Self Storage
Self Storage
R | 16 September 2013 (USA)
Self Storage Trailers

Jake is the overnight security guard at a highly-secured Self Storage facility in rural Rhode Island. When his friend's party plans fall through, he invites them to his job site to throw a fiesta of his own. There couldn't be a better location: removed, no people, nothing but party... right? Innocent mischief turns a naughty night of fun into an evening of horror. We soon learn that some things were meant to stay under lock and key and certain places were supposed to be left undisturbed. The kids aren't the only ones at the self storage facility who are looking for a night of fun.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Leofwine_draca A low budget, low rent slasher flick. As is usual for this particular genre, the film is blighted by poor scripting and poor acting, not to mention a godawful soundtrack as another reviewer has mentioned. It's automatically bottom-of-the-barrel stuff, albeit with a single exception: somebody brought in cast members Eric Roberts and Michael Berryman, teamed them up with lots of humorous one-liners, and made the film mildly watchable as a result.Truthfully, Roberts and Berryman are the only good things in this. The humour they bring is a lot of fun, even if their character motivations remain resolutely unbelievable. Elsewhere it's just bad acting, random sex and drug scenes, and characters being irritating. There are some strong gore and torture scenes but they're not dwelt on too much, thank goodness, alongside some choice nudity from the actresses. It's all very poor indeed, apart from the scenes with Roberts and Berryman.
ikeybabe I watched this film because Eric Roberts is king of B-movies. But this doesn't even rank as a B-movie. This was incredibly hard to watch. *Spoiler Alert* I'm not supposed to root for the shady guys who steal organs from the innocent, right? But, I wanted everyone of those so- called college kids (yeah, sure they were college students) to bite it and have their bodies harvested down to bones and muscles. They were all so extremely unlikable - starting with security guard slacker and every single one of his idiot friends. The acting throughout this film was pathetic. The script was nonsense and the ending crap.It was nice to see Michael Berryman in a speaking role though. Usually he's relegated to grunts. Overall, one should avoid this clunker at all cost. And Tom DeNucci should find himself some classes or try another line of work.
suite92 Walter and Trevor have quite a nasty but lucrative business going in black market organs. They set up at self storage facilities, do some business, then move on. They often supply Jonah, who has connections and access to lots of money.Jake overhears Walter tell Trevor that they are leaving, and will fire Jake. So Jake sets up a party at the facility. In the process, he ruins the product that Walter and Trevor were going to sell to Jonah. To make things even worse, Jonah is coming that same night with money and people to collect the organs and whatever else was involved.When Walter and Trevor go to check the product, they find that Jake has more or less destroyed all the organs being carried by the kidnapped victims. So the obvious choice is to harvest the organs from the drugged out fools at Jake's party.The idiots continue to party. Trevor starts knocking them out and bringing them in for harvesting. After everyone else is captured or dead, Jake, Freddie, and Sara-Marie counter-attack using weapons stolen from someone's storage locker.Who will come out of this happy (or alive)? Jake and friends? Jonah's mob? Walter and Trevor? None of the above? -----Scores------Cinematography: 5/10 Varies from sub-VHS quality to nice and clear. This is a bit jarring at times.Sound: 3/10 OK, except that the actors speak now and then, and the incidental music is played.Acting: 2/10 This is a vanity film for Tom DeNucci, who is not even convincing as a drugged out idiot. Veterans Eric Roberts and Michael Berryman certainly know how to act, but the weak star/director/writer did not get much out of them. Jonathan Silverman seemed to phone his performance in, but from a separate movie.Screenplay: 2/10 The ideas were not too bad, but the execution was utter and complete nonsense. The ending was the worst, worse than all the rest of this wretched film put together.
TheatreNachos I'm not one to use hyperbole a lot when reviewing films. I never use "worst movie ever" or "this movie makes me want to rip my eyes out", etc. That said, this movie is awful. Although it's probably not the worst I've ever seen, it's the worst all-around film I've seen in a long time. By all-around I mean the acting, writing, directing, music, editing...the works. It's all bad with no real bright spot at all.Without giving anything away, the film follows a young guy who works at a storage facility who decides to invite friends over to his job to have a small party after hours. Soon, the carnage begins and the party turns into a fight for survival. The filmmakers try their hardest to make the plot more than just a slasher film but their idea falls completely flat and begs for answers to logical questions...these questions are never answered as a result, I suspect, of lazy filmmaking. For example (of lazy filmmaking), in the first five minutes of the film, you see the main character playing guitar, smoking weed, and basically acting like a slacker. This montage during the credits is meant to tell us that this is the cool guy--but like any bad filmmaker--they use a series of stereotypical actions to show us this fact. This model of using stereotypes is pretty much followed for every character in the film. So much so that some characters don't even appear to act like human beings, but cartoonish stereotypes of the type of person they are trying to portray. Even Eric Roberts seems embarrassed to be seen in this film. He has a very difficult time keeping his part together surrounded by such horrible acting. The music is awful. Just crappy rock and alternative numbers that are probably songs from a band the director knows. They use the music like films from the 90's during suspenseful scenes: Play some generic metal guitar riff during chase scenes and some horrible rock song (with words!) during scenes you want us to believe have tension. Yes, it's that bad.You get the idea here. This is a bad film. I would suggest only watching this if you are looking for a "what not to do in filmmaking" example or if you like to torture yourself with laughable movies. Otherwise, beware.