Rock Monster
Rock Monster
PG | 22 March 2008 (USA)
Rock Monster Trailers

A college student, traveling with his friends to a remote eastern-European village, unwittingly releases the Rock Monster from it's ancient slumber to wreak havoc on the surrounding countryside

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Sandcooler There's really only one reason to watch this awful movie, so let's get it out of the way as fast as possible: Jon Polito's bit part is awesome. I don't think Polito knew "Rock Monster" wasn't a parody, but it all worked out fine. Most semi-established actors that take jobs in low-budget garbage totally phone it in, but Polito does the exact opposite and chews the scenery like there's no tomorrow. Damn it, why isn't he the lead? Unfortunately the Polito-free bits are much harder to sit through, mainly because everything just moves at a snail's pace. Take for instance the whole sequence after they "kill" the monster for a first time: you know the movie's only halfway done, you know it's not really dead yet. Why do they show the villagers celebrating for what feels like eight hours? Get to the damn point. Furthermore, why do they put so much effort into killing the indestructible supercreature when they know for a fact that it's controlled by a mortal guy who can barely take a punch? Damn it, just kill that guy! I guess these Russian villagers just really enjoy challenges, that's probably why they speak English with one another as well. Overall there's just nothing about "Rock Monster" that kept my attention. Everything about it is terrible, but at the same time not terrible enough to really laugh at. So basically, it's one of the most frustrating B-movies you can encounter. Steer clear.
wsmith-26 The best thing about this movie is getting to see John Polito, who you will instantly recognize because he has been in almost every movie and television series ever made, ham it up as The Colonel. No, they couldn't even bother to give him a name. In an otherwise forgettable film, Ron rocks. He gets drunk. He leads the citizens to fight the rock monster not once, but twice (but has his flask handy all the time). He cheers when the hero, Jason (Chad Collins) defeats the rock monster not once, but twice. Yeah! If you can't tell already, I just loved watching John in this movie. Never mind that he is Italian, but is playing an Eastern Euro (I think!). Never mind that his lines are lame, for the most part. John is on fire! As far as the movie is concerned, the monster looks good, special effects-wise. But, for some reason, the rock monster isn't really scary at all. The Sword In The Stone plot is a retread. You have the wise cracking girl (Alicia Lagano as Toni), and the black guy who apparently has no function in the plot and gets killed early on, the sniveling mayor who gives a woman away in exchange for the village's safety (as if he had the right to do that in the first place), and the lame hero who, for some reason, has the stunningly beautiful Cassandra (Natalie Sperl) fall for him - all because he pulled a sword out of a stone! I suppose you could do worse, but make sure to check it out just to watch John rock!
kensdal Please spare yourself from watching this. It has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen, even for SciFi Channel.Basically it's about four college students (one of them looks 40 years old) who pull a sword out of a stone (how original).This unleashes a cheesy c.g.i. looking "rock monster" (hence the original title).This Movie Contains: *The worst acting I've ever seen. *Cheesy effects *Boring plot line & a slow moving pacePlease Avoid At All Costs.P.S. The next time your bus breaks down, and you decide to take a detour through a spooky forest in the middle or nowhere, rather than waiting for another bus, don't pull any swords out of any stones. =]
SVU14_1 That's a very good question...Basically, this movie is about a group of American (and one British) college kids hiking in an Eastern European forest. They find an old sword embedded in a boulder, the hero (Jason) pulls it out. Upon arriving at a local village, the villagers are immediately frightened and angry at the kid who was the sword. Then we learn the sword unleashed the spirit of an evil wizard from the Middle Ages who comes back in the form of a walking pile of rocks. Then there's this really creepy guy with a stereotypical Eastern European name (Dimetri or something) who's incredible nice to the kids and then he turns out to be a madman who wants the evil wizard's powers! Oh and did I mention that the American kid who pulled out the sword is the descendant of the knight in shining armor who killed the wizard in the Middle Ages? Now the kids together with a militia of the village people must join forces to save the village from the Rock Monster! AH! It was beyond predictable and I can't even call it low budget because of the heavy use of special effects (which is by far the only thing that allows me to give this movie 3 stars). The lines are cheesy, the back story is also very vague and the flashback to it: incredibly bad. The actors were okay (except for the modern-day bad guy who honestly over acted) but the movie itself was poorly written. The ending, which I will not give away was also pretty lame and believe it or not it does leave room for a sequel (which I don't know why anyone would want to do).All in all, it is a Sci-Fi movie (but you'd think they' make some entertaining ones). Watch if you want (attempt to at least). It's better than Hybrid but not that good.