NR | 16 December 2009 (USA)
Ricky Trailers

When Katie meets Paco, they fall in love. From this an extraordinary child is born; Ricky, who quickly develops into something wonderful and not so normal.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
ElliesWonder I am not sure if this is an independent movie because I am not a professional. But the movie only took in limited locations, so we the audience put more focus on the actor's acting and faces expressions. The older sister Lisa (Mélusine Mayance) was acting amazing, and she is a puzzle, I still couldn't figure out if she likes her brother or not. It was so creepy when she used the scissors to point to Ricky's wing. But she also smiled so shinily every time when Ricky was flying. I guess sibling relationship is complex, and the movie really sent out this message, how uneven parenting cares would be like in reality.About the ending.I have a different thought compared to others, I don't know if I was the only one who came in this thoughts or not, but I just wanted to keep it down, although they look so dark. One of my interpreted to the end was the mom, Katie was dead. After Katie stepped toward the river, she saw Ricky, the baby angle flying the wings, which means she was dead, especially there were hallos. So in the next screen, Lisa and Paco (Katie's daughter and husband) were shocked to open the door, because they hear the bad news from police or something. Therefore, Lisa and Paco lived together after the death of Katie. Paco probably felt guilty and would make up to Lisa, and Lisa was happy because she finally got all the attention and the love is only for her. Otherwise, there are no other reasons why Lisa would feel happy. There is the static article to show, a child would feel more and more desperate and unhappiness when more siblings were born. The last pregnancy screen was a flashback earlier when Katie having Ricky. The movie never filmed Katie's pregnancy period, it just skipped to Ricky's birth. It can be a beautiful memory of Lisa and Paco.As above, they just some of my weird thoughts, I liked this movie because it is interesting, and different people can have a different interpretation.
leplatypus at least, when he was a baby. This is a strange movie : it begins like a social drama : a single mother with a kid tries to make ends meet with an alienating job in a grim town and living in a dreadful building. For those who would like to immigrate in France, it could be revealing as my country is really rotten like this. Watching this, i thought that things never change and it was still the industrial revolution, difference being that nobody is shocked now ! In the credits, i saw that this was an Ozon's movie so i expected also and got indeed a lot of gratuitous nudity and dumb love story.Then, at the middle, the movie changes everything and becomes supernatural : the baby has wings ! nothing is explained, nothing is suggested (angel ?). This is the typical french fantasy because it's only facts. My fellows are just unable to dream, to imagine and are stick to the bare reality. With that, the movie drags and closes without having tell something.At the end, the movie is bad : the characters are dumb or inappropriate (the daughter looks like a maniac). The cast is awful, especially with this Spanish actor. There is only « Chouchou » who is left and who was my motivation to watch it.
MartinHafer I have rarely expected so much from a film but got so little. This was my experience with "Ricky". After all, it's a story about a baby who sprouts wings--and so it's a comedy, right?! Well, no...there really isn't anything funny or even magical about the movie and I thoroughly hated the movie.The film begins with a single mom, Katie, and her obviously ignored and depressed daughter, Lisa. Lisa's needs or welfare NEVER seem to matter to Katie and often Katie just does whatever she wants. She sees a nice looking guy at work...she has sex with him in a bathroom stall. She has a daughter to pick up at school...she shows up much, much later than she said and the kid just has to wait. She decides to actually DATE the man she had sex with in the stall, she runs off to do this and you assume the kid is with a sitter or at home alone. Later, mom brings the guy home and they screw again--and it's very loud and the kid is forced to hear it all. The next day, the kid sees mom and her latest passion having breakfast and you have no idea how this will impact the child. Most animals seem to have more on the ball regarding parenting than this woman! Look, I am not anti-sex--but there is a reasonable time and place and being responsible sure ain't important to this couple. Later, they create a boy--and the guy runs off for a while. Call me old fashioned if you like, but I didn't think much of this parenting style.So, at this point, I assumed that when Ricky, the baby, sprouts wings that the parents will FINALLY grow up and there will be some meaning to all of this or some needed personal growth. Nope. Apparently there is no message. Mom, true to form, misplaces Ricky and the film soon ends. Apparently, the baby's needs, like his sister's really don't matter. But at least mom feels inexplicably inspired.Why do others like this film? All I know is that I couldn't relate to it or enjoy it at all. It's a waste of an interesting idea, that's for sure. And, it really annoyed me.
waterwalker I saw this today as part of the Alliance Francais film festival in Brisbane.While not Ozon's best effort (for me Swimming Pool remains his masterpiece) this is an intriguing whimsical story with disturbing undertones of obsession and sibling rivalry.The story really makes most sense when considered from Lisa's point of view (a powerhouse performance by the young actress here). I took the fantasy aspect of the story to be a metaphorical expression of integrating new members into a tightly knit family of two (and not just Ricky either). This magical realism is very strongly grounded in the emotions of the characters and this is what gives the movie impact in spite of its imperfections. Ozon likes operating on the boundary of fact/fiction mind/reality, and takes huge gambles here which don't always come off--but in the moments they do the film is very satisfying.