Runaway Car
Runaway Car
| 27 January 1997 (USA)
Runaway Car Trailers

A nurse apprentice, who had a bad day at work, meets a computer programmer at a car garage. The man is urged to go somewhere, but his car is not ready yet, so the nurse offers him a ride. Before leaving the man, they pick up the nurse's baby nephew. Once on the street, they almost run over a young man. Not knowing if he is hurt, they pick up the man too. But the worst luck begins when the car brakes break down

Wordiezett So much average
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
stephen-hoyland A 'Runaway car'....and that's about It!This pile of trash has got to be one of the worst movies of the 90's. 'TV Movies' tend to be pretty poor - with the rare exception - at the best of times, but this agonizing turkey Is too much for the senses. Even the youngest of children would no doubt foster a hatred for the parents who made It suffer this almost 2 hours of wretchedness,Including 90 minutes of the unstoppable car. Did the script-writer,producer,or - errr - anybody think we'd not ask the simple question 'why not switch the engine off'? Or at least disable It by tearing out the wiring,ripping off the dashboard or any of a host of other ways to disable the engine? Runaway trains?yes,fine. A bus with a bomb on board?Okay. But a car, and an automatic one to boot? (An automatic Is a self-driving car, the kind of vehicle used In the U.K. by the disabled, but which for some reason Is the preferred drive of our friends In the U.S.,most of whom are apparently Incapable of driving a real car!).I've never been a fan of Judge Reinhold and when I saw that he was the 'star' of this one I didn't hold my breath. Boy am I glad about that!If you have the will of Iron required to sit through this,I guarantee you'll never bother to watch It again!
pouringpetrolonthefire How this has not become a cult film I do not know. I think it has been sadly overlooked as a truly ingenious comedy!"Runaway Car" attempts to pass itself off as a fast-paced thriller, but taking the quality of acting (good God it's bad), the storyline, the practicalities of the car's demonic possession and the baby evacuation scene into account there is nothing you can really do but laugh. And laugh you will. Films are made to entertain us, and the degree to which they do this can be an indication of a film's worth. This film is the pinnacle in entertainment, I laughed from beginning to end. At one point I got short of breath and nearly choked, it really is that funny at some points. When the baby was airlifted out of the sunroof in a holdall by a helicopter with a robot pilot who managed to maintain a constant velocity identical to the car and a perfectly flat flight plain that meant the grapple hook didn't rip the car roof to pieces, I was laughing hysterically. But when the baby starting swinging around in the air, nearly hit a bridge and almost got tangled up in a tree, tears were running down my face.It also occurred to me that the black cop was the guy who played Jesus in Madonna's "Like A Prayer" video. He seems to get everywhere.
russy13 *Warning this may contain spoilers* This wasn't a bad movie, it was the ending that let it down. They just get out of the car and the credits roll? Where was the explanation of why the car wouldn't stop?? One person's comments on here asked why they never thought of using tire spikes that they use for 'bad guys' Obviously that person wasn't paying attention, because they did mention them, but dismissed the use of them for obvious reasons. i.e. (a) They were supposed to be going at 100 miles an hour, so when they run over the spikes the car is going to roll and most likely kill them, and of course they had a baby in the car, somehow I don't think the police are going to kill an innocent baby just to stop a car, just think of those headlines! (b) Tire spikes are used to stop criminals, these people are not criminals. I thought the movie was suspenseful, even though you knew they were obviously going to make it. Even though that bit with the water in those drums made me laugh. How did they think that was going to stop them? Anyway I have seen some other movies, some with big budgets and big actors, that don't have half the plot. It just lacked one thing and that was the explanation of why the accelerator got stuck.Other than that, a reasonably entertaining movie, I'll give it about 6 and a half out of 10.
Barberousse69 I have to admit that by moments I had to laugh at how bad that movie was... But the laughs were too few and since this whole thing was in no way a parody, it felt more like an insult to the viewer's intelligence. The worst acting I have ever seen from any of these people...