Salon Kitty
Salon Kitty
NC-17 | 21 January 1977 (USA)
Salon Kitty Trailers

Kitty runs a brothel in Nazi Germany where the soldiers come to "relax". Recording devices have been installed in each room by a power hungry army official who plans to use the information to blackmail Hitler and gain power himself. A girl named Margherita discovers the little ploy and with Kitty's help plans to take on the dangerous task of exposing the conspiracy.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
FrogGlace In other words,this film is a surreal ride.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
sol- Hoping to record private conversations for blackmail, a high ranking Nazi officer bugs a brothel that he has populated with women loyal to National Socialism in this fictional drama from Tinto Brass. As one might expect from the director of 'Caligula', rampant nudity abounds, but it scarcely feels excessive as it mostly exists to showcase the Nazi's plan in detail. As the officer in question Helmut Berger is solid with ample moments in which his weaknesses slip through his face of strength and certainty. The best performances here though are from Ingrid Thulin as the brothel Madame and Teresa Ann Savoy as a teenager handpicked by Berger to work there. Thulin delivers impressive cabaret routines throughout and her opening two-faced number is startlingly good, plus she is convincing in her dramatic moments. Savoy is the real revelation here though and the film is sort of a character study of her; shirked off by her affluent parents, she joins the Nazis out of spite and it is only through her experiences as Berger's puppet and seeing the damage that she finds her humanity. Not to oversell the film too much, it runs at least half an hour too long with a lot of time spent on cabaret routines and training scenes of the brothel workers to-be, all of which add little to the project. The finer details of Berger's plot to gain power are sketchy too. In general though, 'Salon Kitty' is encapsulating and well made. The costumes are wonderfully creative and the production design is appropriately detailed. The cross-eyed Aldo Valletti of 'Salò' fame has an amusing brief role too.
EVOL666 SALON KITTY is a strange slice of Nazisploit cinema. It's a film that starts off high on the sleaze-meter, but gradually evolves into a serious "period-drama" - and in my opinion - this is what kills the film. The first half-hour or so get you psyched up for a raunchy and perverse exploit film, but as it goes on, SALON KITTY turns into a romantic drama and serious war film. That's not to say that I can't enjoy a serious film, but that's not what I was expecting going into this one...SALON KITTY is actually the name of a whorehouse, run by a madame named (you guessed it...), Kitty. The Nazi's shut down her house-of-ill-repute and set her up with some new digs, complete with surveillance devices in the girl's rooms for spying on their fellow Nazi comrades in order for power-hungry Helmut to get the dirt on his pals. Meanwhile, Margherita and a bunch of other SS sluts are handpicked to be ho's for the new salon (keep an eye out for the cross-eyed freak from SALO as one of the salon patrons...) - and it's their duty to service the high-class clientele. Margherita ends up falling for a Nazi pilot who decides he wants out of the Reich - and this causes problems all-around. Eventually, Margherita is pitted against Helmut in a life-or-death power struggle of lies and betrayal...First off - SALON KITTY is actually a very good film. The cinematography is excellent, the sets are lavish, the acting is all very good, and the storyline is pretty top-notch. The problem is - that if I wanted to watch a serious war drama, I'd watch the DIRTY DOZEN or something. Being that SALON KITTY was from the same man that gave us the epic sleaze "masterpiece" CALIGULA, KITTY is just way too weak for an exploit film. The beginning starts off promising with a Nazi orgy, and a particularly "fun" set of scenes where the "ho's-in-training" are evaluated on their "abilities". This awesome scene includes a chick boning a hunch-backed midget, another chick bangin' a double-amputee, another getting raped by the same nasty scumbag that plays "the Beast" in SS HELL CAMP, another chick screwing a tattooed Gypsy, and one girl trying to blow a concentration camp victim - now that's primo sleaze - but unfortunately, it doesn't last, and although there is still a ton of soft-core sex and nudity throughout, the "serious" plot gets in the way of the fun. Definitely worth a look to exploit/Nazisploit fans - but don't expect too much sleaze - the first half-hour or so is nothing' but a tease...7/10
Coventry Made a few years before the even more notorious 'Caligula', this 'Salon Kitty' focuses on a more recent era of despicable history. Set in the earliest years of Hitler's reign and the start of WWII, it handles about power-mad Nazi officer Wallenberg who puts Madame Kitty's luxurious brothel in service of the 'Third Reich' and recruits a bunch of patriotic beauties to serve as prostitutes. But, instead of doing this as a favor for his fellow Nazi-superiors, he blackmails them with the information he gets by having the chambers bugged. This film is infamous and hated because of its topic (I always heard it was as close to propaganda as you can get) and the explicitly of the sexual content. Granted, Tinto Brass does have a bizarre obsession for showing as much genitalia (female AND male) as possible but aside from a few sequences featuring deformed midgets, it's never too sickening. The dullness is what bothered me here! The film is overlong and I wasn't really anticipating all those Cabaret sequences. The screenplay too often handles about pointless intrigues and the plot only gets REALLY interesting around the last half hour when ***SPOILERS*** the young Margherita unravels Wallenberg's vile actions and conspiracies against him. *** End Spoilers ***. Thank God for Theresa Ann Savoy! This stunning beauty (who also played a remarkable role in 'Caligula') makes this exploitation experience ten times more bearable because of her natural charisma and ravishing body. If it weren't for her, I'm sure the ratings for this film would be even lower.
Wizard-8 I'm not really sure what I was hoping for when I rented this movie, but I know I certainly wasn't hoping for what I got here. To be sure, the art direction is extremely good. And sure, there is gobs of nudity and sex almost bordering on hard-core. But despite all this, the movie is BORING, especially at the almost ungodly length of over 2 hours with the recently issued director's cut! While there is an interesting idea with the plot premise, it goes all over the place. Characters come then go offscreen for long periods of time so they aren't really developed, and the little plot there is would probably (at best) barely cover an hour if all the redundant footage was cut out. All the same, pretty amazing Germany would get involved in a coproduction of this nature, and I guess it might be considered an interesting footnote in that it served as a warm-up for Brass' equally bizarre later film CALIGULA.