Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe
PG | 09 September 2016 (USA)
Robinson Crusoe Trailers

On a tiny exotic island, Tuesday, an outgoing parrot lives with his quirky animal friends in paradise. However, Tuesday can't stop dreaming about discovering the world. After a violent storm, Tuesday and his friends wake up to find a strange creature on the beach: Robinson Crusoe. Tuesday immediately views Crusoe as his ticket off the island to explore new lands. Likewise, Crusoe soon realizes that the key to surviving on the island is through the help of Tuesday and the other animals. It isn't always easy at first, as the animals don't speak "human." Slowly but surely, they all start living together in harmony, until one day, when their comfortable life is overturned by two savage cats, who wish to take control of the island. A battle ensues between the cats and the group of friends but Crusoe and the animals soon discover the true power of friendship up against all odds (even savage cats).

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
janevicsimonp This isn't the worst animated talking-animal movie I've ever seen. It's better than Leo The Lion, The Pebble And The Penguin, and probably better than Ice Age: Collision Course, but is it still bad? Absolutely. The animation is pretty good, although it's nothing to write home about. The lighting is spot on.The characters are extremely bland at best and extremely forgettable at worst. Many are cliches: Mak the macaw is the "character confined who wants to see the world, much to his/her friend's dismay". The cats are just the "evil cats" .Robinston is the "kindhearted, animal-befriending human" .Rosie the tapir is the "fat girl". Scrubby the goat is the "old geezer". Epi the echidna is the "shy girl". Kiki the kingfisher is the "sassy girl". The other two of the heros, Pango the chameleon and the pangolin whose name I can't place both have no characterization whatsoever and aside from the former who does some tounge action during the battle against the cats, add nothing to the story. Mak's character design also looks ripped straight out of Rio. The dog isn't mentioned above because although he appears to be one of the main characters towards the film's beginning, he dies fairly early on and is never mentioned afterwords.The story is also subar at best; due to my limited review space I won't really get into it, but what I will say is that most of the film is Rob figuring out ways to survive on the island with the help of his new creature friends, which is actually a tale Mak is telling some mice on a ship. After he is through with this, you'd expect the movie to just end, but instead goes on for one climactic battle between Rob and Mak and the pirates. The ending is rather unsatisfying- Curusoe just lives out his days with the animals on the island. it is mentioned during the credits that a woman washes up too and presumedly marries the only male of her species there but we never hear more than one sentence about it.The dubbed voice acting is actually good, which is more than I can expect from a lot of the movies I've seen from this genre.Among other stuff, two more things I will give it credit for was its effort to use animals such as a tapir, an echidna, and a pangolin that do not commonly show up in fiction (What a shame they're still all from different continent, though) and the lack of references to pop culture any studio that isn't Disney or Pixar seems to be full of these days. Overall, pretty bad, but I've seen worse.
NDGV Productions First of all,the characters are annoying,predictable and just bland,the humor is infested with potty humor and gross out jokes,the first half is the most predictable movie I've ever seen and the 2nd half was slightly less predictable and boring and the story was incomplete.Overall just bad.
Jan Holden I'm a mildly annoying middle aged woman who doesn't know anything about wildlife stuff but they sometimes have internet stuff about fun facts so this was a good choice by me and yes I'd love to recommend it. I'm told the fx are good but I still think they look fake. The story was a but absurd as if anything can survive out there on treasure island.
rsr-14 This movie is one of the best 3D movies ever made, there're simply tons of pop out effects. Actually this is 3D done right - you're constantly experiencing both pop out and depth effects. So the story is what it is, neither bad nor fantastic - but if you're seeing this movie in 2D, then I'd probably not bother, this is a 3D movie, the movie is completely designed to the 3d format, and this movie needs 3D to come to life. After so many years with mediocre 3D movies it's great to see a movie truly using 3D - and then they cancel all 3D TVs, argh... :-)