Seoul Raiders
Seoul Raiders
| 05 February 2005 (USA)
Seoul Raiders Trailers

Agent Lam (Tony Leung) sets out to track a pair of plates used to make fake American dollars. When he discovers the plates, they are conned out of him by enigmatic US Embassy workers Owen (Richie Ren) and JJ (Shu Qi). With the trail now leading to Korea, Lam sets off in hot pursuit. There, amidst the dangerous and glamorous urban landscape of Seoul, Lam finds himself confronting an underworld crime boss known as the Polar Bear, head of the biggest counterfeiting organisation in Asia.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Seoul Raiders" is a great sequel to the "Tokyo Raiders" movie. Why? Well because it has what you need in a Hong Kong movie; action, comedy, martial arts, and of course a good story.The story starts out in Hong Kong where Lam (played by Tony Leung) meets JJ (played by Shu Qi) during a robbery for some plates to make money. US government agent Owen (played by Richie Ren) is to take the plates into custody, but someone gets tricked. The trail leads to Seoul, Korea, and the chase is on. But who tricks who, and who can you trust?The action scenes in "Seoul Raiders" were nicely choreographed and with just enough comedy to make it great - and by that I mean it is not Jackie Chan action comedy (eventhough that is awesome, by the way). But "Seoul Raiders" manages to mix in comedy in the action, and it works out well enough. And the dialogue is full of funny remarks as well, which helps it along. However, it is sort of odd that there are very little use of guns in this movie. You would assume that Korean mobsters or criminals would be carrying and using guns. But no, it was all handled by hand and foot here, in displays of good martial arts. Don't expect the martial arts scenes to be in the scales of Jackie Chan or Donnie Yen, then you will just be disappointed. But still, the martial arts was great and nicely choreographed.However, the movie was carried by two of the bigger stars of Hong Kong cinema, that being Tony Leung and Shu Qi. It should be said that Richie Ren did a great job as well, but to know who he is, you must really be into Hong Kong cinema, as he is not as established outside Asia as Tony Leung and Shu Qi are. The Korean recruited cast also did great jobs with their roles."Seoul Raiders" is good entertainment both story-wise, action-wise and comedy-wise, as it merges all three genres quite well.
ebiros2 One thing I can say about this film is it's not entertaining except for watching the landscape around Seoul which is one of the cleanest city I've ever seen. Action is one of the worst I've seen, with characters I get to hate watching, and pretty bad music.Director just wasn't into putting in details that makes movie compelling. Movie is often a reflection of director's personality, and this guy either is a very boring guy, or wasn't into it when he made this.Owen character was pretty annoying to me. Yeah I would want to punch him in the face. That bad. With the main antagonist being of this caliber, there's no hope of movie getting off the ground.Rating this movie is a no win situation. The plot is totally boring which was seen many times before on other movies of counterfeit money plate being the plot ploy to keep the story going. I watched this movie till the end because I wanted to see more of Seoul's city scape.
gridoon "Tokyo Raiders", made in 2000, was a fun, lightweight action film that didn't exactly cry out for a sequel. But after five whole years one was made anyway, and it is another fun, lightweight action film that manages to equal, if not top, its predecessor. There are some creative fight / chase scenes (in the subway, on the wings of a bi-plane, etc.), and most of them have a comic element as well. It's always nice to see a Hong Kong film with real martial arts and limited wire-work and CGI, though the editing can be confusing at times. Tony Leung is a cool and suave lead, like an Asian version of James Bond. Shu Qi is charming, if perhaps underused action-wise. And Richie Ren does a good job of replacing Ekin Cheng (not in the same role) from the first film. Overall, "Seoul Raiders" is a film that doesn't pretend to be anything more than it is - pure entertainment - and I enjoyed it on that level both times I saw it. (**1/2)
thebeautifulones 8/10 because TLCW acts well when his characters are wisecracking and look cool. Honestly, I preferred his wisecracking character in Dr Mack.Shu Qi and the 3 Korean babes provide excellent eye candy. I actually like the 3 Korean babes because the way they spoke their Mandarin (I saw the dubbed version, which might have been quite inaccurate) sounded so cute beyond words.Ritchie Ren's portrayal of Owen was quite believable, complete with the rather American accented Mandarin (for those who saw it in Cantonese, the effect might have been different, I didn't catch it on DVD). I actually thought he was the evil character at first, and when the twist came that Lam was actually his partner, that came as a bit of a shock. The so-called victim, Lam, was playing a trick on Owen to lure out Polar Bear, and not the other way around. That bit was quite cool.To see 4 babes fight just screamed Charlie's Angels. In short, unbelievable. But hey, the film wasn't meant to be taken seriously, right? It's film! It's fantasy.The trick played on Owen, with the wasabi was fun, the effect believable (did Ritchie Ren actually eat the wasabi when acting out the scene? If he did, it was quite good!).Other than the eye candy and fight scenes without guns, which again screams Charlie's Angels, it isn't a totally bad film. I'd give the film 8/10 because I'm feeling generous, that's all.