Red Riding Hood
Red Riding Hood
PG | 27 June 2006 (USA)
Red Riding Hood Trailers

Teenage Claire would rather hang out with her friends at the mall than to stay home with her brother Matt while Grandma babysits. Who wouldn't? Unfortunately, Grandma isn't about to let Claire out of the house. Worse, she insists that Claire and Matt listen to her reworking of the Brothers Grimm classic tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Fortunately, Grandma has a sense of humor, and adds some modern twists. Claire imagines herself as Red, and her brother, parents and grandma as....her brother, parents and grandma.

NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Shiloh M. For me, the best reason to watch this Red Riding Hood version is the Hunter played by Henry Cavill. He is so charming here, and what a beautiful man. The music is fun too. The Director also filmed Grease and Blue Lagoon. I enjoy those movies also. I do not understand why so many people are writing so much negative stuff about this movie. Really this was fun, and yes there is a few places that are not so great. But I don't care. If I like watching a movie, I do not care if someone else puts it down so much. If you want to view an incredible wonderful and handsome man like this Henry Cavill, then you will almost certainly want to rent this movie. Hats off to Henry and everyone else. Enjoy.
dave-3111 This movie is the ultimate parody of a classic story line, but set in modern times. It is essentially a musical, and it has some super cute songs. The lead character, Red, is just a complete darling, and the Big Bad Wolf is side-splitting funny. My young daughters just loved it, and my wife and I laughed throughout the whole movie. We liked it so much that we bought it, and our girls have watched it many times. They know all the songs by heart.For those who get hung-up on special effects realism and need first rate acting, maybe this film isn't for you. And yeah, the special effects are crude, but this film doesn't pretend to be anything more than it is. The effects are meant to be's a comic parody. Roll with it! Sit back with your kids, make some popcorn, and have a blast. You'll love it! This film is 10x better than a whole slew of other family movies.
ibphred I admit; I looked for the sound track to the movie after I rented it. This was good. They went for the music and story over visual effects. Frankly, I think that was a good choice. The culture was current and I'm worried that will make the movie dated but you can tell everyone had fun making this movie; and it's infectious. Anyone can enjoy it. When you make a movie out of a fairy tale, you have to pad it. This was padded mostly with music. It was pop music but it was good pop music. It was specifically for the movie and it added to it. The rest was the modernization of it. That made it look like an episode of Lizzy McGuire, but Lizzy McGuire is popular for a reason. Watch it. It's good. You'll enjoy it and so will you're kids if they give it a chance.
lehdetnet A great family movie. This is a modern retelling of the classic "Little Red Riding Hood" fairy tale as a musical. A grandmother of two kids baby-sits one night and manages to invite the modern children to a world of imagination by reading the old tale from an old book. Soon the children imagine themselves in the story and start to mold it as it advances. I really enjoyed the blending of the old fashioned and the modern. I wouldn't be surprised if the real world children get drawn into the story the same way as they do in the film and experience the same transformation.Since I never was a great N'Sync fan - no offense, just not my genre - Joey was a pleasant surprise as the villain. A good choice to play the wolf, right blend of funny and scary. I've always been a fan of Cassandra Peterson's and she stole the show as the grandmother. I thought the kids also pulled their weight ... and this from someone who wasn't sold on the kid in "Home Alone" or "Jerry Macguire". From what I understand, the actors were shot in a studio with blue walls and the sets and environments were created and added later with computers. One might expect a high tech looking Riding Hood, but instead the technology was used to create a beautiful, old world, fantasy where unexpected things can happen. The imagery is married to the musical score in innovative ways. In one sequence the forests in the background move and change shape to the beat. And the music shines, one song in particular played in my head till next day. All and all, two thumbs up.