| 21 September 2015 (USA)
Retribution Trailers

While Carlos, a banking executive, takes his two kids to school in his car, he gets a phone call telling him that there is a bomb under the seats and he must to gather a large amount of money; otherwise, his car will blow up.

Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
mraculeated The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
ma-cortes Above average thriller with plenty of twists , turns and a suspenseful finale . It contains unstopped action with great cast and nice supporting actors giving good performances . Furthermore , displaying a colorful and luxurious cinematography as well as a stirring and emotive score . ¨Retribution¨ or ¨El Desconocido¨ deals with a bank executive called Carlos : Luis Tosar , who faces a risked situation when he receives a mobile phone call informing him he has just a few hours to get a large amount of money or a bomb under his seat will explode , but events are about to be worst . Complicating things still further , the police pursues him and surrounding his car and then happenings go awry . This is a top-notch thriller about a high-powered banker submitted to weird circumstances surrounding him , that's just the starting point for him , and a bit later on , things get even worse . A film in similar quality other Hollywood blockbusters . As this film results to be a crossover from other benchmarking successes as well as grossing American films , such as : ¨Locke¨ by Steven Knight (2013) with Tom Hardy , "Speed" (1994) directed by Jan de Bont with Keanu Reeves , and "Phone Booth" (2002) Joel Schumacher with Colin Farrell . This splendid Spanish movie has a lot of action images , including pursuits , car crashes , explosion , and Police Helicopter scenes . The plot can not be very realistic ; however, displaying several scenes have you on the edge of your seat . The picture increases the relentless tension as well as the flick progresses on screen . Thrilling and nail-biting film with a lot of scenes of drama , tension , emotion and action , all of them at equal parts . This is a highly suspenseful and cerebral thriller , filled with plot twists , including an unexpected denouement in its final part . Hitchcock style psychological thriller , being surprisingly good and stunningly directed . The picture is pretty well , though sometimes stagy , as developing into the car , and it has a lot of turns . However , being very entertaining for its continuous suspense . The original as well entertaining premise is overspread across the movie adding some brief conventional pitfalls . The well assembled cast is frankly good , including masterful direction of players , such as : Luis Tosar as the selfish winner businessman , Javier Gutiérrez , Elvira Mínguez , Fernando Cayo , Goya Toledo , Luis Zahera and special mention for Paula del Río as his daughter Marta . It packs a colorful and evocative cinematography by Juán Inchaustegui . Shot in Vigo and especially in its Plaza de Vigo , A Coruña , Galicia . Rousing and moving musical score by Manuel Ribeiro . Soundtrack is really helping to keep tied to what happens .This increasingly potent thriller was compellingly produced by Mercedes Gamero , Juan Carlos Caro , Emma Lustres , all of them have financed a great number of hits in the new Spanish cinema . This new film by Spanish writer/director Dani De La Torre was compelling and professionally directed . Dani previously realized short movies as ¨Lobos¨ and Minas¨ , and TV Mini-Series : ¨Mar Libre¨ and his first film was this ¨El Desconocido¨ , a film full of emotional thrills , suspense , mystery and non-stop action .
Paul Creeden The only reason I don't give this a "1" is the cinematography, locations and the fact that a city was inconvenienced for the filming.There was no plot beyond the dirty banker getting manipulated by a sadistic victim of fraud. That's it. The rest is badly written and awkward moments of gaffs by the writers/director who allowed things to happen which made no sense at all. The whole thing could have been resolved 30 minutes before the end by the protagonist without all the melodrama. And the protagonist, actually a bad guy, was supposed to be crafty and wily. Just not wily enough to do several obvious things that would have foiled the villain.If you like stupid suspense films, this is right up you alley. If you like watching people who are hysterical beyond belief, this is your pick. If you like routing for criminals to get away from other criminals, go for it. I just wish I could get my two hours back.
cristinamasia the film begins promisingly, but as the action unfolds, the script begins to lose credibility ... starts talking sense that it is a Spanish film that tries to make an American thriller .. out there .. we go wrong when we try to compete with American... No one in Spain speaks on the phone, as if he were a radio announcer. But hey, even there, there are certain things that can make it work until ... I do not understand that the boy was injured very seriously in the leg and the car does not suffer, apparently, no external damage after the explosion of the car of his friend, but hey, leaving that aside, let's what concerns me ... the moment they turn off the mobile covert and, therefore, the remote control of the bomb will not work ... anyone will have gone to disarm the bomb, and Luis .. dear, stop hiding the maniac's mobile phone, WHY DO YOU DO THAT, you are showing the police someone is speaking to you on the phone, but you don't give it to them when you have the chance to... IDIOT, you give the phone to the police, they track the call, and then he could be caught. And then, the police let that guy go to the car wearing a bulletproof vest.. just that?? now one goes with him... in Spain???? I'm sorry, but we must make credible things, if phones do not work, the remote of the second or third bomb wouldn't work as well... which by the way ... how many bombs could one person place in just one night??? but really, for 67,000 € ???? LOL
jferreira93 A normal day in the life of an bank executive, he wakes up early, answers phone calls related to his work, takes the children to school and notices that the door of the car was already open, but he does not do anything and gets in the car with their two children and is on his way to take them to school and then go to his work at the bank.Everything goes well until our protagonist (Carlos) receives a call from a cellphone that is not his, he finds it strange but he answers it and on the other side of the line is a stranger who demands a large money transfer to his bank account, if Carlos does not what the unknown person says him will blow up a bomb that's on the inside of the car, and also Carlos will have to make the transfer inside his car because if he gets up of his seat it will activate a bomb inside his seat and will blow up the car as well, leaving him with no possible escape to this problem.Basically this is the premise of the film, a very intense thriller simply breathtaking and with a unpredictable outcome. One of The best movies from 2015, and with an extraordinary performance by Luis Tosar. My Vote is 8I recommend it.Title (Portugal) - "O De$conhecido" ("The Unknown")
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