Regular Guys
Regular Guys
| 30 May 1996 (USA)
Regular Guys Trailers

Christoph, cop and self-confident macho, has trouble with his fiance. After a long night he wakes up in the arms of Edgar, a good-looking, gay auto-mechanic. His live gets more and more troublesome after his girl friend throws him out of their apartment and as last resort he moves to Edgars place. Working together with a new, good-looking, very self-confident, female collegue, but living with a good-looking gay guy makes him pretty uncertain about his sexuality and his role as a cop. Written by Konstantin Articus

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
brtikhon Given the year (1996) of its release this film "Regular Guys" was quite progressive. A German police officer, who thinks of himself as "straight", unwittingly (he was falling-down drunk) goes home and ends up in the bed of a gay car mechanic. The two become roommates and grow very fond of each other. The car mechanic has an immediate crush on the cop. Gradually, the cop begins to question his sexuality in regards to rigid definitions of "straight" or "gay". The ending is a pleasant surprise -- although not a complete surprise.
Horst in Translation ( "Echte Kerle" or "Regular Guys" is a 95-minute live action movie from 1996, so this one has its 20th anniversary this year. It is a German-language film, even if it says "Ruassian language" here on IMDb. The director and one of the two writers is Rolf Silber and it is certainly his most known work. This can also be said about pretty much the entire cast here, including supporting actor Tim Bergmann, who (for whatever reason) managed a German Film Award nomination for his work here. But he was really generic and stereotypical and certainly a bad choice to recognize this way. No surprise he has not received other nominations in his career. If anybody from the cast was somewhat above-average here, then it was lead actor Christoph M. Ohrt. But even he shines only because the rest of the cast is really weak and the material from the writers is also not good, so not too difficult to elevated it.Almost the only reason why this film is still somewhat known today is because it is a gay-themed movie. These usually are seen a lot in terms of quantity and the awards recognition the film got boosted this even more. Admittedly, I have seen many gay-themed films that are way inferior to this one, especially short film, but this should not mean that this was a good watch here. The 7.x rating it has here on IMDb is way too high. The story is absurd and unrealistic for the part, the performances are neither bold nor memorable and the writing overall feels generally very much uninspired. It was virtually impossible to care for any of the characters because what they did made rarely sense at all in terms of authenticity. The hammy approach or approach void of talent (in terms of Bergmann's case) makes it even pretty cringeworthy at times. But hey, it shows that you can be void of talent and still be nominated at the German Film Awards. Should give hope to all the struggling German actors out there. This "comedy" (the " because it's never really funny) film is all about relationship struggles, but I must say I never felt for the characters or cared for who gets together with whom. And the final plot twist is not helping things either, let alone the ridiculous idea that Ohrt's character possibly discovers his homosexuality from one day to the next. It is just never forking for a whole bunch of reasons and the script is all showy and hammy and offers almost zero substance. If you consider watching this film, then maybe you have seen already Sönke Wortmann's "Der bewegte Mann" from two years earlier and this one here feels like a cheap copy that went pretty wrong. I highly not recommend the watch and 4 out of 10 is still pretty generous.
sunznc Regular Guys starts out with a silly scene about 2 cops undercover and busting someone over an incident I can't even recall. I was thinking I had picked up a very dated & low budget, poorly acted film. What was this silliness? However, as the film progressed I began to like it a bit more. There are some very endearing moments in this film and the actors make their characters very sympathetic. I began to think I had picked out a very unique film.True, some of the production seems very cheaply done and it appears slightly amateurish at times. Can't argue that. But there is something very likable here and I'm glad I saw this.I bought the interpersonal relationships here and really found myself liking these characters but I think the film is poorly executed at times. It's too bad because the actors did a very good job and by the time the film ends I wanted it to keep going.I would enjoy seeing it again despite some of the blatant flaws.
stephenfrakes I totally enjoyed this movie, even with having to read the English. I can honestly say that it is one of my favorites. I could relate to Christoph and Edgar, having been in a similar situation. The scene in the locker room at the police station was great too, after rumors were going around. Christoph had reached a point in his thinking where he realized that it just didn't matter. And this happening after Christoph and Edgar came to terms with their relationship the night before. I also loved the ending. I wish I could say more, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't watched it. I liked the movie so much, I bought the DVD.