. But a small, and in this case, exceptional bunch of actors just gave unbelievable performances. Rajeev, Kalki and even the VJ turned actors, Neil and Nikhil have acted their parts great. But this isn't it. The story and the out-of-the-box movie-making is the heart and soul of Shaitan.Co-Written by Bejoy Nambiar, the director himself, this story is greatly presented. It shows the makers have understood the plot and have captured it just the way they wanted. But what deserves a special mention is the camera juggling the makers have so beautifully performed. Its the kind of camera movement and shot perspective one might expect in a crazy Hollywood movie. Its sheer pleasure to have witnessed such uniqueness in the presentation.Lot said, but its still incomplete without a special mention of, undoubtedly the highest point of the movie. The chase-cum-gunshot scene where the gang outruns a chase after having brutally beaten(probably killed) a man who tried raping Tanya(Kirti Kulhari). There's also a simultaneous gun fight involving Rajeev, Nikhil and Kenyans(!!) with an ultra catchy background score, the remix of classic Hindi song "Khoya Khoya Chand". The scene's breathtaking, to say the least.All in all, this is a must watch for those who are'nt afraid of trying something different for a change. Go watch it, its far from disappointing...
askishore Well, you have to be patient for about half an hour which is listless, but perhaps required to build the characters. But once it takes off after that, it turns out to be one of the best movies in recent times. The scenes have authenticity, I have rarely experienced in Indian movies. Although I had a feeling of knowing how it's all going to unfold, it has been fun to watch it happen.This was like watching the liberation of Hindi cinema. Although I did not like the faces of most of the actors, the casting was perfect. I compliment the makers for ignoring the star system.Definitely worth a watch!
JuanKaius Since the trailers were first out I have been waiting for the film. The song Bali, suits the trailer best. I did miss the first day first show and a few more days and shows consequently, but today I finally got a chance. Shaitan starts with Anurag Kashyap giving a social message. Yes the 'lazy ass ranter', starts the film telling youngsters that alcohol, drugs, cigarettes etc., are bad for them. While if the dialog was start taking drugs, start life, the quote 'well begun is half done' would have been so apt. The scenes from the asylum give us a hint that the movie is on the insane end of brain, like most of Anurag's films are. Then again we have typical scenes, fast introductions, normal 'I hate my parents' people and alcohol and drugs and a lot of drugs. After wild parties, cranky dialogs and a couple of kisses, you reach the scene which has created the hype. The accident scene. And yes, the scene lives up to the hype, it is a great milestone in Hindi cinema. But just a few moment more and you'll have the moment. The moment you'll scream , "What the f***, this is the story of Paanch" and that would sure turn you off, completely! But as the film proceeds you do notice remarkable differences and slowly it attracts your interest. Then the fast paced action, the haunting music, Rajeev Khandelwal's grit and Kalki's neurotic expressions when she is high, makes you want to forgive all the negative aspects of the movie and makes you an instant fan. Remarkable scenes :- When KC asks Amy to open a 'joint account', the accident scene(of course), the crashing of the beer bottle and a TV set, by KC and Dash respectively, on the heads of two guys who were 'teasing' and 'more than teasing' their girls, Khoya Khoya Chand(thats already a rage), the shot where Inspector Arvind Mathur flashes from behind a bed and kills a junkie(though you can't possibly save yourself from machine gun fires with a mattress) and Amy's hallucinations of her mom when she is high in the 'Church'(thats Anurag Kashyap). The weak points of the movie were :- Obviously the script, it could have been better. The director was confused whether he was making a thriller or a black comedy. Too much time wasted on the camera work and special effects. The German girl wasn't really German. The good points were :- The camera work, indeed. Cinematography. The music, especially Bali and Fareeda. The acting – all of the actors have done a very very good job, but special credits to Rajeev Khandelwal and Kalki. In the end, Shaitan is a good film. It is definitely not great! And if you do think otherwise, watch Paanch. You'll know what Bollywood really needs. You'll know who Anurag Kashyap really is!
siddhantadlakha Apart from the marketing, which portrayed the film like a hip, fun, new-age, youth oriented Indian film, there's so much that I found wrong with this movie that I wouldn't know where to begin.First of all, the marketing was kind of misleading, as the film spends far more time on youth- demonization that one would expect. However, that too would have been acceptable if the film had a clear point to it, or perhaps one single strong storyline as its backbone. However, it's muddled with unnecessary subplots that have no relevance to the main story, and seem to be thrown in 'just because', and the film goes through more changes in tone than Nokia phones have over the last decade.If I were to somehow find and isolate what could be called the main 'plot' of the film, it's about a bunch of youths who get involved in a car-accident that leads to the death of.... well it's not clear who dies or how many people die, but they're driving a scooter when they're run over by the car that the kids are in, and then they try and cover the whole thing up, but a corrupt cop asks for a gargantuan sum of money to keep quiet about it.You see, that in itself forms a coherent story, yet the film opens with some hint at a sub-plot about one of the kids' insane mother, a sub-plot that's touched upon only briefly and almost at random throughout the rest of the film, and then spends a good 30-40 minutes showing nothing but the extravagant and edgy lifestyle that these kids live, something that shouldn't have taken longer to show than the length of an average music video. And that's pretty much what the movie felt like until the accident about 40 minutes in, a music video. Flashy images set against music, and NOTHING else.Of course that isn't the only sub-plot that brings this movie down. Somewhere along the way, we're introduced to a cop, who from I can assume, was supposed to come across as the edgy, living on the borders of the law type badass law enforcer, but came across as mentally unstable in a sort of uneasy way. The first thing we see him do is push a guy from a floor's height, and then beat up a guy HE happens to be bribing. And then the film starts to focus on his love life but barely touches the surface of it. And I don't mean his love life is mentioned, entire SCENES are devoted to the relationship between him and his wife to absolutely no consequence.The film gets very preachy at times, straying away from the story to show police corruption, time consuming divorce formalities and even a short scene about rikshaw drivers refusing fare, all of which seemed to belong in a different movie altogether.Oh and for the sake of having a shootout, the cop is sent to investigate the disappearance of a German tourist named Claudia Jones (which doesn't sound German in the slightest), a woman who is meant to be blonde, as stated in the PREVIOUS SCENE, but is played by an Indian girl with dark hair. Oh and the cop also stops machine gun fire with a MATTRESS.But I'm getting off topic here. The sub-plots keep creeping up here and there but are never fully explored as they have little or nothing to do with the actual plot, which takes far too long to get set into place, and even as the film's events begin to unfold, there are some absolutely appalling changes in tone that almost seem random, if it weren't for the fact that I got the indication that the camera angles and scenes had been thought out beforehand, and then the 'story' was added in later. And the characters ended up seeming more like one- dimensional characters than anything else. It seemed like the writer/director threw in every cinematic idea he has ever had into one film.The only positives I felt this film had were 1) Neil Bhopalam (Zubin), the only actor who seemed to have any sort of grounding, while all the others were either devoid of the slightest hint of emotion or shouting and crying like the sky was falling. He was at the same time entertaining and engaging, but the script didn't do his talent justice. And 2) The cameo appearance by Rajat Barmecha of Udaan. Not because it was an especially great performance, or necessary at all for that matter, but because it reminded me that films like Udaan still exist, so all hope for youth-oriented Indian cinema isn't lost just yet.All in all, I felt it was a film that promised a lot, but in the process of trying to deliver too much at once, failed to deliver any thing at all. All style and no substance, Shaitan is one of the most disconnected films I've seen in recent memory, and will be remembered as nothing more than a severe disjoint between content and execution.A film being well directed is pointless if it's a bunch of well directed nothing.