See No Evil 2
See No Evil 2
R | 21 October 2014 (USA)
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A group of friends pays a late-night visit to the city morgue to surprise Amy on her birthday. But the surprise is on them when the one-eyed corpse of brutal psychopath Jacob Goodnight unexpectedly rises from a cold sub-basement slab, turning their wild party into a terrifying slay-fest.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
torstensonjohn The first film in 2006 from WWE studios was a disaster in the making. Truth be told WWE studios has NO successful films to prop up. They are generic, campy and always have a wrestler as a star. It did not work for Hulk Hogan, nor did it for Triple H. The Rock and John Cena may be the exceptions to this rule. Kane as the antagonist (Glenn Jacobs) is horrid at acting, but could be a triumph as a psychopath given proper direction. The premise takes place in a morgue where Jacob Goodnight is brought in on a slab and presumed dead. A mistake that is made about 11 minutes in you can see his chest moving as he lays dead on a table. The acting seems forced as they run from Jacob, editing throughout the morgue is jumpy. One caveat as Danielle Harris (who is becoming quickly noticed) is her scream queen self, feisty and hot. Not a huge fan of the character development as we barely get to understand or know a few. The soundtrack is dull as it lays for no thrills as the movie moves along. Really by the 1hr mark you feel so ripped off and bored with the pace you want to turn it off. I somberly gives this a 3/10
petroskyjon When Jacob was laying on the floor after the embalming fluid was put in him. I was like dude take that knife and cut his head off. They killed everyone and made no sense how Jacob survived. All of his blood was drained out of him. The Hospital didn't make sense. Hospitals still have security or Dr.s or Nurses around at night and everyone else whose at the hospital. So it made no sense to choose a hospital for this. Really stupid moments in this film. When a Dude is chasing you it is not the time to have a break down or a falling in love moment. Get out of there. I was hoping the big dude would have had a bit of a fight in him. Like Knock Jacob down or win a struggle or two. He just simply killed everyone. And in that killed the story. No hero at the end nothing. I did love how the nerdy hero dude threw those shelves when he first encountered Jacob. He just pushes it over in front of him. That must've stopped him. LOL This movie just sucked all the characters were stupid. You're in a hospital. You're smart. Like used the stuff Amy used to colorize the guy's wound. And use it to burn Jacob with. And she needs to learn how to swing a hammer.And the girl's name is Katie and she's riding Kane thinking he's dead. For you's who don't know. Their was a story line back in like 2003 I think, where it was revealed that Kane had a girlfriend named Katie Vick who died in a car accident. And the story revealed that Kane had sex with Katie's dead body. So it's interesting to me as a fan that they have a character named Katie assuming to flirt with a dead Kane. Show less REPLY
Leofwine_draca SEE NO EVIL 2 is a belated follow-up to the original WWE-produced movie in which Glenn Jacobs, a hulking, bald-headed wrestler, went around murdering teenagers and stealing their eyeballs. This low budget sequel is set in a morgue, in which Jacobs' corpse springs back to life to kill another group of partying teens. The film has some supernatural touches but is generally another derivative slasher.The main problem I had with this film was the direction; all of the action takes place in the dark, meaning you'll have to squint in order to figure out what's going on. The gory murder sequences are entirely predictable and there's not really any genuine menace build up along the way. The only fun comes from spotting a pair of modern-day scream queens in the cast. Danielle Harris is a feisty heroine while the underrated Katharine Isabelle plays a sexy victim whose seductive antics would make any red-blooded male rise from the dead.
trashgang Even as the original See No Evil (2006) wasn't a big hit still there were rumours of making a second one. And must I say that this one was hyped all over the community. The reason for that was simple, the Soska sisters were directing it. After their hit American Mary (2012) they even brought back in Katharine Isabelle. Also called the next big thing I must say that I liked her in American Mary but here she did overacted a bit. Still, the cast was made of all famous thespians of the horror genre, Danielle Harris for example and Michale Eklund. So I thought that this one was going to deliver the stuff I was expecting from the Soska sisters and the thespians but I was left with a bitter feeling. Story is again a straight slasher but this time and by saying this many wont agree it's in fact Katherine Isabelle who tears down the level of this flick. Her overacting makes it sometimes a bit annoying and I was even glad when she finally got killed. Harris on the other hand is again great, she never let me down so far. If you haven't seen the original don't worry it's easy to pick up this one because there are a lot of flashbacks involved explaining what happened in part 1 and what happened to Jacob, the killer.The editing and the way it was shot is again sublime but it's the acting, sigh, by you know who this time that makes it a bit of a mediocre flick. But the way she's killed I did like. Worth picking up, yes for all the great names in it, but overall a mediocre slasher.Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5