Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood
Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood
R | 12 November 2012 (USA)
Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood Trailers

After selling his soul to a sorceress Robin is killed in battle. Distraught over these horrific turn of events Marian and Little John attempt to resuscitate Robin and his Merry Men. In doing so they inadvertently have turned the one-time heroes into the living dead and worse, the ghostly reincarnations are now hunting down Marian and Little John. So the pair attempt to seek out a new potion that will free these tormented souls from their demonic possession.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
muravieff After reading critical reviews I decided to look. You know, ladies and gentlemen, Hollywood decayed all of you. This film is very good. Only the name confuses the viewer, that's how with the film "Saint Barbara" 2012, where from the life of St. Barbara 0.6% is left. If you do not start from the name and the original legend of Robin, then left a good fantasy fairy tale. Well someone admire of the Lord rings and the War of Thrones, and nothing, but you made a wild hate here. If see how much recently in Hollywood filmed inadequate films ... there really want to puke, but ... special effects, special effects ... this sweet gravy helps swallow everything. But here it is not. And I fully understand why American spectators is put into a stupor: propaganda of communism :), witches, dead-men, dismembered (all fans of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm will like the movie), reasoning about Christian morality are present, even the fall of meteorites is ... I repeat the film was not on a green sheet. Dialogues are interesting, especially with the witch. Attempts of sorcerers-half-educated to dissolve that porridge, which they brewed ... everything is super. It is instructive. And most importantly, humor: "If they see me using magic, then they recognize me as great wizard, and if you, you are burned like a witch." (Hansel and Gretel with inadequate salvation from witches of the inhabitants of their parents who killed them more horseradish than this fairy tale.) And I got great pleasure from its viewing. I repeat, they call the film differently, he went would be to cheer, because I have more associations with fairy tales of brothers Grimm than with Robin Hood.
ladybug2535 This really is a bad movie. Given how much dialogue and inane chatter the film contains honestly, the terrible dubbing (the film is German) that makes it even worse....though the dialogue (OMG, the dialogue--no the propaganda!)the dubbers babble on and on is definitely part of the problem. Plays like a bunch of medieval re-enactors who decided on a lark to put a movie together; in other words, amateurish. If anything it's a political communist manifesto--and I mean in the fundamental sense: they talk about the system; sharing and share alike (no need to set guards! We share everything here!), "everyone is equal and no one person is better than another" and on and on and on....."Snooze". And on. I rarely, and I mean almost never turn off a movie before it's finished, let alone write a review, but this one is just!
TheLittleSongbird This was a classic case of the DVD cover being vastly better than the movie itself. The DVD cover looked absolutely great and from it Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood with decent execution had potential to be a guilty pleasure at least. However, the promise it initially showed was completely squandered by terrible execution all round to the extent that it is far too amateurish to remotely pass as a guilty pleasure.Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood is badly made for starters. The scenery is alright and the cinematography reasonably good but with such disjointed and confused editing and very drab lighting it was difficult to enjoy either. The music is completely overblown and a long way from rousing, in fact a lot of it is a monotonous bore. Further hindered by erratic sound quality, sometimes overbearing and sometimes distant, all the time drowning out the dialogue. Not that the dialogue is worth hearing, because it high in cheese and low in wit and fun and so awkward in flow that it sounds like it was improvisatory. The story is equally disastrous, too thin to sustain the running time and too many scenes like irrelevant padding, if you are looking for any entertainment or excitement both are nowhere in sight.It is also interminably dull, the movie is less than two hours but feels like an eternity. The action is incredibly lazy in choreography and have no suspense or fun whatsoever, actually on par with poorly executed action from an Asylum movie and even worse. The direction is stunning in how inept it is, while the characters are devoid of any engaging likability or personality, almost like human robots. The acting across the board is stiff with line delivery that reads of just reading their lines or last minute learning. Overall, as much as I hate ragging on movies and try not to be too hard on low-budget movies, taking into account the inevitable flaws and what to expect, but Robin Hood: Ghosts of Sherwood was really pathetic. 1/10 Bethany Cox
beef-638-121436 I had some hope for this movie, as the first two minutes were not too bad action in a fast pace, but then... the titles, two minutes of stills. No panning even. That really pulled me back to my original bias, that this would be a badly done movie. Yep. Some minutes later Robin and Marian have a dialog. Both performances are truly beyond every grade of awful. The conversation dry and unable to catch my interest in any way. At this point, I see that any further watching of this poor excuse for a movie, would be a real pain. So I deleted it, and decided to write this as a warning. Even if you are a Robin Hood fan, or like to grab a low budget movie once in a while, do not watch this one. It is a f*ckload of diseased crap.