R | 17 October 2003 (USA)
Returner Trailers

A young woman from the future forces a local gunman to help her stop an impending alien invasion which will wipe out the human race.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Leofwine_draca Lightweight but entertaining Japanese sci-fi flick that rips off about a dozen similar Hollywood movies made in the last couple of decades. I've watched a lot of rip-offs over the years and the ones I enjoy more are those that rip off multiple movies to create their own wild blends rather than those that slavishly copy the plot and style of one specific movie (such as the execrable REIGN IN DARKNESS, which copied THE MATRIX so heavily it was a total bore). RETURNER is a film that goes for quantity over quality, delivering a quite frankly bonkers plot that riffs on such movies as THE MATRIX (in the look, style and action), THE TERMINATOR (with the main character having travelled from the future to save the present) and STAR WARS (dodgy looking aliens are the enemy in this instance). Throw in some distinctly Japanese elements – nasty gangsters, cute bonding over rice – and you have a film that's difficult to describe.Of course, it's a triumph of style over substance, but that doesn't make it a bad movie. In fact, it's pretty entertaining, loaded with tons of action scenes and featuring a central twosome who are difficult to dislike. Takeshi Kaneshiro trades on his boyish charm as is the norm and Anne Suzuki proves an unexpectedly heartwarming saviour. There are a ton of CGI effects, some dodgy, some decent, but for the most part Returner gets by on just the kind of wild enthusiasm and imaginative effort you expect from Japanese cinema.
Vincent This is a well directed and acted film but the fact that it doesn't even attempt to be original makes it hard to like.The acting from the two leads is very good they are convincing and interesting to watch. Kaneshiro plays the stylish clichéd "super assassin" with aplomb and Suzuki is convincing as a slightly paranoid punky girl. Kishitani over acts entertainingly as the evil villain and is interesting to watch whenever he is on screen.The style and effects are excellent with some great set pieces and neat special effects running at a reasonable pace although hard edge of the seat stuff.The problem is that there is not a single original thought in this film. The main plot is obviously taken from Terminator but that is only the start with bits from The Matrix, E.T. and Transformers being the most obvious inserts but there are other films used liberally.This is more a homage to American sci-fi films than a film in its own right and although the few humorous touches are well timed and delivered the film would have been better if it had been play more for laughs.Its watchable if you have nothing else to do but I certainly wouldn't seek it out.
Johnnyfokface This could be a spoiler, cause you cant tell me anything from a film without spoiling a something for me, see yourself, if you dare ;P The reason that I give the film 9 and not 10 is because there is something missing, I would like to know more about the film. It's a really good film, it has the action, the story and good actors. The special effects could be better, but during the film you will get used to it. The music in the film, i liked very much, specially the last scene were Miyamoto smokes in the rain, the guitar music, its really nice, if any one knows who made it please send and email: Johnnyfokface@hotmail.comEnjoy the film if you haven't seen it :)
AwesomeWolf Version: Columbia Tristar's DVD release. Japanese / English subtitles.Time travel is cool. Explosions are cool, as are gun fights. Any movie that attempts to incorporate 'The Terminator', 'Independence Day', 'Leon', and nearly every John Woo movie made between 'A Better Tomorrow' and 'Face/Off' is cool. 'Returner' features all these elements, and therefore, is awesomely cool. Or at least a fun action movie.In 2084, the Earth has been nearly overrun by aliens. The last survivors of the human race are fighting a losing battle in the mountains of Tibet. Naturally, these survivors have mad scientists with them who develop all these cool gadgets, as well a time-machine. Milly (Anne Suzuki) volunteers to go back to 2002 to stop the war from beginning. Upon arrival, she teams up with Miyamoto (Takeshi Kaneshiro). Miyamoto is a mercenary seeking vengeance against the Triad gangster, Mizoguchi (Goro Kishitani), who in turn, may actually have caused the war in the first place. Convenient.A Japanese friend of mine originally recommended 'Returner' to me, and another friend of ours, knowing full well we are easily impressed by explosions. If, like me, you are easily impressed by explosions and have not yet seen 'Returner', you should stop reading and go watch it right now.'Returner' is little more than a stylish action movie. Most of the plot seems to be taken from random elements of 'Terminator', ID4, and 'Leon', and styled in a similar way to ID4, 'Matrix', and a fair number of John Woo movies. I must admit that any comparison to the 'Matrix' is a tad unfair, as the 'Matrix' was also made up of elements from nearly every movie John Woo ever made. As a sci-fi / action movie, 'Returner' is entertaining, if a little cheesy. The action scenes are generally awesome and exciting.'Returner' is a fun action movie. It should at least satisfy hardcore action fans, and should be entertaining enough for anyone looking for a fun movie - 7/10