Sexe, magouilles et culture générale
Sexe, magouilles et culture générale
| 11 June 2001 (USA)
Sexe, magouilles et culture générale Trailers

Franck Petit, an unscrupulous and vulgar producer, has been in charge of "Culture pour tous", a very popular game show, for years. But for some time now, the ratings have been dropping significantly. Paulette is responsible for this, a contestant who has been winning for eighteen weeks and who no longer appeals to viewers, whether they are housewives, teenagers or even young dynamic executives. A solution is needed to solve the problem: eliminate her. To achieve this, Frank Petit decides to use all means, even the most vile, hoping to impose, instead, the young and sultry Cindy.

Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.