Purely Joyful Movie!
I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin
The movie really just wants to entertain people.
The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Nigel P
Possibly the reason why this film isn't better known is the title – well, one of the titles. 'Satan's Blood/Don't Panic' is as generic-sounding as it gets, and there are many other horrors with similar monikers. It would be a shame if this has stifled its reputation, because this is very enjoyable.A young couple Ana (Marianna Karr) and Andres (José María Guillén) are apparently recognised by some old school friends. Although this second couple Bruno (Ángel Aranda) and Berta (Sandra Alberti) don't register, the foursome agree to return to Bruno and Berta's isolated country house. The house manages to be magnificent and oppressive at the same time. And that is when the fun really begins.Ana is pregnant in this film. This is mentioned a couple of times, although she shows no signs of her four-month gestation. There is a moment when, sharing a bath, Andres asks if the child is still 'in there' – at least, that's what the subtitles tell us; I'm not sure they're reliable. In any case, the pregnancy is never alluded to again.Terrible things happen. Satanic rituals, elongated trance-sex, foursomes, murder and the creepiest china doll you may ever have seen. The doll in particular is featured in a very frightening way – sitting in the background in many early scenes, a slightly out-of-focus third person in many early two-way conversations. When it is eventually revealed fully, it is that much more sinister because we are familiar with it without really being aware of it. That and the needle-like mechanical sound effects that accompany it, make its brief appearances the most memorable in a film ripe with startling imagery.From the outset, Bruno and Berta are clearly malevolent. When not indulging in satanic worship, they are snuffling from dog bowls or committing atrocities on Blackie, Ana and Andre's pet Alsatian, with graphic resulting scenes that will send any dog-lover scurrying from the room.'Satan's Blood' is a terrific ride, a well told tale with only the inevitable lingering sex-scenes slowing things down and threatening to puncture the atmosphere. Taken as a whole though, it wouldn't be as effective a film without the moments of 'euro-sleaze'. Recommended.
Witchfinder General 666
"Escalofrío" (1978) is an atmospheric and delightfully bizarre and slice of Spanish Occult Horror that especially fans of the sleazier kind of European cult-cinema should not miss.The beginning of the film is as promising as it gets already, when a sinister long-bearded fellow (Fernando Jiménez del Oso, who apparently was a specialist for pranormal and supernatural phenomena and the occult) gives a bizarre preface about how Satan is real, and about how Satanists have been worshipping their master in bizarre rituals and sex-orgies for centuries. The actual film begins with such a bizarre Satanic orgy, then switching to the home of Andres (José María Guillén) and Ana (Mariana Karr), a married couple expecting a child in a few month. When driving around on the weekend, Ana and Andres are invited by another couple Berta (Sandra Alberti) and Bruno (Ángel Aranda), who claims to have gone to college with Andres, even though Andres is sure never to have seen the man. Nonetheless, Andres and Ana accept the sinister couple's invitation and follow them to their eerie remote mansion, which is full of occult stuff...While I thoroughly enjoyed "Escalofrío" from start to finish, I must say that it could have maybe been even better if the first part of the plot didn't completely lack any logic. Even though they are too anxious about their unborn baby to even go dancing, Andres and Ana have no problem to accompany a strange couple to their creepy domicile. And even after their mansion is full of satanic objects, they stay. Ana even witnesses Berta eat raw, bloody meat out of a through like an animal. Still, they stay. Even when their hosts begin to carry out satanic rituals, they stay. Heck, I've heard about people acting stupidly in Horror films, but... come on! However, these illogical elements add something to the 'camp' factor of the film, which makes it all the more enjoyable. Furthermore, it gets a lot better and VERY creepy in the second half. "Escalofrío" is beautifully shot and the eerie old mansion is the most perfect setting imaginable. Both female cast members are beautiful, and the film is full of sleaze from start to finish. The performances may not be great, but the cast-members all fit in their roles. I almost cheered when I saw that the mansion's gate-keeper was played by Spanish Cult Horror / Exploitation regular Luis Barboo, a creepy-looking fellow who also was in many of Jess Franco's films. In the second half, the film gets magnificently bizarre, creepy, macabre and delightfully weird, which almost makes "Escalofrío" a must-see for my fellow Eurohorror fans."Escalofrío" is definitely a strange little gem, and while it is quite camp in the beginning it gets really creepy and intense in the second half. The film contains some of the sleaziest Satanic activities in European Exploitation cinema, and the satanic prayers include the most exotic and smuttiest nicknames for the Lord of the Flies - such as ("Father of Incest, Prince of Necrophilia,..."). If possible, it is recommendable to get a (subtiteled) Spanish language copy - I saw the English dubbed version, which is a prime example for the often horrendous dubbing of European Horror films (though, personally, this doesn't really bother me). My rating of "Escalofrío": 7.5 out of 10.
Not sure how, but it slipped my mind that I'd seen this before, though it started coming back to me as I was watching.After an opening scene of a black mass, Andy and his four months pregnant wife Ana (who shows no visible signs of being pregnant) are out for a drive with their dog Blackie, when they come across a couple in another car who claims to know Andy. He doesn't remember the guy from school, and thinks some of the other things the man says are wrong (Last Year in Marienbad?), but they agree to join them for a drink at their house. The dog doesn't like the couple, and Andy has second thoughts when the drive to the house turns out to be over an hour over dirt roads in the middle of nowhere, but they do enter the couple's large gated estate. Once there, various things conspire against them leaving....Really well made sleaze/satanic horror. As is said in the novel The Crying of Lot 49, "True pornography is given us by vastly patient professionals."The documentary on satanism and satanic horror included on Mondo Macabro's DVD is well worth watching.
With Franco dead the Spanish could let rip and this one certainly goes at a pace. There are many sex and Satanism films that barely get round to either sex or Satanism, this one revels in it throughout. Just when it gets a bit silly towards the end, it gets very silly and builds to a great finale. In fact much of the film is really good, as well as almost constant bare flesh from the ladies and the gents there is blood and gore AND a really creepy atmosphere aided by the strange antics of the main protagonists. Whenever we see them in the deserted kitchen they seem bent over some dog bowl, and when they are in bed together they growl and pair like two animals. Granted an 'S' for sex certificate upon it's Spanish release and it certainly deserves it, though it also deserves a 'V' for violence and 'G' for gore. Excellent stuff - and not over long!