NR | 29 October 2010 (USA)
Gandu Trailers

After Nihilistic rapper Gandu steals from his mother's lover, he embarks on a drug-fueled rampage with a rickshaw puller.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
sudipmaitra I could never imagine for the life of me how a pornographic movie like this could ever be made and shown in India and above all conservative Bengal. I mean the Mamata Banerjee and her cronies will of course blame it on the previous government but why did they not ban it when they came to power. The story is OK but the language and sexual depiction is least to say deplorable. This movie is obviously meant for the pseudo intellects and those in the lower stratus of society who have a life similar to Gandu portrays in the film. There is no message or a moral where in the end one should either say no to drugs or denounce it completely. What it does do on the contrary is to glorify it. By all this Im not saying that the story line was bad or the characters didn't do their part well. They did. The music was great and Im impressed with the band that played the songs but the lyrics are worse than you hear on underground tapes made by Snoop Doggy Dog and other like him. The sound was bad and the background noise makes you think that its a home movie shot on a 8 MM camera of the old era.Someone commented about the the flat that Gandu and his mother lived in grand but was sparsely furnished. This was because the flat was provided by Gandu's mother's lover.In conclusion I would like to ask that though I have left Bengal 15 years ago has the mind of the people changed so much that you now show porn movies in cinema halls? This is probably the boldest Indian movie I have seen in my 66 years.
Jagannath Chakravarti (jesse13788) Having stumbled across my review of the director's previous venture Bishh on this site (written some four years ago), there came a natural compulsion to jot this down as well. After the experience of Bishh, my expectations when I finally came across this 'banned' film was not high. The steamy trailer did little to pique much interest although it became a rage among the online (and offline) masses. To be honest, it felt somewhat gimmicky and I was afraid the film was going to turn out to be something similar. Well, it didn't. Gandu is, despite its name, brilliant. The moments of transgression this motion picture dares to make were outlandish, perhaps even 'affected' by a certain sense of the word, but never fails to make a mark. The cinematography is vibrant, the music stimulating. The writing may not have been perfect, but what do I know of perfection... I liked it. There was a profound 'honesty' to the angst (I was tempted to write 'psychedelic honesty') and it was provoking, even without a blunt before the show. Joyraj and Anubrata were perfect to the T & Rii was her best yet. Kamalika was hauntingly natural. The direction had a rudderless precision to it that strikes the right chord, and the interesting play of subtitles didn't harm one bit.I don't know if I can agree with a fellow reviewer calling it one of the best Indian movies ever (although I 'dug' the Midsummer quote), but Gandu is definitely a benchmark as far as Indian Independent Cinema is concerned. It's art, and a fine piece too!
Supriyo Mukherjee Gandu 4.5/5Tarantino? Lulz. Quashiq Mukherjee makes Tarantino look like an idiot in this movie. I have seen this movie twice in the last 24 hours and am still awestruck by the weirdness. You have never seen something like this before. NEVER. This movie shocked me, in a pleasant way :PGandu is a loser who hates his life, who hates his mother and pretty much everything else except his Rickshawpuller friend. Gandu has to tolerate a shady guy who comes and has sex with his mother regularly. He decides to live life on his own terms and enters the world of smack, rap and porn. The soundtrack is bloody amazing. Absolutely awesome. Indian progressive rock at its f**king best. The direction is top notch and the camera work is outstanding. Actors have done a splendid job. We often crib about the quality of Indian Cinema but this movie has definitely changed the face of Indian cinema forever. Trust me, this movie deserves over a 100 re-runs. I am probably gonna screen it in my college pretty soon. I am not always impressed by random stuff but I loved this movie. Devote 90 minutes of your life to this movie and I promise, you won't regret it.
dasvid_beckham_me PORN EXISTS AND YOU KNOW IT!FTW Type Cinema. brilliant in almost all spheres. 10/10. can't write 10 lines so will copy paste some poem from somewhereOver hill, over dale, Thorough bush, thorough brier, Over park, over pale, Thorough flood, thorough fire! I do wander everywhere, Swifter than the moon's sphere; And I serve the Fairy Queen, To dew her orbs upon the green; The cowslips tall her pensioners be; In their gold coats spots you see; Those be rubies, fairy favours; In those freckles live their savours; I must go seek some dewdrops here, And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear.