Sergeant Madden
Sergeant Madden
| 24 March 1939 (USA)
Sergeant Madden Trailers

A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
ksf-2 Larger than life Wallace Beery is Sergeant Madden, the cop on the beat, who can solve any problem. About twenty minutes in, we jump ahead to when his son Dennis is applying to the police academy, and must learn some hard lessons. Alan Curtis plays "Dennis", and died young at 43, after surgery. Interesting note... Don Haines plays Milton; Haines enlisted early in the war, and died fighting in Africa at the young age of 23. Also look for David Gorcey (Punchy).. younger brother of the better known Leo Gorcey from the "Bowery Boys" films. In the story, Dennis is stubborn, and can't seem to get along with anyone, including members of his own family. Dennis is sweet on Eileen (Laraine Day) , the girl that the family had taken in as a baby. This was one of Day's early roles, and was only 18. Dennis gets into all kinds of trouble, and Dad (Beery) tries to get him out of it, if he can. Pretty good story. Very typical in the days of the mob and a mix of good cops and bad cops. Only 90 votes as of today. Must not be shown on Turner Classics very often. It's pretty good; hope they show it more frequently. Directed by Josef von Sternberg, who had been nominated for Oscars in 1931 1nd 1932.
jdeureka "Sergeant Madden" is a remarkable movie on many levels. First, it's an excellent Irish-American melodrama -- and unashamedly so. You don't like melodrama, don't watch this movie. You like strong emotions and interpersonal conflicts, extravagant actions and feelings, people and situations that push it just that little bit too far -- watch it. Second, Berry does what he always does perfectly - - the tough old guy with a heart of gold, with an edge of the maniac in the glint of his eye. The other actors are equally strong, play each part to the melodramatic, Irish-American hilt; family, loyalty, work, love, comradeship, the whole wonderful and emotional lot. Third, the crowing touch is the blend of direction and scenery & settings, the rich tapestry of indoors and outdoors urban backdrop of late 1930s USA. Josef von Sternberg, as usual, saw and found God in the details. (Inspect the living room or the boarding house!) Watch it. Enjoy. They don't make'em like this anymore. Except as a parody. Which this is not. Here's the real thing.
bkoganbing Wallace Beery pulls out all the stops in scene stealing and as an extra has a touch of the brogue in his speech as Sergeant Madden of the NYPD. Of course when we first meet Beery he's merely Patrolman Madden who finds a baby girl on his doorstep and brings him home to wife Fay Holden. Beery and Holden already have a boy of their own and a neighbor's kid who hangs around so much he's like one of the family.The kids grow up to be Laraine Day, Alan Curtis, and Tom Brown respectively. Curtis is a newly minted patrolman himself fresh from the Academy and burning with ambition and now married to Day although Brown has a thing for her. He shoots a young punk David Gorcey caught in the act of a robbery although he could have with some effort taken him alive. That whole incident shows how times have changed, today Curtis would be suspended, maybe kicked off the force for shooting an unarmed suspect. As it is he gets a leery well done, but earns the ire of local hood Marc Lawrence whose girl friend Marion Martin was Gorcey's sister.Lawrence arranges a nice little jackpot for Curtis and I won't say any more because the plot of Sergeant Madden gets more maudlin and unbelievable as it continues. Although the private Wallace Beery was hardly matching the lovable oafish type Beery portrayed in sound films even as a villain, Sergeant Madden is the kind of film that Beery was asked to carry strictly on the strength of that appeal. Beery carries Sergeant Madden to an average rating for me, strictly on that appeal.
MartinHafer MGM worked hard to create on and off-screen personas for the stars. Sometimes these images weren't far from the truth and other times they bore little similarity to the facts. A great case in point is Wallace Beery. Through the 30s and 40s, MGM cultivated the image of a giant teddy bear of a man--gruff but with a heart of gold with a soft spot for children. Unfortunately, everything I have ever read about Beery is that he was a total creep--violent, angry and an all-around mean guy. Apparently his violence led to this divorce from Gloria Swanson and Jackie Cooper's autobiography describes Beery as surly and often drunk. Not a nice guy at all...but a sweetheart on camera.I mention all this because "Sergeant Madden" might just be the quintessential 'nice guy' role for Beery. He is not just a cop--but an almost impossible to believe nice cop! He has an affinity for bringing home orphans and adopting them--he's THAT nice in the film! It's not just because I know about the real-life Beery that this is silly--no one is THAT nice and the film overdid this in the film. Giving him some flaws would have been great, as his character in this film makes Santa look like a serial killer!! Now had this been the only excess of the movie, I could have easily looked past it. However, throughout the film I kept thinking 'this CAN'T happen in real life!'--and the plot does strain reality way past the breaking point! The film begins with Beery adopting kids. However, as his own son grows, he shows a vicious streak. He wants to be a policeman like his old man, but without any of the sweetness or restraint. His methods are to make the public fear him and it's not too long before he shoots a young criminal in the back. He clearly over-stepped his bounds and should have been up on manslaughter charges, but for some odd reason the police look the other way. But, the mob is furious--this cop must be taught a lesson. So, they frame the bad cop and soon he's sent to prison. But he soon escapes and goes from bad cop to a one-man crime spree--killing and stealing with abandon! And so, in the end, it's up to good ol' Sergeant Madden (Beery) to come to the rescue.As you probably gathered from this description, the plot is very hard to believe. HOWEVER, here's the odd IS very entertaining and is a film you just can't stop watching. My 16 year-old who rarely ever watched old films sat through this one and enjoyed it--despite the schmaltz and ridiculous plot. So, I think it deserves a 6--it is worth seeing despite its shortcomings.