R | 01 January 1994 (USA)
Replikator Trailers

In a poisoned world where sunshine kills, a hit squad from the Zyklor Corporation interrupts the testing of a matter replikator capable of duplicating living tissue for the purpose of extending human life. When the smoke clears, scientist Ludovic finds himself framed for murder and on the run from an exact duplicate... of himself. Joining forces with ex-lover Kat Moscow and cynical Detective Valiant, Ludovic follows the bloody path of destruction wrought by a monster with his face.

Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Leofwine_draca REPLIKATOR is an incredibly poor, Z-grade Canadian B-movie set in a futuristic world affected by a depleted ozone layer. The thrust of the plot is something to do with cloning technology, but this all takes second place to what is a very boring conspiracy-type thriller in which the heroes battle murky forces. Half the film seems to be set in a strip joint where an ageing former porn actress regularly takes her clothes off while the male onlookers look on. It's a slow and sedate affair, with no action or proper acting, devoid entirely of entertainment value.
zeppo-2 When did the future become so bleak? I seem to remember growing up in the late fifties and early sixties, that the future was going to be a great place. Robots and other machines doing all the work, the future was going to be paradise for the human race! Then it suddenly went dark, grim and gritty. Can't place the exact time or film when it happened, although, Bladerunner comes to mind. And this film is in a similar vein, all slightly out of focus shots and raining a lot.Unlike the aforementioned, Bladerunner, this doesn't have a coherent plot or story and just meanders along till the conclusion. One of those films that seem to go on far longer than the actual running time. After a while, your mind just switches off trying to follow the story and you're just waiting for it to end.There were a lot of low-budget SF films made around this period and all I assume went straight to video and then straight to the bargain bins. Low grade cash-ins to better movies. Watch Bladerunner or the Terminator films instead.
M. Genese This is the good side of B movies. Someone didn't think the audience is total dumb. Some neat ideas, and although the special FX are not expensive looking some have a lot of humor (See the Justice Channel bit)and neat graphic looks. Dialogue runs with the confidence that we humble viewers might get more than the B movie plot, (film it and they will see!) and the film is layered and feels like a different, interesting world.I like Ned Beaty here. Brigit Bako is cool too. I want to see more with her.
Maarten Hofman One of the better things of this movie, which unfortunately repeats itself a bit too much, is the `justice channel' which allows any viewer to vote for the guilt and innocence of people. The movie itself seems partly based on `The Fly' but with less psychology, and therefore much less atmosphere. The fights in the movie frequently look rather unrealistic: the script is better than the execution.