Route Irish
Route Irish
| 16 March 2011 (USA)
Route Irish Trailers

A private security contractor in Iraq rejects the official explanation of his friend's death and decides to investigate.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Cortechba Overrated
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Guy ROUTE IRISH is really angry and wants you to know all about it. Like all Ken Loach films it is about an oppressed Celt fighting the system. This time he's an ex-SAS and ex-PMC squaddie who refuses to accept the explanation offered by his former employers about how his best friend died in Iraq. After a cursory romance with his mate's gal, he quickly finds out that it's the corporate posh boys to blame again and so decides to go mental and take revenge. Although the trailers emphasise the action in Iraq, it's actually about the mental disintegration of an ex-soldier in Liverpool. Also, be warned that the Scouse accents are almost incomprehensible to non-Brits. Like most Loach films there's lots of excellent working class actors, gritty locations and a core of solid social drama. Sadly, like most Ken Loach films it is also absurdly partisan and preachy; his hero is almost schizophrenic in the way he switches from racial prejudice (soldiers as brutalised pawns of the elite) to loopy far- left ranting (which sounds like no soldier I've ever met) about the evils of the Iraq War. If Loach and his screenwriter Laverty could only get over their own prejudices then it would be a much better film.
rightwingisevil This movie is excellent to certain degree that even the screenplay was not quite well scripted. The antiwar message was so strong and so true but still merely exposed tidbits of what happened after the invasion of Iraq sacredly titled "Battle for Iraq". "No Blood, No Foul" was just a basic motto for the international forces that joined the Crusade-like invasions to Iraq and Afghanistan under the name of Christian God and the beautified excuse to liberate the suppressed people in both countries. The whole endeavor is nothing but a conspired plot by the last guy who sat in the Oval Office and his Party peers on the Capital Hill, the Pentagon, and the Wall street, the Corporate America. "Killing one person that's murder, killing million that's conquer" , same as "A person who raid an ancient tomb is called a thief, a government digging up a ancient tomb is called archeology." There's no crime at all when a superpower country killing millions of other countries' people, because it's liberation; while small countries in civil wars killing tens of thousands is nothing but unforgivable inhumane genocide. I am forever confused. I am not quite sure why the guy got to kill himself in the end by jumping from the ferry. He should have married his dead best friend's wife and moved on.
web-accs In contrast to the most successful war or Iraq war film this century so far..I remember going to see 'The Hurt Locker' with high hopes because I had been sold on the hype, it had a female director tipped to win awards and I really liked what she(K.Bigalow) did years before with 'Point Break' a fun(and sometimes funny for the wrong reasons) crime caper.After the credits rolled I was in two minds(similar to when I first saw 'Point Break') because I appreciated the technical aspects of the film but something seemed to be missing... My big problem became clear when I overheard people talking on the way out. In particular, I heard two teenagers summary comments to each other, that it was 'pretty good','a bit of fun' and 'there were some really good special effects and action sequences' which to me, is a summary of what most people said to me to date about the film. No one seemed to care that they had for the purpose of entertainment just sat, popcorn in hand, and watched a film about a war that was still ongoing outside the cinema(albeit five thousand miles away) at the same time...So, I left the cinema feeling like Walt Disney had final cut on the production and it was financed by Haliburton and McDonalds etc. I was in a state of mild mental shock... Sickened, disgusted and annoyed with the world, to be more precise... Anyway, I am generally interested in 'facts' and the 'details' of what is going on around me and why things happen the way they do. Cinema for me is not about entertainment. Going to the 'movies' to be entertained, escapism etc. is fine. I do it but it's a different experience. If I go to see a film about a current war I would expect it to say something meaningful. So for me, the Hurt Locker is the benchmark epitome of total bullshit filmmaking in the 21st century and so offensive(even just in it's inception alone) on so many levels that I really wouldn't know where to start or finish for fear of ranting into oblivion...Anyway, I have seen many documentaries, read many articles watched endless news footage, reports and interviews on the current War(S) in the middle east and I'm still not 100% sure what is actually going on.One thing that I do know for sure though, is that all other feature length films related to the Iraq War in the past decade(apart from a few documentaries) portray the allied forces as the victims and all are dedicated to their military forces... WTF is that all about...?Everything in the 'Route Irish' story by K.Loach, although fictional with use of some artistic license, has happened in real life!... It will also continue to happen again as a matter of fact...If you want escapism and have to be entertained all the time then you know where to go for your fix.Some people are still rolling out the same old polemic argument about Loach/'Route Irish' that he/the film is lefty, over-long, boring, preachy, flawed in acting,writing,direction and it sometimes looks like it was made for 50 quid. etc. etc. ...But we must appreciate him, social justice, national treasure etc. etc. BLAH BLAH BLAH....Trust me, the film is not perfect by any means but see it for yourself because those people are idiots...-If you are one of them you can stick it in your Hurt Locker...:PDubman.The '...unique angle*' being the people who are the real victims and the people who are really responsible..._______________________ 'Cold Hard Reality is always so boring and difficult to watch.....' -Another complete idiot.
rtaron If you want a movie that will hold your attention and leave you feeling like you've watched a great movie, this is it. I am not a connoisseur of Ken Loach, or a movie snob, I just enjoy a movie that holds my attention.Unlike the other reviewers, I thought the characters were well-drawn and convincing. The effects used on the film itself such as graininess, washed out lomo effect, and darkness in the right places, makes this a pleasure to watch.The over-use of the f-bomb is a real factor. Men do talk exactly like that, but for a film less would have been more.The politics of the mercenary world are shown brilliantly and without any sense of preachiness or one-sidedness.Just an excellent movie.