R | 26 June 2015 (USA)
Runoff Trailers

The beauty of the land cannot mask the brutality of a farm town. As harvest draws near, Betty confronts a terrifying new reality and will go to desperate lengths to save her family when they are threatened with being forced from their land.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Inmechon The movie's only flaw is also a virtue: It's jammed with characters, stories, warmth and laughs.
drhall-672-138129 Read the reviews before watching the movie. This is story of Kentucky small farm survival is the the story of the nations small farmer. The characters are just as real as it gets and just as complicated. Its long Its not perfect, Its a flawed jewel. The Story line of small farm meets corporate farm "eater" is on par with any big budget effort. Louisville native, Kim Levin has made a memorable movie and Cindi Rush has a picture perfect cast making this film, location credit to Chris Wood, maybe the best ever shot entirely in Kentucky. It ain't sexy - But its a helluva story-line.
The_late_Buddy_Ryan This is not your usual tale of the embattled farm family vs. corporate greedheads, in other words, though that does factor into it. Joanne Kelly is very effective as a Kentucky housewife who takes a tremendous risk (moral, legal and otherwise) to stave off a financial crisis—her family's business selling farmers the herbicides, pesticides and antibiotics they need to run a modern factory farm is losing ground to a corporate interloper (aptly named Gigas), her husband needs chemotherapy (the doctor utters the dread words "You understand there'll be some out-of-pocket costs"), and her teenage son, an aspiring artist who turns up with a black eye or a split lip occasionally, clearly needs to get out of their little town The plotting's a bit sketchy at times, and the sound mix is murky, but the storyline's pretty intense and involving. Novice director KImberly Levin, trained as a biochemist, makes an engaging storyteller; my only complaints are that after a painstaking buildup, the abrupt ending's a bit of a letdown, and in a 90′ film like this without much room for random background characters—small spoiler alert!—the childlike teenager with the toy sheriff's badge might just as well have been wearing a sweatshirt that says "Shit Happens." There are a few quite interesting shots of what goes on in these factory farms; I especially one where an intelligent-looking pig seems to be eavesdropping on the humans' conversation.
megandobkin RUNOFF is a true movie-lover's movie. It takes us into a world that most of us know little about and explores it with a sophistication and class rarely seen in a debut film. The last half hour will have you on the edge of your seat. Joanne Kelly is a true star, her face brings you in like a silent movie star's would. It was so refreshing to see a movie that could have been so righteous dogmatic, instead allow its political charge to be simply experiential. It takes a tremendous amount of faith in the characters and the story to do that. Levin doesn't just present you this world, she puts you in surround sound of it. You truly feel as if you are there. Throughout the entire piece, her camera is enveloping you in the everyday beauty of this environment, and you will (like Betty) feel compelled to protect it with all you have.
film180 Runoff is a filmmakers film. The pacing is deliberate, expertly building to the unexpected climax which leaves you thinking about it well into the ride home from the theater. You can tell right away that much care was taken to deliver a rich and authentic story. This is not the feel-good movie of the year and if you're looking for 90 minutes of fast-paced action, look elsewhere. But if you want to see a true indie film made by a true indie filmmaker then see Runoff today. I know nobody buys DVD's anymore but if this comes out on disc, I want to own it.Bravo!