Restraining Order
Restraining Order
| 30 April 1999 (USA)
Restraining Order Trailers

Robert Woodfield is a criminal defense attorney, and he has defended a lot of criminals, many of whom are guilty, but has maintained that everyone deserves a competent defense, which he provides whether they are guilty or not. Currently he is defending Martin Ritter, a killer, whom he gets off. Later he has dinner with a friend, and his friend tells him that he needs to talk to him about something important. He is about to leave when some masked men go to his friend and kill him, when one of the men takes off his mask; it's Martin Ritter. Now being his lawyer, Robert can't say anything about what he saw. But that doesn't stop him from investigating what his dead friend was so worried about. It seems that he has stumbled onto something big, and instead of killing him they frame his wife for murder to get him to back off. But he doesn't and both his wife and him are now in danger. And still has no idea what's going on. Will he find out before they get to him?

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Theo Robertson Oh dear , a week after reviewing STILETTO DANCE I said I thought Eric Roberts deserved better films then along comes RESTRAINING ORDER which made me think he deserves all he gets ****** POSSIBLE SPOILERS ******On the surface this film may sound similar to I CONFESS or ABSOLUTION but whatever potential intelligence that may have been found within the premise is soon forgotten as the film becomes more and more dumb . In fact it becomes downright offensive in the way it treats its audience . A good example is the bit where the plot revolves around a video recording which is seen to be destroyed , then without any explanation whatsoever another video recording suddenly comes into possesion of the hero ! What , he made another recording ? Why wasn`t this mentioned on screen ? Or the bit where a character puts the silencer on a gun meaning he must be a villain about to commit murder - but then it`s revealed he`s a good guy who saves the hero`s wife . In that case why did he need a silencer ? So you see there`s no type of internal logic in this movie . Note to Eric Roberts : Can you change both your agent and hairdresser please ? Note to Tatjana Patitz : Stick to modeling because you`re no actress
rps-2 I started planning to give this absurd film a 4. As it ground on and got steadily sillier and more violent, I downgraded to 3 and ultimately 2. If it had lasted another ten minutes, we would have been into negative territory! The plot is simplistic and absurd, the acting is at best adequate and hey gang... theres a fist fight on and under the Santa Monica pier. (How often has that been done before? Not for two months, you say?) There are any number of impossible howlers. The worst is the lone rural mail box on the lawn in an urban neighbourhood of fancy homes. Nobody else on the street has one. But then we did need an excuse for the innocent wife to go out to the curb so the bad guys could drive by and... Well, you know the plot. It's all about the mob whacking people. And thats what should be done to this movie. Whack it!
jrs789 I have used IMDb countless times to query information on movies, stars and reviews. I have never commented on a movie before. I decided to register on IMDb and comment on this movie because I believe it is the worst movie I have ever seen!The plot is very poor as is the acting - in all roles! Mr Roberts seems obsessed with getting his shoulder length hair looking 'just right', rather than lending his poor character any semblance of reality.The beautiful actress that plays Eric's wife (Tatjana) would be better off concentrating on her supermodel career and giving acting a miss if this is the best she can do.Dean Stockwell's portrayal of the arch villain is comical and better suited to a comedy movie.The guy that plays the investigative journalist is another unbelievably hollow role - he looks like he would be better off selling newspapers than writing them!Even editing errors jump out all over this movie, and you don't need to pause and rewind it to find them - they are that obvious (bodies moving from shot to shot and they're supposed to be dead or at least unconscious!)This movie is almost worth renting for the laughs, only it is supposed to be a drama.I can't work out whether this movie has been made as some kind of tax dodge and is meant to return a commercial loss, because I have never seen anything quite so bad.Do yourself a favour and give it a wide berth on the video store shelf.I gave it 1 out of 10 (and that was only because IMDb doesn't permit a score of '0' which would be more appropriate!).
Ken-208 Stiff acting and sappy acting. Slow story...action too canned. Really weak premise. Almost insults your intelligence. Right at the beginning the killer exposes himself so the lawyer can identify him and then the rest of the movie the killer spends trying to frame people, and force the attorney not to be a witness...really stupid.The frame up seems far fetched and it would seem to be too unbelievable in real life that anyone would believe it. The mob must have had the whole town on the payroll. There'd be no reason for any of the movie if the whole premise wasn't so stupid. Boring...waste of time. Don't even bother to rent this yawner. However, if you waste your time on the facial expressions of the extras and minor characters when they are breifly shown...strange eye movements, wierd stiff facial expressions. It's almost as though they look bored, out of place, or like they are lifeless and trying to stay awake.