Save the Green Planet!
Save the Green Planet!
| 04 April 2003 (USA)
Save the Green Planet! Trailers

A young man believes that his country's leaders are actually toxic reptilian aliens sent down to launch a takeover of his beloved Earth. So he decides to abduct them and force the truth out on camera in his basement that doubles as a film studio and torture chamber.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Tweekums Lee Byeong-gu is convinced that aliens from the Andromeda galaxy are living amongst us and are planning something dastardly to coincide with an upcoming eclipse. He is believes that Kang Man-shik, the head of a multinational conglomerate, is the aliens' representative on Earth so, with the help of his childlike girlfriend, he kidnaps the man and takes him to his remote home. Here he proceeds to torture the man to try to force him to put him in contact with the Andromedan leader. While this is going on the police are searching for Kang Man-shik and make a link to other disappearances.This film is definitely bizarre; it is clearly a comedy with its strange set up and frequent ridiculous moments but it also has the power to shock. While the torture isn't too graphic most of the time there are disturbing moments... often as we see what Lee Byeong-gu plans to do next. The design of the room where Man-shik is held adds to the disturbing feel; especially after we see remains of previous victims. Ha-kyun Shin does a fine job as Byeong-gu; making the character sympathetic even though he is clearly dangerously insane. Yun-shik Baek also impresses as the naturally terrified and perplexed Man-shik. The tension rises nicely as the film approaches its surreal conclusion. This film certainly won't be for everybody but I'd certainly recommend it for those looking for something rather different.
Dalibor Leskovar Totally cool movie. :) It's a mixture of few different genres ( it has comedy, SF, action...) and that's not so unusual for korean cinema.The basic story begins when the main character, Lee Byeong-gu, kidnaps another man, convinced that the latter is an alien. The lead actor Shin Ha-kyun is, as always, very strong and persuasive in his performance. The twist at the end of the movie is something you would not expect but it absolutely gives an extra charme to the movie. Although some special effects look lame and thrashy, it does not effect the movie quality, on the contrary it's a great supplement to the movie itself. Try watch it if you are casual SF fan, you won't regret it.
secrective why are people saying this is a good film? its not a film at all.its just torture porn with a threadbare plot.please please don't waste your money on this crap.steal a copy if you really want to see it.then when you are done watching it, break the DVD so it cant be watched again.there are so many other better korean films.memories of murder, the host, thirst, the host etc etc.if you want to see gritty gory stuff, check out i saw the devil or the chaser.wayyyyyyyyyy better in every respect.
t-d-t-m82 An incredibly well acted and paced film about an individual who has consumed his life being in hold of knowledge of an alien species communicating from planet earth to their home via their hair strands. He is adamant that a genetical alternation results in that individual being an alien.He has seen it as his quest to thwart and challenge and overpower these individuals. Once these individuals are in his care he takes them to a mountainess compound full of gizmos and human extracts such as limbs and also his faithful dog - Earth.There he embarks on an Oldboy style vengeance sequence on these individuals whom he dictates as being aliens. He uses a voltage machine to see how much punishment they can stand and if they stand a certain amount then they have to be an alien species.He also has a sick mum who is in need of constant care which is costly. She is also his hope as she is also a believer of aliens being on earth.The plot is basically the above and the man captured is Klang. The police are on the hunt for Klang as he is very high up. They need to find Klang to save their jobs. The ex superhero Detective finds Klang but finds a sinister alternative. His budding apprentice to speak is then kean to find what is going on. This leads to a dramatic build up which has been supurbly paced.The drama is wonderful. The pace is spot on. The camera shots are reminiscent of Park Chan Wook's directing and with a polished style ala Kim Jee Woon. The movie is full of comedy; film noir and revenge. The cinematography is flawless. The only gripe is not enough wide shots of the mountainess area ala end of Oldboy. This could give a greater understanding of the remoteness of the area.All in all it's a superb effort by this ex film studies Director. This film has the quirky silly drama South Koreans are so exceptional at combined with the revenge sequences which propelled Kim Jee Woon and Park Chan Wook to fame. The acting is really top notch. The fight sequences are not spectacular but look real. The atmosphere is a huge element in this film and it is pulled off supurbly. The tense and build are long however thoroughly enjoyable.This is all in all a very typical South Korean film for those who follow South Korean cinema however it is backed up by awesome acting and great cinematography. A few more attention to camera work and maybe more early film direction could be interesting such as what happened before Klang was taken hostage (first sequence of the film lasting 1hour and 50 minutes at least).Get it and become entertained. I'm hoping this awesome new wave of South Korean directors doesn't stop. It's great news for cinema.