Santa Claus
Santa Claus
NR | 01 October 1960 (USA)
Santa Claus Trailers

Pitch, the mean-spirited devil, is trying to ruin Christmas. Santa Claus teams up with Merlin the Magician and the children of the world in order to save the day!

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
thejcowboy22 I first learned of this irregular movie by watching the wonderful trailer in color at my friends house. Santa's workshop in all it's glory with giant candy canes and groups of children nestled all around. It looked so magical. I wanted to go there and join in on the festivities.Being of the Jewish faith, conflict, guilt infested my thoughts. Should I take the plunge and go off to the theater? Or ignore the temptation? ANSWER: Being a student of the Torah it was only natural I go to the movies and see Santa Claus," Mexican Style." Mexican style you asked? Well this movie was produced in Mexico and dubbed in English. I had a second obstacle besides the religious conflict. In the U.S. most kids or young adults have a hard time asking their parents if they can see an R-Rated movie for the first time. Moreover, even a violent film with blood or gory scenes involved would make a parent tell their child simply "No!". The next problem was how to ask my Mother for the money to see a Christian related film which was taboo at that time. I just came straight out and and asked My Mother if I can see Santa Claus at the Movies. She gave me the $2.00 and off I went with my Catholic friends to the Laurelton theater. The movie starts out showing the workshop in full operation augmented by a smattering of children of each ethnicity. Each group of children, some in groups of five and some as little as duets sing the song of their native land in native dress. (Israel not included). This took some time off the film as some of the movie crowd found this segment racist or inappropriate for such a holiday film but I enjoyed the different songs from each country. Anything in glorious color was an improvement. The scene had taken 20 minutes in all. As I stated earlier this movie takes place in Mexico and involves 5 children and their problems involving Christmas and of course material things and personal expectations. Trying to disrupt things with temptation to do evil is our Bearded devilish skinny and very red tailed Mr. Pitch (Jose Luis Aguirre Trotsky) when meeting fans takes a long time to sign his autograph. As for the children, you have the petite adorable Lupita who wants a doll in the worst way with a dead beat Father. Then there's Billy the son of wealthy parents who for some reason leave him alone all the time. Finally three young male offenders, brothers who do Pitch's work through mind control as the incorrigible boys have no idea where the information is coming from. None of the children can see or hear the Devil Pitch but his suggestions to Lupita and the boys are the main targets of Pitch's destruction of Christmas. Santa Claus (Jose Moreno) who is preparing his journey to earth has all these gizmos invented by his main helper Merlin (Armando Arriola). The story does flow and is not very chatty. There are dancing scenes as giant rag dolls dance in Lupita's dream sketch. Throughout the Movie you hear the Narrator guide you through scenes. The Narrator even tries to suggest the parties involved not to do the wrong things. Lupita was tempted to steal a doll but she declined the temptation to the displeasure of Mr. Pitch. As for the three boys, there under the suggestion of Pitch to steal Santa's Toys, But Santa moves the chimney and the attempt was failed. Santa has a run in with a vicious dog and is stuck up a tree as dawn approaches. Will time run out on our Chubby friend? Will evil prevail? I know this will spoil the movie for you but the last scene made me ballistic. Lupita's Father comes home to their one room shanty as dawn approaches. The distraught Father who looks like he just came from an all night card game and got wiped out says to his Wife, "Nothing!" He couldn't buy his daughter a freaking doll? I had a problem with the parents of these children as neglect was the main theme here. Billy's rich Parents decide to go out to a restaurant and leave him home on Christmas eve? Where were the parents of the three evil boys? In reality this movie is sub-standard with many goofs yet I still watch it. Two more things on the issue of religious guilt. As I left the crowded theater I saw the Rabbi's sons filing out and other Jewish children leaving the theater as well. I approached the Rabbi's Sons and asked them why they or how did your parents let you go to a Christmas themed movie? They simply answered," It's just a movie, Were not converting to Christianity any time soon and besides Jesus was never mentioned. Don't forget Most Holiday movies are produced and written by Jews." When I arrived home I asked my Mother why she let me see a movie about Santa Claus and she misunderstood me earlier and thought that Santa was at the theater putting patrons on his lap asking for gifts. My Mother thought I was watching some other genre at the cinema. I also watched this movie in Spanish as an adult. The Movie had a nice flow and still one of my all time holiday favorites.
Syl After watching Santa Claus conquer the Martians, this film is a classic. By today's standards, this film looks cheesy but good cheese. The story of Santa Claus who must the devil who really isn't that evil but a nuisance. This Mexican film is quite a treat to watch with its colorful art direction and costumes. The beginning shows children of all cultures in celebrating the Christmas holiday. My film version was dubbed in English with an English narrator. It's the story of good versus bad. The devil here is known as pitch who must answer to Lucifer in hell. Pitch isn't necessarily an evil but funny looking in appearance and mostly causes trouble for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. This film shouldn't scare children too. This film was included in a Christmas DVD collection.
Brittney McDonald (starredco) I watched this movie with the commentary from MST3K and even through that this movie was boring and at times kind of scary. My friends and I have a bad movie night every Sunday to crown what is the worst bad movie, and this one is on the list, it isn't the worst due to you can easily make fun of scenes of some ways the children are portrayed in a raciest fashion, and how Santa not living on earth makes no sense either. I would say if nothing else to watch, (watching a brick wall is better) then at least watch the MST3K version. This movie alone is boring, at times frighting, and just plain weird...and not the good kind of weird at all.
TheLittleSongbird Santa Claus is not as bad a film as its reputation suggests, in fact I quite enjoyed it despite the obvious flaws. Is it a good movie? Not really. Is it entertaining? I think so. And I think it is better than Santa Claus Conquers the Martians which was hysterically bad but somewhat a must-see just to revel in its awfulness.To say that Santa Claus is strange is an understatement. The story is pretty much a shambles, with incoherent and disconnected scenes, and the writing is awful but makes me laugh, one of the few times when writing as bad as it is brings a smile to my face. The Devil himself looks very, very fake, while they do bastardise Santa Claus a bit. There are also some very night-marish images, as a child I got night-mares from the reindeer alone, as an adult I am not so scared any more but I do get the shivers even looking at them.That said, it is better paced than Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, it has better effects I think(they're not great but they aren't appalling either) and sets and colours wise it is quite lavish. The film is a good length, it starts off quite well with some interesting songs, the climax is thrilling and while they are not great by any stretch of the imagination the actors look as though they are having a ball.All in all, this is a very creepy and strange movie, but I was entertained. 5/10 Bethany Cox