Ruby & Quentin
Ruby & Quentin
| 22 October 2003 (USA)
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After hiding his loot and getting thrown in jail, Ruby, a brooding outlaw encounters Quentin, a dim-witted and garrulous giant who befriends him. After Quentin botches a solo escape attempt, they make a break together. Unable to shake the clumsy Quentin Ruby is forced to take him along as he pursues his former partners in crime to avenge the death of the woman he loved and get to the money.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
dewit_jacco Don't rate movies that often with a 10 (for there's always that could've been better), but this one is just super! A very (and I mean: VERY) entertaining movie, with both main actors in roles they both perform with an abundance of finesse. It was great to see Reno perform the character he is so well know for. The moment where he looses his 'cool' (you be the judge of when exactly that happens), gives the movie that special 'switching moment' (like you'll know it will from the moment it starts) - and I guess for everyone it's a different moment; but it'll be there, trust me on that one.I'll try not to spoil anything (I therefore checked the 'contains spoiler' box - don't want to mess your evening up), but Depardieu is at his best in this movie (as is Reno, by the way - though Gerard plays his characters extraordinarily good!).Sit down, grab a beer and some Californinan walnuts (for example) and guzzle down this absolutely great movie. You'll enjoy it, believe me you will! Cheers, as I'm gonna watch it again.Jules
buck fuller I saw this on TV when I was sleepless and one of the movie channels ran it as a late-late-late feature. I had not heard of it and was thus completely unprepared for the humour and action, and ended up laughing most of the time interspersed with out-loud reactions of "No way!" and "Yeah!". Usually I do not talk to myself while watching movies, but this one got me involved. Depardieu plays Quentin, a less-than-smart crook who tries to be a robber. Reno plays Ruby, a very smart and very successful robber. They meet in prison where Ruby unwittingly manages to become Quentins best friend, and Quentin attaches himself like a lamprey to Ruby and simply will not let go. Quentin is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he really is not quite as stupid as people believe him to be. He brings a wild optimistic energy and naive world view to complement Rubys chess-player mind and ruthless methods.The movie has a number of wonderful running gags, like the unending stream of damaged petty crooks picked up by the police who describe how they have run afoul of the Ruby/Quentin juggernaut as it works itself toward Rubys end goal. The movie has a fine balance of funny joke lines intermixed with fall-on-your-bum crudeness making it something for everyone. It also manages to pack in some suspense, as it is not at all obvious how this reverse Don Quijote-pair are going to fare in the end. In the middle of all the comedy people do get shot, and they stay shot. Not a serious movie, not a masterpiece but I give it an 8 as a very nice way to spend an hour and a half. I have seen it twice more since the first time and it still cracks me up. Also, it really has great acting. Depardieus role here is so far from the one in "36 Quai des Orfevres" that it is hard to accept it is the same actor. Reno has done the Tough Guy a few hundred times before, but here he shows his comedy timing too. Recommended.
LindsayJulia I saw this at the Seattle Film Festival during a press screening and enjoyed it so much that I took my husband to see the film again during the festival at Cinerama. The film is infectiously funny, and it's a good thing it was subtitled, because people were laughing so hard that the dialogue was often drowned out. It is such a broad, slapstick comedy that it isn't surprising that crotchety reviewers weren't especially enthusiastic, but it is a great shame that the film hasn't been distributed in the US. The audience response was overwhelmingly positive. Were it released on DVD, I would buy a copy and put it on whenever I needed a lift. You can't go wrong with Jean Reno and Gerard Depardieu paired together in a movie directed by Francis Verber.
khabiri I've never been so far a fan of neither Depardieu nor french movies, but this time i've got to recognize he achieved a superb performance. The film, without being much more than another movie about thieves with a rather simple plot, made me laugh from the very beginning to the end.Reno was also great in his duties. The scenes are simply the adequate for a comedy about "voleurs" running ahead of police officers -which means such scenes are far from being pretentious- and the only difference between this movie and the traditional ones on the same subject are the attitude and behavior of the two main characters -incarnated by Depardieu and Reno- and the unusual and laugh-some relationship which is born among them.