NR | 26 April 2005 (USA)
Razorteeth Trailers

People full of problems...a lake full of piranha!

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Leofwine_draca RAZORTEETH is the cheapest piranha movie you'll ever watch and an absolute embarrassment of an indie production. It was shot on video and has a couple of model piranha in one or two shots. The rest is an endless, drawn-out mess of inferior acting and poor plotting. At least 90% of the running time is made up of scenic lakeside shots leaving this entirely boring and without merit.
satellitepictures Have a good laugh on the Polonia Brothers. As is all of their films, this is a micro budgeted stink fest. This is probably the best I have seen from them though. I admit there is a guilty pleasure for me to watch these films made in PA by these brothers as it makes me feel like anyone can make a movie for $12. Compared to their other flicks, this one is a treat. If you can stand watching really really really bad movies and laugh at them, u might enjoy this. If you like their other stuff this one will look a lot better than most of their movies. No puppets and the fish look pretty decent. Of course it is full of bad acting and plot holes, but hey-it's the Polonia Brothers! Oh and of course there is a casio synth soundtrack so as not to disappoint.
lordzedd-3 They shouldn't have bothered leaving it open for a sequel. As bad as this was there's no chance in hell of a second movie. Plus, in one scene the agent asks for room and the manager clearly hands him a car key!! A car key, anyone who can't tell that was a car key, needs new glasses. Plus, let's talk about the climax for a moment. It's bad enough our star blindly follows order and kills everyone who wasn't killed by the six monster fish, but after he kills the fish, the Government blows them up. I'm sorry, if the Government can't keep a simple burglary secret, then I can't believe they could get away with making illegal bio-weapons. To future film makers out there. Here's a hint, if you want to make a good movie. One people will watch and want sequels to. Then please, please spend more then a mere 25 grand, I can't stress this enough, spend more then 25 grand. It's impossible to make a good movie with that low of budget. Use this as an example of what not to do.I give this steaming pile of rotting fish the NOOSE as well.
mail-1514 Well, well well. This film has no frills, no polished edges - butsomehow it gets away with it. The acting is a little rough in places. A few strange bits . . . Even the person who knew about the "killer piranhas" still decided to go into the lake. Every victim seemed to put up no struggle, or even made much noise. The "Agent" that was sent to investigate the whole situation wore trainers (sneakers, to any septics who might be reading). The great thing though is that in spite of all these minor niggles, the film really hits the spot. The plot is a bit dodgey, very unlikely but really likable. The only thing that I think lets the film down is there are no characters that you really want to "win the day" and get out alive. The victims don't last long enough for you to like and the reluctant hero is just a bit too reluctant. Very similar to the Piranha series of films in the 70's and 80's. Definitely worth watching.