R | 02 September 1988 (USA)
Freeway Trailers

A deeply-disturbed priest goes on a murderous night-time rampage across America's highways.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Jacob Stephens Freeway Killer, Is a Madman who shoots people on the freeway while yelling a bunch of mystical chant on a car phone. The police believe he is a random killer, but Sunny, the blond heroine, played by Darlanne Fluegel detects a pattern. So does the ex-cop, played by James Russo, and they join forces, and bodies, in the search for the villain who has done away with their spouses. Also starring Richard Belzer, this movie has its moments especially if you like car chases, but its really not a good movie for the most part, check it out if you're really bored and have already seen The Hitcher, Joy Ride, or Breakdown, otherwise stay away from the freeway.
triple8 SPOILERS THROUGH:It's really kind of funny how you see a movie a long time ago and it sticks in your head. I saw this with a bunch of friends many years ago, and while we didn't like it very much, it held our attention. The main problem this movie has is it's like a million other movies of this type that play late at night and have a similar plot. My friends and I have seen many yet for some reason this stuck in my head and my friends' heads as well.Negatives first. It is rather overlong and one feels the time. The plot's' been done before many a time. Then there is the low budget factor of the movie which didn't actually bother me all that much because I sometimes really dig some low budget b-type movies. But the movie really did seem very much like other late nights of this type, it's difficult to keep from mixing it up with others.The biggest positive about Freeway is that years later, many many years after first having seen it, For some reason my friends and I still occasionally talk about it. So it must have made a bit more of an impact then others of this type. I think as a late night this is maybe worth seeing but I wouldn't pay money to view it. I'm giving it a vote of 5 because unlike scores of other similar movies we remembered this one. My vote's 5.
deemes I love Freeway! What a four-eyed, club-footed, red-headed stepchild of a movie! James Russo wants to be Mickey Rourke *sooooo* bad--and what issue of Penthouse did Darlanne Fluegel escape from? This is one of those enjoyably bad movies that you might refer to as a guilty pleasure. Richard Belzer is good as the disc jockey who receives phone calls from the psycho killer. And as the psycho killer... well, no one makes a more entertaining psycho than Billy Drago. The most chilling scene in the movie is the one where Darlanne and James find the picture of ol' Billy dressed as a priest. Best watched late at night with a small gathering of smart-alec pals, MST3K-style.
aaronas I'm a fan of Crash and Blade Runner and this movie explores some of those highway death and 80s film noir themes that I like to see, so I enjoyed it.In general though, the essential stupidity of the film noir protagonist is not pulled off well by the female lead and her hero is nearly a neanderthal, hence the kitch warning.