Scorpion with Two Tails
Scorpion with Two Tails
| 17 September 1982 (USA)
Scorpion with Two Tails Trailers

An archeologist's wife has recurring nightmares about ritual killings in an Etruscan tomb while her husband is away excavating a lost temple. After a phone call where she is forced to listen to him being murdered, she travels to the excavation site to solve the mystery of his death.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
qmtv I've seen the following work from Sergio Martino: All the Colors of the Dark The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh, The Case of the Scorpion's Tail, Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key and I've enjoyed them all. All twisted charming pieces of Italian cinema.But Scorpion with Two Tails, is a mess in most regards: Story, dialogue, acting, cinematography, editing, music, you name it is sucks. Fulci also produced 80s garbage like this, but at least they were bearable, they had some atmosphere, something to hold onto. Two Tails has nothing. My vote is to eliminate it from existence. I realized early on that this was garbage, but it had a certain atmosphere, very minimal, then it continued on this track and even got worse. I do not recommend you watch this at all. There is nothing here. There are certain films that are so bad that you can laugh at the crew and cast for the decisions made. This had maybe one or two such scenes. Not enough. I'll recommend that you watch "Laser Mission" by Brandon Lee for the best So Bad It's Great Film. That's a garbage film. However, if you manage to watch it to the end, and are aware of the mess in front of you, you will be rewarded. Two Tails, has nothing going for it. Not even reading the reviews will reward you with any insight. I consider "Suspiria" one of the worst films ever made. however, even in that film, there are moments that are decent, and moments of ridiculous nonsense that you can read about later. And that so many people love Suspiria, it is a study of societies to praise such nonsense. The idea that collectively people can love something that is utter crap, like a cult. When someone says "Believe Me" I think it's time to reconsider. Believe Me? No, I'd want to substantiate your comment. So, I think "Suspira" is a success because people have been told that it is great, so, "Believe Me" it's great. It's not. Dario Argento is a genius in fact because he didn't just make a film, he promoted it, "brainwashed" people thinking his films are "ART", they're not. His Crystal Plumage film, and "Four Flies" are pure trash. And most of what Bava has produced. Bava's best work was "Black Sabbath". Sergio Martino work was miles ahead of what Argento or Bava produced in the early days. Miles! Unfortunately, with Two Tails, he has a film that is below what Argento or Bava has produced. It's not worth watching, reading reviews, thinking about, nothing. It should be erased. Then, I can go back to hating Argento and Bava again. I will now pretend that Twin Tails does not exist!
ferbs54 There is a little game that some 007 fans play as they watch "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," the first James Bond film to not star Sean Connery: They imagine how much better the film would have been had it featured Connery instead of (the sorely underrated) George Lazenby. Well, this viewer could not refrain from playing a similar game while watching (director) Sergio and (producer) Luciano Martinos' 1982 offering, "Scorpion With Two Tails." Here, though, I couldn't stop thinking how much better this picture would have been had it starred the Martino Bros.' erstwhile muse, Eurobabe sexbomb Edwige Fenech, rather than the blond vacuity that is Elvire Audray. Audray, a gorgeous actress in the Nicole Kidman mold, simply does not have the spark and thespian chops that Edwige might have brought to the role, but even if Edwige had been substituted here, I'm not sure that the resultant film would have been any more lucid. In "Scorpion," Elvire goes to Italy to seek clues after her archaeologist husband (John Saxon, wasted in a small role) is killed, despite the objections of her father (Van Johnson, of all people). Screenwriter Ernesto Gastaldi (who seems to have written half the gialli I've ever seen) must have had some kind of psychoactive substance slipped into his Chianti before penning the story for this one, as this overly plotted picture conflates giallo-type murders, drug smuggling, Etruscan history, the supernatural, reincarnation, and discussions of antimatter and antiuniverses into one mind-boggling stew. Such grossouts as maggots (and lots of 'em), neck twistings, rats and bats are thrown in to keep the viewer stunned and amused. To be honest, I must say that I could never tell just where this darn thing was headed next, especially after the entire cast seems to buy the farm roughly around the film's midpoint. The picture looks handsome enough and also features an effective score by Fabio Frizzi. Still, I have watched this thing twice now and am still confused regarding several plot points. For example, can anyone tell me just what happened to all that darn heroin? In all, an entertaining if muddled pot of stufato....
bensonmum2 He may not be quite as well known among casual fans of Italian genre films as the names Bava or Argento, but Sergio Martino is responsible for some of the absolute best Gialli ever made. His earlier, frequent collaborations with Edwige Fenech are almost legendary and produced some of the best films this genre has to offer. Movies like The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, All the Colors of the Dark, and Your Vice is a Locked Door and Only I Have the Key are all among my favorites. Unfortunately, Scorpion with Two Tails does not come close to measuring up to Martino's previous successes. There are any number of problems I had with the film, but chief among them is that it's about as dull as any Giallo I can remember seeing. A plot involving an Etruscan Cemetery, a missing shipment of heroin, bad guys trying to find both, and a beautiful young woman with visions of Etruscan ceremonies – it just never drew me in the way Martino's other films have. Also, I never really cared for any of the characters. Elvire Audray plays the role usually played by Edwige Fenech in one of Martino's movies (she almost resembles a blond Edwige). But to be blunt, Elvire Audray is no Edwige Fenech. She has none of Edwige's screen presence or charisma. Genre legend John Saxon is on hand, but his role is so small that it really added nothing to the film. Saxon was most likely hired to put a "name" on the cast list. And when the killer was revealed, it had no effect on me at all. I didn't care enough about any of the characters to even care who the killer was. Also, I'm not a big fan of supernatural elements being thrown into a Giallo. These movies should be all about black gloved killers, stalking their human prey for greed, money, or jealousy. The risen spirit of an ancient Etruscan just doesn't feel right. As much as I hate to give a Martino Giallo such a low rating, I don't have a choice in this case. Scorpioin with Two Tails really doesn't deserve much more than a 3/10.
Coventry Damn you Sergio Martino and your constant re-using of titles! Here I was under the impression that I finally tracked down a copy of "Case of the Scorpion's Tail" and then it turns out this is an entirely different movie, actually one that is even more rare but also a whole lot worse. Then I wanted to take comfort in the fact this production stars the almighty B-movie legend John Saxon, but he's only in it during the first EIGHT minutes and then he has his neck wrenched around 180 degrees! "The Scorpion with two Tails" is undeniably a disappointment, mixing too many story ideas and cult sub genres into one overly confusing film. The plot covers typical giallo-elements as well as supernatural forces of evil and even crime syndicates! However, none of the story lines are properly elaborated and the whole thing is just intolerably incoherent. Mr. Saxon briefly appears as an American archaeologist who phones his wife to announce he discovered a genuine Etruscan tomb during his research expedition in Italy. He then gets killed and the wife Joan instantly travels to Italy to investigate the circumstances of his death. She learns that her own beloved father runs an international hard drugs network, hallucinates about eerie maggots crawling around everywhere and eventually hooks up with another archaeologist that fancies Etruscan tombs. Every once and a while, a redundant character is killed off by a pair of unidentifiable hands that clearly adore twisting people's necks around! Sergio Martino is a great director, and Ernesto Gastaldi is an even greater scriptwriter, but "The Scorpion with two Tails" totally lacks all their usual trademarks. It's uninvolving, boring, slow-paced, poorly presented and the murder sequences are tame and entirely gore-free! The neck-twisting modus operandi is interesting to show once, but not seven times in one film! The search for the killer's identity – if he/she is even human – isn't nearly as compelling as in any of Martino's previous gialli and features no ingenious red herrings. Heck, even the music is lame since it's identical to the score in "Hell of the Living Dead" and that film already stole it from Goblin's soundtrack for "Dawn of the Dead". Nothing to recommend here, not even to die-hard fans of Italian cinema.