Back to Gaya
Back to Gaya
PG | 20 September 2005 (USA)
Back to Gaya Trailers

The beautiful world of Gaya is home to two similar humanoid species: Zeldons who are the furry majority residents, and Snurks, who are goblin-like outcasts. But suddenly all Gayans are facing imminent danger when a magic stone which protects their world, "the Dalamite", is beamed away by a mysterious force. Three Snurks immediately go after it, hoping to be the heroes for once. They are shortly followed by some standout Zeldons: Zino the trouble-prone popular guy & his sidekick, clever but somewhat cowardly inventor Boo, as well as rebel princess Alanta. Their journey ends up leading them all on a dangerous interdimensional quest to find the stone, while they must also figure out a way to get back to Gaya.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
JohnLeeT English speakers will and those who appreciate the work of the greatest actor of her generation will want to seek out this rather lackluster film for the joy of hearing Emily Watson give yet another wonderful voice performance. Watson brings life, sparkle, and magic to the voice of her character and just her voice lights up the screen when she is being heard. The power of the magnificent actor is clearly on display even when she is only utilizing her voice to play a role! The film itself has little to offer but it is assured a 10 for one of the great voice performances of the year if not all time. This is not the quality production that was Tim Burton's elegant Corpse Bride but with the presence of Emily Watson it becomes a first-class production indeed!
God-12 This is a children's cartoon film, but a very peculiar one. Like another recent film it features a female, English-speaking girl with a nice bum - all the other characters are yanks. It also, very strangely, considers, in some detail, the differences between reality and fiction as well as the matter of free will. It also makes reference to Descartes 'Cogito ergo sum'. I'm not really sure what these are doing in a children's film. Maybe, like the excellent 'Sophie's World' they really are trying to introduce philosophy to very young children. If they are, then there are some peculiar ways of going about it. The villain has a plan to incinerate all plebvision viewers, particularly those with inclinations to watch a particular cartoon, by diverting a stream of volcanic lava through their plebvision sets. A brilliant scheme and a possible object lesson for the children. Sadly, though, the villain is thwarted and plebvision remains. Actually, plebvision is a constant theme throughout the film, which isn't very nice. Technically the film is superb compared to the old days, but poor compared to something like Shrek - the character's lips don't fit the voices that well, for one thing, and the three eye'd frog is not very convincing. The other odd thing about the film, that I meant to mention, is the name. The place is called 'gaya', but they all pronounce it 'guya'. If they wanted it to rhyme with Gaia, the goddess, then why on earth didn't they just call it 'guya'? Is it that they didn't want to say 'gaya' properly because of the homosexual meaning of 'gay'? If so, that would be even odder, because the place seemed quite a gay place, in the standard meaning of the world and it would be good to introduce children to the happy and fun meaning of the word.
B1rd I don't agree 100% with what jnaradsay says about this movie, but that reviewer is on to something that likewise irritated me about it. In this era, a mainstream movie for kids should be beyond having a villain with a physical disability, for one example of all the weird stereotypes, prejudices, and symbolism in this movie. (You Californians may not realize how offensive the barroom couple would be to southerners in a humorless movie like this.) As for technical, I can assure you Europeans that the English dub is equally as bad, though one can tell that indeed the characters' mouths were animated for English. I thought Atlanta was cute, too, but given to cartoonish gestures that were jarring in a movie like this. Though they sat through the movie last night (we rented it), neither of my kids (3 and 7) liked it enough to want to watch again this morning. Enough said.
Jumping Jack Flash Back to Gaya certainly cannot match with Shrek 2 or Monster Inc. but keep in mind that in comparison this film is a rather 'cheap' movie. With the funding they had, the makers certainly did a great job!The main positive aspect of the movie is that the makers did not apply the usual scheme of black and white. All the characters have certain strengths and weaknesses which add some shades of grey. The hero is bold but incredibly stupid. His companion is more of a shy guy yet he is quite resourceful.Especially the introduction of the black haired Gayans teaches the kids that prejudices and discrimination because of certain bodily features are wrong and unfair. BtG offers colourful family entertainment. It's funny, exciting and it even conveys certain moral values to the viewer.7 out of 10