Redemption: For Robbing the Dead
Redemption: For Robbing the Dead
PG | 16 October 2011 (USA)
Redemption: For Robbing the Dead Trailers

For Robbing the Dead is a story of compassion - compassion toward those who may seem the least deserving of Christian love. It follows the story of Henry Heath, a law officer in 1862 Salt Lake City. Heath finds himself responsible for the well-being of a prisoner whom he despises - an impoverished French immigrant named Jean Baptiste who is convicted of robbing the graves of the recently deceased. Baptiste is exiled to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake. With no one willing to look after this man, Henry Heath becomes Baptiste's sole defense against the hostile isolation of Antelope Island and the contempt of an entire community. Through his somewhat reluctant service, Heath's heart softens and his own sorrows find relief.

Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Michael Ledo ***PLOT SPOILERS***This is a slow moving western that is perhaps more about forgiveness than redemption. The film is based on a true story, one that was more interesting than the film portrays. This film focuses on the life of Henry Heath (John Freeman) a sheriff in Utah. After they find and convict Jean Baptise (David Stevens) of grave robbing, he is exiled to an island where Henry takes him food and water to the dismay of the people he wronged.The film holds your interest in a minimal sort of way as any docudrama might. I liked the scenery and costumes of the period, but the story was bland.They missed the good historical parts. For instance, Brigham Young had to assure the residents that their loved ones would still rise during the resurrection, even without wearing their clothes. The clothes were not found as the film depicts, but rather stacked neatly and folded in boxes. The clothes were all buried together so they can resurrect with their respective owners.Jean Baptise is seen as dying in the film in an attempt to escape. He apparently did escape and his fate was unknown. I thought history would have made a better ending, but the film maker chose for closure for Henry Heath.The film is light on religion, far less religion than I expected from the title and location.Parental Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
LoneWolfArcher Unbelievable no one knows about this film. Very well done, great performances all around.However, John Freeman's performance was especially poignant. And to think he was such an inexperienced actor at the time. His performance was befitting and seasoned veteran. I look forward to seeing him in more films.Very intelligently done, I love how the direction of this film left so much to the viewer. This proves that great film doesn't have to show/explain everything. The violence was inferred yet not glorified nor shown in graphic detail. Thank you to the cast and crew for a truly incredible film. And as another reviewer pointed out, Barry Corbin continues to just be such a pleasure to watch. From Six Pack and Permanent Record to No Country For Old Men, Mr. Corbin always knocks it out of the park.
moviehawg59 (May contain a spoiler) To me, this was a very moving movie. All the folks in this town, are caught between a rock ... and a hard place. Sadly, most want to lash out, instead of try and forgive. And, they can't really be blamed. The acting was pretty good, with special nods to Kidder, Stevens, and Freeman. Stevens did excellent, as the centerpiece to the story. Kidder was pretty good, in her best role in years. And Freeman did a pretty good job with what he had to work with. To think of how we would react, under similar circumstances ... it gives a person quite a bit to think about. Most of us would probably be just like the townsfolk. But it all really boils down to ... can we forgive the hurt, and try to rise up and be something better? Or, do we succumb to the natural hurt and shock ... and not realize that, while criminals SHOULD be punished, there HAS to be a limit to the lengths that some would go to. Especially when the crime was not to the extent of, say ... perhaps a murder/murders.
jwryan Well written dialog. Acting high caliber. Nicely scored. Camera work was good. Direction was good. Editing was not too polished. An interesting piece of work. Thanks to you all.Interestingly vague about religion. It was there, but not to finitely. Kind of like peoples faiths. Hard to pin down what some people believe and don't believe even as they change beliefs. My brother ministers to death row inmates twice a week. He tells me they are not the same men who committed the crimes that put them there. He also tells me that the relationships he forms with them is a most rewarding thing. Anyways here is to a tiny bit of introspection. I need it as much as anyone else. Thanks again.
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