Screamers: The Hunting
Screamers: The Hunting
R | 17 February 2009 (USA)
Screamers: The Hunting Trailers

A group of humans arrive on Sirius 6-B to investigate an SOS signal sent out from the planet, which has been supposedly deserted since the destruction of the man-made weapons known as "screamers." Once the squad arrives, they find a group of human survivors eking out an existence in an old military outpost.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
breakdownthatfilm-blogspot-com When I came across this direct-to-video sequel I was surprised to find that it was to the 1995 cult film, Screamers. After reading so many reviews on how bleak and dingy it looked and sounded, I wasn't expecting to come across any film related to it. I was a fan of the original however and I was really excited to see what the sequel had to offer. Sadly I was disappointed with the outcome of this film.A group of soldiers come across a distress call sent out from the planet, Sirius 6B. Ahh yes, we know what that planet holds on it! Commanding this group is Lt. Victoria Bronte, the daughter of Col. Joseph A. Hendrickson from the first film portrayed brilliantly by Peter Weller. I do like how screenwriter Miguel Flores tries to tie in the story of the last film with this one. Some sequels abandon the original story line completely and that can be frustrating for fans. The screenplay even allows veteran actor Lance Henrikson's character, Orsow, to give Bronte some info on what her father (Joseph A.) was like. However, besides Henrikson, none of the other actors really make themselves any different from another.The part that did make a difference in the movie were the special effects. Yes, Screamers (1995) was a knock-off of other popular films but it utilized its materials efficiently; even if the creature effects were super dated for its time. But in here, the bloodshed is cranked up, as are the creature effects. It looked so good that it almost seemed like putting it into the category of the cheap movies that the sci-fi channel airs is an insult. The fact that there was more blood on the screen made me happy alone. I mean, these are killer robots, so let's see some carnage!Also the screamers in this film would've been cool to see in the original. The way their mechanical bodies sound is high-tech and state of the art. I also liked how the human screamers didn't look meager either. For those who hadn't seen the first, the human screamers had several sharp blades in its mouth and hands. The way the screamers reveal themselves here is much more interesting; their face actually splits open! Yikes. All of this is great but what wrecks this movie altogether is the plot. To make a long story short, the story runs almost identical to that of the first film from 1995. In some ways, the so-called "sequel" could be considered a reboot as well because it doesn't do anything new with its characters or story. Once I realized where the story was going after the first couple acts, I became disgruntled at the fact that I would be watching the same movie but with different actors, more blood and a fresh coat of chrome put over the old screamers.And the worst was the ending to film, which I obviously won't reveal but for any science-fiction/horror genre film, there will always be a twist ending. And for this one, I don't really know how this leaves anything open to make another sequel. They practically killed the franchise by giving such slap-in-the-face ending. That was not needed. I came to watch this movie so I could enjoy and I ended being frustrated and only slightly satisfied.The only thing Screamers: The Hunting has are special effects. Everything else is practically the same. The story was barely given any changes at all.
mike_cable Screamers (the first one) was great and Peter Weller did a fine job in an overall depressing and dark science fiction film. This straight-to-video sequel tells the story of a rescue team coming to the same planet after a distress signal is received.In an attempt to tell the story of a struggle for survival, the rescue team are attacked in a sequence of events that is much like that seen in Aliens. In fact, a grey-haired Lance Henriksen makes an appearance as a mysterious ally.The special effects are not greatly impressive and look like they were done by a kid on a computer who, to his credit, knows what he's doing, but should satisfy most people.The trivia says that a lot of the costumes and sets were made from things such as egg cartons and vacuum cleaner parts, which I can believe.Watch only if you want to see a little more of the Screamers universe. Most of what is going to happen can be anticipated and it has one or two little light scares.
Scarecrow-88 Sequel to the cult favorite, Screamers, follows a space crew from Earth ordered to answer a distress signal regarding human survivors on the mining planet of Sirius 6B. Robot creatures, which move underground, nicknamed "screamers"(..because they make a loud screeching sound before contact with victims), are actively evolving, now capable of fusing mechanically with human body parts, which makes them an even greater threat. Also on it's way is a meteor storm which will destroy Sirius 6B and so the crew must avoid the perilous danger from the screamers, find any survivors and escape within a 6 day window. Making matters worse is when a screamer drains the fuel cells of the crew's ship, forcing them to find a source of power elsewhere. Finding a small group of miners still alive, the crew hopes that they can lead them to the fuel cells needed to get off the planet before it is destroyed by the meteor shower. As long as the screamers are active, this will not be easy.Lance Henriksen shows up about an hour in as Orsow, a scientist who understands the screamers because he actually was the one who designed them. Plenty of bloody gore as the screamers tear apart victims, both as little bug-like robots and in half-human, half-robot hybrid form. A mix of computer graphics and practical effects, not too bad, I've seen much worse. Plenty of exciting action set pieces, but nothing that extraordinary or earth-shattering. You can see that the budget is a bit less than the first, understandably so considering this sequel comes 14 years after the original. Sorely lacking a Peter Weller to buoy the cast, Greg Bryk is more accustomed to portraying villains, and is pretty much a major reason the crew faces such difficulties, setting off the army of screamers after turning one on to collect logarithms which would provide his superiors with advanced technology for purposes of war..he portrays Commander Andy Sexton, the leader of the crew. Gina Holden, as Lt. Victoria Bronte, portrays Joe Hendricksson's(Weller)daughter, getting involved with a mysterious miner. The remaining cast, either portraying members of Sexton's crew or those miners found still alive, become casualties along the way. Important scenes, explaining the evolution of the screamers, include the crew's finding a factory containing an assembly line of screamers reaching for miles, and what appear to be tortured humans imprisoned behind an electromagnetic field(..released by the crew who think the miners are mere savages keeping them for a food supply). There's a twist I think many viewers will see coming a mile away, but the ending is shocking enough. The running threat of the robots(..or their technology)reaching Earth is always present.
lost-in-limbo I thought the original sleeper 'Screamers (1995) (with Peter Weller) was an agreeable, if unspectacular sci-fi thriller, which at the base had an intriguing story but this cheaper and straight to DVD fare doesn't do anything out of the ordinary but to stew up the same get-up linked together by a bunch of uninspired ideas and devices. The background of these deadly creations doesn't pull you in anymore and the throwaway script could've done a lot more than the predictable situation we found the story opts for. The sub-standard special effects were reasonably catered for such a production, they weren't great nor were they terrible. Even with its crisp look, better than expected performances (led by a stern Gina Holden and a small part for Lance Henriksen) and some bloody pulp (with some very vicious attacks). However it did lack a relentless sense of paranoid intensity for any of the thrills to work and made the pace completely haggard. Every now and then I would check the timer on the DVD player and to my surprise it was going to be a drag… a real slow viewing. Tell me, you couldn't see that sudden revelation coming too? As it is, 'The Hunting' is a bland b-movie which makes you appreciate the original even more.