Route 666
Route 666
R | 30 October 2001 (USA)
Route 666 Trailers

Smith, a mob informer hiding out with the Witness Protection Program, decides to make a break for it and hide out in the Arizona desert. The Feds catch up with him and rescue him just before a group of hitmen can manage to silence him for good. In the course of getting Smith away from the mafia thugs, the pair of agents assigned to protect him turn onto an abandoned stretch of highway nicknamed 'Route 666' after the mysterious death of a prison chain gang. As the three continue on their way, they soon discover just what happened to the chain gang, and how the highway earned its name.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
GL84 Transporting a dangerous witness through the desert, a federal agent and his team realize the abandoned road they're traveling on is haunted by the ghosts of an accident years ago and must try to get out alive.Overall, this one was better than it really should've been though there's some big problems within this. One of the better elements here is the film's far more action-packed roots that set the story up rather nicely, taking even the fact that this is initially based on a flimsy-but-workable approach of having the transport group serving interference against the hit-men. The opening shoot-out at the diner leads into the whole on-the-run premise that gets them through the rest of the movie makes this one quite interesting and every enjoyable by setting up a plausible situation for the other big action scenes along the way. The encounters with the ghosts along the highway work nicely by getting the gang involved quite well in a couple of enjoyable encounters and also giving this some rather graphic kills here which is nice considering the potential body count at hand. As well, the ghosts look quite nice and creepy here with the gravelly road-marks and dead eyes which really adds to this one with an overall great look added to the other factors in the film. There's still a few issues here with this one which really lowers this, as the biggest one here is the decided lack of time spent on the ghosts themselves. They're involve in just a few scenes here which is mainly due to the inclusion of the storyline about the corrupt cops being so heavily involved in the final half of this one. It really serves no purpose for their involvement since they're the only ones who know the group is out there and what's on the road to begin with, so their placement in the film is way too much for what would happen in real life and really takes a lot of the time up in the film doing this. As well, the films' indecision over whether they're ghosts or zombies is really problematic as they've referred to each yet break rules for both several times. It seems to settle on ghosts, but the ambiguity is a little unsettling and does come off hurting this along with the other flaws.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
Uriah43 Two federal marshals named "Jack La Rocca" (Lou Diamond Phillips) and "Stephanie" (Lori Petty) are working for the witness protection agency and have orders to find and capture a fugitive witness named "Fred" (Steven Williams) and then to bring him to a Los Angeles court by 10 o'clock the next morning. They finally nab Fred on a part of old Route 66 and decide to take a shortcut by traveling on an abandoned road nicknamed "Route 666". It's nicknamed that because it is supposedly haunted by spirits. Accompanying Jack and Stephanie are 4 other federal marshals who were responsible for losing Fred in the first place. Not far behind are hired assassins with instructions to kill Fred. But awaiting them on Route 666 are "ghost-zombies" (for lack of a better word) whose only reason for existence is to kill those who travel on their road. Anyway, this was an interesting story and it featured some decent acting. I especially liked the performances of Steven Williams and Lori Petty. Likewise, Lou Diamond Phillips performed in a decent manner as well. What brought the film down in my estimation was the complete lack of suspense and the very weak ending. Perhaps if this had been a made-for-television movie I could understand the rather mild overtones. But for a film made for the big screen it just didn't impress me that much. Slightly below average.
SYFYguy Syfy has done it again! Combing intense horror scenes and gripping plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat! I am almost certain that the Matrix was based entirely off of this movie. You have Jack La Roca the chosen savior to bring peace to the zombies and the humans (ring a bell Neo?). His sexy partner Steph who Trintiy is obviously based on, and the fat Hawaiian seems to the original Oracle.Not only do you have these great characters you also get the one and only Martin Lawrence with his best performance since Remember the Titans. His one-liners are classic and will have you laughing uncontrollably and there is nothing like handcuffing a black guy over and over.Also the electric guitar riffs and the cameraman with Michael J Fox syndrome completely fit the mood of the gripping zombie sequences. Only one minor question goes unanswered throughout this movie.... Why don't they just stay off the road?
artyfilmsareformongs Went in with an open mind, looking to watch an entertaining movie and it turned out to be just that... Entertaining. Story could have been stronger, but the idea was very good and kept me watching. The arty camera shaking was pointless but didn't ruin the film for me. Not sure in the direction they wanted to take this film, but its definitely not a horror, more of a road movie with a touch of every other genre.ALL in all, if your lost for what film to watch, definitely worth checking out Route 666, its not the greatest film, but go with an open mind, and don't pick at everything you see, and you'll enjoy the film, I could quite happily sit through it again