The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
G | 22 October 2010 (USA)
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A Californian family inherits a castle in Romania. This is especially exciting to the son, who is obsessed with monsters. And he is not disappointed.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Andrew Masala I do not know where to begin with this extremely horrible movie. I as a Romanian believe that most of North America knows Romania as a country of vampires, and all they heard of is Transylvania. If an American hears a Romania speaking (and I know this from experience), they ask them, are you speaking Polish, Russian? No, we are speaking Romanian, a mixture of Dacian and the Latin language. So it offends me highly that they made all Romanians on the streets yelling like idiots with a Russian accent (not to say that they actually should be speaking Romanian, because not many Romanians know English, especially in Transylvania. You used names completely non-Romanian, such as Goran, 100% Yugoslav. Mme. Varcolac acts extremely retarded, yelling insanely- this does not represent a regular Romanian human being. Ct, Dracula, as you name it, was actually Vlad Tepes, or Vlad III, an important Romanian ruler. This film is as well an embarrassment to my country. It is junk, and I sincerely HATE it when we are called vampires. This film is useless, 1 star, I would give it less if possible.
GL84 After inheriting a family castle in Romania, a family discovers the dark secret behind the local legend of a vicious beast roaming the city as they race to stop a horde of vampires from taking control of the castle.This here turned out to be quite an enjoyable and entertaining kiddie-centered horror-comedy. There's a lot of good in this about making an even mix between tween-inspired parts and more normal horror motifs, and there's plenty to both sides in here. The tween backbone here is all well-handled with the different attitudes toward the single father dating, the romance for once isn't obtrusive to the story in detriment for the actual horror, and the beginning where they explore the castle is just filled with some quality gags that really showcase the goofier humor present that really appeals to kids. From the gags trying to scare the sister to the constant sibling-like digs on each other and the side-splitting recurring gag with a character's name, there's some really funny stuff in here and it gets better once the transformation occurs. The antics that depict the transformation, from the heightened sense and reactions to the lessening of objection towards previously-objectionable attitudes and how their date goes which is constantly threatened by her burgeoning abilities for some nice laughs but knows to transition into horror territory nicely as once those abilities creep in, the explanation and back-story about the creature amongst the town's history is wonderfully handled. It makes for a pretty enjoyable time by creating a pretty strong connection through the twisted mythology with the action in the last half which is just non-stop brawling between the two werewolves and the vampire clan through the catacombs under the castle, through the cemetery and finally into the neighboring warehouse providing plenty of fun times as the fight progresses, and overall this is mixed quite nicely with the humorous aspects of the story. The fact that the creatures are done with practical make-up effects that look rather impressive for the realism and great they look in design and movement is another key factor here, and the only real flaws come from the beginnings of their life. The trouble it goes to set her up as a goofy klutz only to be saved by the werewolf curse is way too clichéd and feels too overwrought to be of much originality. As well, the whole thing is dropped once they get to the castle anyway, leaving the inclusion rather curious. Otherwise, there's not much to dislike here.Rated Unrated/PG: Violence.
andrewhagi4 When you are to ask an American citizen about the country "Romania", they depict it as a place of vampires, werewolves, Dracula etc... That is all they know. As of this movie, it would be strongly recommended to do some vast research on the country before you decide to film about it. This movie is just an embarrassment to Romania, it is just too much stereotypical junk. For instance, the way M. Varcolac acts very mentally challenged, and laughs like an idiot. This is only one example. Why on earth would you use the name "Wolfsberg" as a town, which doesn't even exist? It is German and not Romanian!!!! It is actually very frustrating, and disappointing that they made all the Romanians on the street crazy people, who yell with a Russian accent. As well as with Goran. "Goran" is Yugoslavian, not at all Romanian. I very strongly believe that it wasn't even filmed in Romania And in case you didn't know, Vlad Dracula, or as you Americans say it, Count Dracula is actually Vlad Tepes, who was a very important Romanian Ruler hundreds of years ago. I cannot agree more with another written review, this is just rubbish. Thanks to all of you people, everyone mistakes the real Romania with a whole bunch of monsters.
Michael_Elliott Boy Who Cried Werewolf, The (2010) * 1/2 (out of 4) Silly made-for-TV "horror" film has a father and his two kids traveling to Romania after a relative dies and leaves them her castle. Once there the teenage girl eventually becomes a werewolf and her little brother is the only one who knows it but no one will believe him because of his wild imagination. A weird housekeeper (Brooke Shields) is the only other who might know the secrets of the beast. This was partially influenced by the 1973 film of the same name, which featured a father turning into a werewolf and only his son knowing but no one believing him. Things have certainly changed in this new version and not a single thing was done for the better. That 1973 film is far from a classic but it looks like 1941's THE WOLF MAN compared to this junk. Yes, it's clear that I wasn't the target audience for this film but I'm scared to think of who exactly this thing was made for. The biggest problem is the horrid screenplay that doesn't seem to know what type of story it wants to tell. TO appeal to the teen girls we have countless subplots with the girl here not being good enough for the hunk at school plus she's having to deal with the loss of her mother. With all of that said you'd think the film was about her but we get countless other subplots including one with the father dating and all sorts of stuff with the younger brother and his obsession with monsters. We even get more subplots dealing with the curse of this castle. You have so many subplots running at once that it's clear everyone involved simply forgot what they were trying to do. I mean, "werewolf" is in the title yet this portion of the film doesn't start until everything's half over and by then you're either going to be hitting your head against the wall or wondering why on Earth you started the film at all. The performances are all pretty good with Shields standing out as the creepy housekeeper. The make-up effects are all pretty good as well but it's just a shame we didn't get to see much of it. I'm sure this thing might appeal to some very young teens but let's hope their parents keep them away from this and show them some better werewolf picture.