Savage Sisters
Savage Sisters
R | 01 July 1974 (USA)
Savage Sisters Trailers

A corrupt General plans on smuggling one million US dollars out of the Banana Republic he dominates. Local revolutionaries plan on stealing the cash but are thwarted when a bandit leader they are working with double crosses them. A tough cop and her boyfriend help two of the female revolutionaries escape from prison hoping that they will lead them to the cash, which they plan on keeping for themselves.

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Uriah43 This movie features several different factions of a third-world country who are all trying to acquire a box containing $1 million American dollars. The first faction involves a group of revolutionaries led by a man named "Ernesto" (Dindo Fernando) who needs this money to support his cause. The second faction consists of some armed bandits led by a very unscrupulous man named "Malavasi" (Sid Haig). Initially, they side with the revolutionaries but things have a way of changing in the heat of battle. The third group is headed by a corrupt military officer by the name of "General Balthazar" (Leopoldo Salcedo) who represents the government and has specifically ordered a junior officer named "Captain Morales" (Eddie Garcia) to kill or apprehend all rebels and to obtain the money at all costs. Needless to say, with so much at stake only one side will win. Now, as far as the film is concerned, I liked the steady mixture of action and comedy which kept things entertaining from start-to-finish. Likewise, having two attractive actresses like Cheri Caffaro (as "Jo Turner") and Gloria Hendry ("Sergeant Lynn Jackson") certainly didn't hurt either. On the other hand, this was clearly a low-budget, B-movie which definitely suffered from its limitations. No use denying it. Be that as it may, however, it had enough good points to essentially make up for the obvious defects and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
MartinHafer In the early to mid-1970s, a lot of films were made by American film companies working in the Philippines. Why? Because it was CHEAP! President Marcos gave these cheapo filmmakers lots of incentives to come to his country--even if most of the movies they made were pure schlock! So, when I saw this film was made in the Philippines and was directed by Eddie Romero (famous for schlocky Filipino productions), I thought I needed to see it. After all, the films are usually pretty funny--albeit unintentionally so! One thing you should know about the movie, however, is that despite the DVD title "Ebony, Ivory and Jade", it isn't exactly a blacksploitation film. The title "Savage Sisters" seems much more appropriate.A group of female American athletes are taken prisoner and held for ransom. Some of his associates are idealistic rebels--but they don't know that their leader has no intention of honoring any of him promises. He plans on taking the random money and either killing the ladies or selling them into slavery.Now you'd think this would be a great recipe for schlock film, but you would be wrong. Because it's a PG-rated film* and appears to be less sensationalistic than most films of this genre, it has to rely more on acting--and that's a problem since no one in the film appears to be able to act. In addition, the music is among the worst I've ever heard in a film--so very repetitive that you are about ready to plunge an ice pick into your ears to make it stop! Overall, a rather stupid and poorly made film without even exploitation value. So, essentially, you are left with nothing.*Although IMDb lists this as rated R, the DVD says PG and it has no nudity or extreme violence.
fidomusic-1 An exciting not totally serious film. Gloria Hendry is excellent as Lynn Jackson. She is a totally underrated actress and should have received the fame and acclaim of Pam Grier.'Savage Sisters' is a valuable addition to the blaxploitation/women in prison genre, and is a must for all those into this stuff. It is actually, in my opinion, one of the better examples of the genre.I saw it when it came out in 1974. It was then available on VHS for a while.However, as far as I know, it is NOT available on DVD, although there is a boxed set with the same title it doesn't include the movie!The boxed set of DVDs available entitled 'Savage Sisters'consists of blaxploitation/women in prison movies but DOESN'T include the movie 'Savage Sisters'! Very strange.
Johann I caught this little biscuit over winter break from school. I've been a huge fan of 70's exploitation fare, and decided that my film diet needed a good injection of cheese, so I sat down to watch it. The plot is pretty basic, three very different women (an Asian revolutionary, a black bad-ass, and a rich white girl) team up to track down a desperado (an over the top performance by Sid Haig) who has one million dollars stolen from a corrupt third world dictatorship. The Asian girl and white girl are involved in a revolution (for very different reasons) and the black girl was a torture expert used by the government, but she switched sides to get the cash. Along the way, they meet up with a scumbag wheeler-dealer (John Ashley) who wants the cash for himself and are chased by an incompetent army captain trying to make a name for himself.The plot is pretty standard cookie cutter exploitation fare, and it obviously was made on a budget, but it isn't without its charm. The jokes that they pull off, although extremely campy, actually are kind of amusing. The girls give solid performances and John Ashley seems to be having a good time playing the used car salesman type, but the real winner here is Sid Haig. I wouldn't say Sid is the only thing this picture has going for it, but he's obviously enjoying his role and gives a fantastic performance.Recommended for anyone who likes the women in prison genre (even though there is no nudity in this one).