Saving Marriage
Saving Marriage
| 15 June 2006 (USA)
Saving Marriage Trailers

A landmark court decision in Massachusetts allows gay people in that state to marry - forcing activists, legislators, and ordinary people to reconsider how they view same-sex relationships.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
lottiluwho This documentary manages to both explain a complicated legal process, and tell an emotionally affecting story. I wish everyone could see this, as it has the power to inspire more people who are pro-marriage equality to take action -- and possibly change some hearts and minds on the other side. Though there are plenty of ultra-conservative types who may never be swayed, I think many others could be if they connected a human face to the issue. We see it happen over the course of this film with one Massachusetts legislator in particular, and that effect could be replicated in other states if we all take the time to share our opinions and stories -- and mobilize ourselves into a political force to be reckoned with. Change is coming no matter what, but let's make it happen in our lifetime!
Nicoleedits-1 By following the landmark first gay marriages of Massachusettes during which amendments were immediately being proposed to ban the practice, the film "Saving Marriage" literally takes the audience on a roller-coaster of emotions as politicians and people who want their equal rights battle it out in the legislative halls. This film is for everyone--for or against same sex marriage--because it is a ringside view into how banning together for a passionate cause can change laws, and how ordinary Americans can participate in politics that change lives.The film is extremely moving, educational, inspirational, heartbreaking...Where is the DVD? This film should be in all libraries, all classrooms and all state and federal elected offices.
enzedder I loved this documentary. Our people around the world are entering a new age of equality but there is still a struggle in securing more equality and retaining the gains that we have already made. This film covers that struggle in Massachusetts and documents the great efforts made by so many people in defending their right to be treated as valued and equal human beings. It's easy for an LGBT audience to be drawn into this and feel it personally. Told from a Queer perspective, the film makers have tried to incorporate all points of view in a fair and real way, showing those on both sides of the argument. It puts a human face on same-sex marriage, profiling several weddings and focussing too on some same-sex headed families. From high points when we see both lovely long-term and youthful couples exchanging vows and the election of a gay man to the Massachusetts Parliament, to low points where an elected official of that same government forthrightly denies historical injustices against LGBT people and contemporary realities of abuse, harassment, discrimination and worse, and finishing on the sad reality that bigotry still prevails in much of the American public, a bigotry which could strip same-sex couples of this right, I recommend that everyone with an opinion on same-sex marriage view this.
delmendorf This film impactfully informs viewers of the efforts it took to change history in Massachusetts. I found myself being educated while riding the emotional roller coaster of those events as marriage equality was advanced and people were educated. Regardless of the final outcome of marriage equality in Massachusetts, films like this greatly inform people of what everyday individuals can do to be part of historic efforts towards advancing equality and fairness in our country for lgbtq people. I was inspired and felt better educated on the issues and strategies for moving forward. Many thanks to the filmmakers for making a movie that documents this history and educates people across the country, not just those living in Massachusetts. As such, the film is a call to action, not just a passive documentary record.
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