Road to Hell
Road to Hell
R | 22 September 2008 (USA)
Road to Hell Trailers

An unofficial sequel to Streets of Fire, this movie follows an older, grizzled and despondent Cody as he clashes with killers while trying to reconnect with his first love who may hold his redemption.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
pik-lustig I disagree completely with the reviewer who posted the negative review from the BUT Film Festival. I saw road to hell on Sunday and thought it was by far the most daring and ambitious film of the entire program me. The only negative was noisy a--holes who tried to disrupt the screening by being rude. I do agree that not all the songs were good but the Jim Steinman songs soared. It was good to hear real rock and roll instead of overly loud screeching so called music that was featured by the festival. Was the film perfect, of course not, its called B-movie, underground and trash film festival. Best about the film was Mike Pare and the psycho girl, Clare Cramer. Both were superb in difficult demanding roles. as I watched, I found myself thinking about Waiting for Godot. Its a theater piece set in a theater type setting. The copy of the film was not good but I would buy the finished blue-ray for sure. Violent, profane and dark. Perfect for the festival.
Bella Anderson It was great to see the movie be outlined by the Streets of Fire film. Sadly I was too young to see it when it came out but I got it and great movie. I went to the Road To Hell premiere in Las Vegas, great performances by all but what a great new comer and band. There were some part in the film that I quiet did not understand but in reference to Streets of Fire but I highly recommend everyone to get Streets of Fire if you have not seen it. The music was incredible it was great to see a female that can act and actually sing and write songs!This film will definitely be another great cult classic the music rocks! Albert,and cast you have a new fan! Thank you for the great night and I cannot wait till I own the film.
Rain Anthony "Road to Hell" played at the Rave Motion Pictures in Las Vegas to a Big Happy Audience for PollyGrind Underground Film Festival. I went because I love The Roxy Gunn Project. I already knew the music would be great but I didn't expect the movie to be so shocking. At first I was shocked but then some of the audience laughed at places that told me it was okay to laugh. The movie is very different, but the music carries you into it. I never knew where it was going. I had not seen the movie it is supposedly based on "Streets of Fire", but they play a couple scenes to help us understand better. The music was fantastic and some of the audience chair danced. The lead actor, Michael Pare' was so young and beautiful in the first movie and in "Road to Hell" he looks 'rode hard and put away wet' but he is Movie Star all over - both scary and fascinating.The female lead Clare Kramer is All Scary until the end when I felt sad for her ...which was quite a feat from where she started out. At the end we learn just how messed up she was. The Best is Roxy Gunn in her first movie role. She was Luminous - tough on the outside, but you could see through to how fragile she was. She still needs her father, CODY to be her father. CODY somehow managed to be a Monster, a Dad and a Hero. To enjoy this movie, you have to let go of thinking you know what will happen next. It's not mainstream for sure and it will have to find a Wild & Crazy audience. Count me in.
jake_closs I saw this Wednesday night at the Rave Movie theater in Las Vegas. It was part of a local film festival and it was a big crowd. I actually snuck into the theater early to make sure I got a seat! The stars of the movie were there and the director reminded me of a long haired crazy kid because he was so excited. As they introduced the film, I hadn't realized it was inspired by another movie which I had never heard of. But they had a sort of time machine opening which definitely set you up for the main movie. What did I think? I think the audience knew more about it because they started cheering and applauding right from the start. So the feeling was really good, like when you go see a much anticipated blockbuster at midnight Thursday. Everyone seemed really into it. That got me into it too. The movie was like an LSD acid trip (though I have never taken any). It was the most intense colors and images I have seen since Into the Void. Like that film, this movie spent a lot of time taking you into its world and its reality. Highly stylized dialogue and acting it was not like anything I've ever seen before. Its the first movie I think I've seen where you could not assume where it was going second to second. It had moments o genuine shock and it was super disturbing at times, then towards the end it really switches gears and it carries you from the shock and horror into an almost joyful place. So it ends upbeat. I won't describe what happens as I think it doesn't translate to words. But I enjoyed it and the film was awarded a lot of awards after and I think its well deserved. The two main actors I had seen before but never like this. Its a film where you leave the theater exhilarated and energized by the style and story. Is it an art film? Yes, in the best sense, because it takes you to where you've never been and never expected to go. It's demanding on your brain and stomach. Not for those who want it all predictable and easy to digest. It's waaayy out there on the margins in the best way.