Ring of Fire
Ring of Fire
NR | 14 June 1961 (USA)
Ring of Fire Trailers

In Oregon, two sheriff deputies arrest three teenagers for robbery but are overpowered and taken hostage while forest fires rage all around them.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Richard Chatten Another thrill ride from Andrew & Virginia Stone that with the aid of veteran cameraman William Clothier provides a triple feast for the eyes in the form of the lush verdant hills of Oregon, foxy beat girl Joyce Taylor and a final conflagration that makes the burning of Atlanta in 'Gone with the Wind' look like a rehearsal. Miss Taylor in her skinny jeans, long-life lipstick, permanent wave and a white blouse that remains spotless almost until the very end is supposed to be underage (she was actually in her late twenties) but exudes a mischievous knowingness worthy of Louise Brooks; and she and David Janssen bring a humour as dry as the local brush to their scenes together as she decides she digs him more than the two punks with whom she's previously been wasting her time. As I write this fire fighters are ironically still struggling to keep under control some of the worst wildfires in living memory now ravaging Saddleworth Moor in North West England, so keep watching what you do with those discarded cigarette ends.
davidjanuzbrown I like a good disaster movie (Towering Inferno and Twister come to mind). What is odd about this movie is it is one that I avoided for many years because I did not think I would like it. It used to run a lot on TV but it was not shown in years. I finally decided to record it, and wow. I do not know what was hotter the forest fire or Joyce Taylor. All jokes aside and spoilers ahead. This movie was shot in location in Oregon and it shows. The most harrowing part is where one dropped cigarette by bad guy Frank Gorshin creates a Forrest fire that burns down an entire town and the hero Sergeant Steve Walsh ( David Janssen) With underage girl Bobbie Adams( Taylor) take a train into town so that they can rescue everyone. The entire train trip going through a well 'Ring Of Fire' is incredible. The relationship between Steve and Bobbie is to say the least complicated. She is one of three criminals who kidnap Steve, and she saves him twice from getting killed, then after throwing herself at him and accuses him of statutory rape( which he does not do). But when he gets on the train to save everyone she goes along and despite numerous times telling her to get off she remains right to the end. Because she was that devoted to him, she does win his love. At the end he lets her know she is special and "If they ( the town) can start over, so can you." He finally kisses her at the end, and you know he will marry her. This movie should be a must see for the fire and Taylor.
Martha Wilcox Here we have David Janssen in colour as a cop before he went on to run away from the cops in 'The Fugitive'. Even with his uniform, he doesn't look or act like a policeman. He is forever a fugitive in his soul because he always has that wandering look in his eyes as though he's not quite settled in the here and now.There are some unresolved issues in this film. If the girl is under eighteen and that it's illegal for a police officer to kiss her, why doe she kiss her at the end? She is seductive whilst he's on duty, but he doesn't show restraint. The film also doesn't make up its mind whether or not it's a film about kidnapping, under-age petting or forest fires. In fact, it's about nothing in particular, and unless you want to see Janssen in colour before 'The Fugitive' I would say stay away from this film.
mcguyverone While the film was set in Oregon, the burning bridge was filmed in Grays Harbor, Wash.I have been to the site of the bridge and have been down to the bottom of the canyon where the bridge collapsed. The engine is still upside down in the river and the passenger cars are cut in two and laying on the side of the river canyon floor.At low water the wheels are all that are able to be seen of the steam engine.I had to use ropes to get down to the bottom.The area has grown up now and one would never know what lies at the bottom of the canyon unless they had seen the movie.