Selfie from Hell
Selfie from Hell
| 25 January 2018 (USA)
Selfie from Hell Trailers

Julia, an online vlogger from Germany, comes to the US to visit her cousin Hannah. Upon her arrival, Julia falls fatefully ill, prompting Hannah's suspicion of the strange and sudden illness. When unusual happenings start taking place in her home, Hannah begins a relentless internet search to discover the cause. She comes across Julia's vlog entries and finds herself immersed deep in the web - too deep - in a place where terror knows no end.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
reeves2002 I read somewhere horror movies are for the most part made cheap & producers take chances on unknown directors and actors but they have to get their start and it's usually in this genre. I knew nothing about this movie except for seeing the poster advertising it the day I saw avengers infinity war. I like horror films and learned it was filmed in the city I live in and was a feature length film based off the popular short film of the same title. I gave it a chance & don't understand all the hate for this movie and it's low rating. I enjoyed it and like the way it tries to bring a new horror idea into pop culture. The movie is mostly about a young woman who encounters a powerful force of evil while doing an internet search into the odd events that happened to her visiting cousin after taking a selfie for her YouTube channel. The movie was atmospheric with a lot of jump scares and well acted by the cast, but had a few plot holes so give it a 7 out of 10.
Paul Wycherley I like the concept and idea of the film as it is something fresh on a lackluster social media internet crazed genre.This had the making to be a stand out film if it had backing and with that backing a bigger budget and more in-depth script, selfie from hell suffers from a rushed story. As said before I liked the idea of this film but what we got was not great with sound effects that came from the cutting room floor of insidious to the film only running for just over an hour. Selfie from hell had the potential to be great but with a tight budget and a rushed story and script it falls flat on its face which I'm disappointed in as was hoping for much better.
lordkrythic I guess I should go ahead and admit that I did not finish watching this movie. I made it about a quarter of the way through it before realizing the type of movie that it was, and at the same time, understanding that it was a waste of my time.There is quite literally, and I could not make this up if I tried, a jump scare every minute to two minutes. And they aren't even well executed jump scares, either. If you watch a lot of movies you will probably agree with me that jump scares do not equate to good horror. It's a cheap way to get a reaction out of people. To be honest, only one of them got me, and the rest were just more and more annoying than the last. I stopped watching simply because they started to annoy me.It's quite possible that this is exactly what the directors and writers were going for in this movie, to capitalize on the "selfie and jump scare fad", and that's why they are so ubiquitous throughout the movie. It's almost like they actually made sub-notes in the script that said "we don't know what to do here, so just add another jump scare and maybe no one will notice the lack of a storyline". The movie really is that bad, and quite frankly, I guess it's sort of my fault, because I went into a movie called "Selfie From Hell" and expected something a little bit existential.I really don't know. Would I recommend this to a friend? No. Should you watch this? I would honestly say no, as well. And if you feel the need to watch it, at least do so on a free movie platform like Solarmovie or something similar. But certainly don't give these people any money, because they don't deserve it.
ops-52535 I might as well admit it, i'm too old for crap like is all about the dangers of cyberspace,selfie selfishness,hyperactive cathatonism,supersticous e.mails,TOR,darkweb ,sosiophathy from living a social life on the internet and all the means that have emerged from science since i passed my learning ''phase of life''. the acting are decent,the music very well used,some jolts of horror were present,thanks to the score,but the story and plot must have been made while under the influence of psychoactive drugs,its based on lsd hallusinations,and rythm of ecstasy. it is a 4'er under doubt,and no more than that. kids will love it,and hopefully not copycat it.
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