R | 05 March 2002 (USA)
Severed Trailers

A ritualistic serial killer is beheading victims all over a city, and those surrounding the case are pulled into his world as they try and stop him.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
mcoatta While I don't know how many movies I've seen over the course of my life, I DO know that I have never seen a movie as bad as this. There are no redeeming qualities to be found here, not even the "so bad it's funny" charm that some movies have. So what's this atrocity all about? There's a guy going around decapitating people and from what I remember from the barely audible dialogue, he's been doing this for a few years. Apparently, the police didn't seem all too concerned because only recently, they decide to get some help from a bounty hunter named Blake, who might just be the most unlikable character in anything I've ever seen. Blake gets help from a woman who specializes in voodoo and things just go from there. I believe I read on here from another reviewer that this looks like something from a high school video production class. Now, I'm not a teacher but had it actually been a high school project, I would give it a D Minus, maybe a D and make every student involved revise it, which someone should've made the director do.The lighting, if you can call it that, is awful. As I mentioned above, the dialogue is barely audible. The acting is practically non existent and no one has an ounce of charisma. The effects and camera work are by far the worst offense and I want to provide one scene in particular as an example. I don't know if that counts as a spoiler but I'm going to give a spoiler warning just in case. After meeting with the Voodoo lady, Blake heads home. He sits down to read a magazine and suddenly, the camera cuts to the image of a very fake severed head on top of his TV. The camera then "zooms" in to Blake's very fake startled expression three times. The head looks like a basic styrofoam head sloppily painted and covered with a cheap wig and dollar store fake blood. The "zooming" looks like the editor(s) took a screenshot of Blake's startled face and messed around with it to give the illusion of zooming in.To wrap things up, just avoid this movie and watch something else like Battlefield Earth or House of the Dead. Hell, even the old Sci Fi Channel Original Movies are better. Sure they're awful but at least you'll be able to have some good laughs with a group of friends. Watching this with a group of friends will make them never want to speak to you again.
saucylad Gotta go with the bleach.I registered here just to warn people away from this movie. I love bad movies. This movie is not bad. It's not even a movie, except in the sense of there's a lot of pictures that make the illusion of movement on screen. I wouldn't be saying this much about it, except for the guidelines. Here's a spoiler that will save you the trouble: the bounty hunter kills the bad guy and becomes the voodoo god at the end. Dare we hope for Severed II? I'm going to go bite my own fingers off for making that suggestion.
Julie Hoverson OK, I love bad horror. I especially love horror bad enough to make fun of. Demonicus, or House of the Dead - those were bad enough to make fun of. Severed was not.It was worse.(spoilers - who cares?)My friend and I sat through the entire film, and I have a number of comments, both in the "this sucks" style and in the realm of actual critiques.Plot (sort of) - There's a guy in this city (which is possibly Seattle, see comment below) who is running around and cutting off heads. He's been doing this for over a year (I'm not going back to get exact numbers - thank you VERY much), possibly two or three years. One head a week. And the police are JUST NOW calling in a "specialist" (who ONCE refers to himself as a psychic, but that never comes up again).Schya right! Feds take over after, what, THREE connected homicides? After NEARLY A HUNDRED SIMILAR KILLINGS we'd be under freaking martial law!!!!!Anyway, this "specialist" consults the voodoo chick who the police have been ignoring the entire time, and the two of them come to the conclusion that it's Baron Samedi, a voodoo spirit, who is cutting off heads to gain enough power to make himself a body (and then presumably take over the world - or possibly just go to Disneyland).Um.Setting - where IS this happening? Well, if you're not from Seattle, you might not realize that at the bar/rave (occupied by about ten of the movie staff and their family members), there's a poster for a local radio station, and that in the highly-entertaining, "Pulp Fiction"esqe dialog (as IF) between the two cops (yes, the ones who get their heads cut off about 15 minutes into the flick) they discuss "the new stadium" which may still have been an issue when this movie was made.Being from Seattle, I apologize on the movie's behalf and hang my head in shame.OK, here's where it gets really critical - being a horror movie writer (not published, don't go looking for my name in the IMDb), I do research. Lots of research. And unlike the writers of this movie, I know that Baron Samedi - while a Voudon Loa (spirit) who guards the graveyards and has traditionally been associated (by various Christian oppressors) with "Satan" - is actually a "Loki"-like trickster god. In other words, he doesn't cut off heads.Besides, a major part of the Voudoun religion is that Baron Samedi can have a body whenever he wants. Their religious ceremonies center around the possession of various members of the congregation by the loa.Not to mention, if he's already possessed someone, why make a NEW body?Also, if Baron Samedi GOT a body, he wouldn't go around cutting off heads, he'd get some good rum and cigars and par-TAY!!!In summary, the only thing they did get (surprisingly) right is that in the completely unnecessary Tarot card reading (used only to show that the voodoo chick is "spooky") they didn't screw up the interpretations of the cards the way most movies do. Again, I've done research. (Anyone remember the old late-night ad for phone-in tarot readings - "The lovers - you will soon fall madly in love..." and all that nonsense?)If you made it this far through my comments, I congratulate you. And I'm sorry again. I'll be more sorry if you feel the need to watch the film on account of me, so please don't.
Joshua Bozeman Possible spoilers, but trust me, it does not matter whatsoever!Okay, I could only take 10 mins of this movie…maybe less than that. I feel dizzy from trying to SEE what on earth was taking place on screen. Word of advice to the half wits who made this poor excuse for a movie, get jobs at mcdonalds! Your careers are over!! From watching 10 mins, I can tell you this much- the production values are horrible…99% of what I watched was so dark, you couldn't tell what was going on.In the first few minutes, a killer who must be invisible and make no sound whatsoever sneaks up on two people and kills them…the woman is trying to crawl away (I guess she suddenly went paralyzed below the waist?) and then she props her head on her arms like she's about to read a good book on the ground, and dials 911…Two cops sit on the side of the road- of course, all the undercover cops read the newspaper and chat on the side of dead end streets! Also..what is with their car? It's some piece of junk that looks 10 years old…I guess the police budget must have been cut off in their city! They get a call over the radio about a homicide in a parking lot (the two I mentioned before)…good timing by the police, seeing as how the killer just got em oh, say 30 seconds ago!! And, I highly doubt there was a witness in the middle of the night in some parking lot! If so, I think the killer would have went after them too! So, the bumbling cops speed off in the crapmobile of a police car without a flash bar (again, the small police budget)…and what do they do when they get to the area (which they just so happen to reach within 10 seconds of getting the call?) They ram the killer with their car! I'm sure the ACLU would have something to say about that! Then, the killer who they think is dead jumps off the ground and takes off…running with superhuman speed, seeing as how the cops who must be driving 50 mph can't even catch him…More darkness, so dark, I have no idea what happened really…plus, the camera work was so shaky, I was about to get sick…all I DO know is that both cops are killed…dummy heads covered in blood are dropped to the ground (they were decapitated.)Next, we see badly done credits with shots of blood in between each credit. After this, we go to what is supposed to be a police station (very bad set design!)…one cop comes in and tells another cop they need to nab this murderer! And..get this…one cop tells the other to sit down, you're making a scene (yes, he's making a scene in the empty office in the dark), the other cop replies with, `I can't sit down. Got no ass left. Chief just chewed it off.' LOL. This alone tells me that my next 60 mins or so will be filled with nothing but sheer boredom and dread.That's a mere ten minutes of this garbage! Take into consideration that the rest of the movie is occupied by a former female wrestler from WCW (I have no idea who she is, not being a fan of wrestling!)…just think about it. Whoever wrote this movie should be exiled!!