Raptor Island
Raptor Island
| 21 April 2004 (USA)
Raptor Island Trailers

A team of terrorist-fighting Naval officers in the South China Sea finds their struggle against the enemy taking a backseat to the fight of their lives when an horde of creatures thought to be extinct for millions of years descend upon them in an action-packed tale of man-versus-monster starring Steven Bauer and Lorenzo Lamas.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Terryfan Raptor Island is another attempt at the Sci/Fi channel trying to bring their own movies to the small screen.And here is a very very very poor excuse for a motion picture that is so bad that it is not even worth the film it was recorded with as I say with a lot of bad films.While it might look like a interesting film it is not even close to the level of a B movie it's not even a E level movie.The plot of the film is nothing new it just like someone was trying to make a quick buck oh I forgot it's a direct to TV movie so it is not going to make anything.The film lighting is that which should be expected in a low budget film it is not even bright enough to watch it.The acting in film is beyond awful the characters are just the same ones we have seen many times before. C.G.I. effects for the Dinosaurs I mean don't get me started they are so bad, they are not even believable. I have seen video games that have more believable effect than this film has to offer. Perhaps the best thing about the film is that missing it at all will not your enjoyment of watching films.I got nothing against TV movies I do enjoy them but this one is not one of them.I give Raptor Island an 2 out of 10
TheLittleSongbird As with most SyFy movies, I wasn't really expecting much, as while a few of their movies are tolerable a lot of them range from bad to bottom-of-the-barrel quality. But I wasn't actually expecting Raptor Island to be this bad, not their very worst but it is down there. The acting is pretty much non-descript, I couldn't remember any of the performances after watching, that's how bland and awful they were. They aren't helped by stereotypical, annoying characters, a lifeless, humourless and tense-less script and a story that is not just dull and ridiculous but one that you can guess exactly where it was going. Aside from the dull scenery and choppy editing, it was the effects that single-handedly ruined Raptor Island, crude, artificial and lacking completely lacking in menace they are some of the worst effects I've ever seen. Overall, laughable acting, bland acting, a ridiculous story, annoying characters and embarrassing dialogue made Raptor Island an absolute joke of a movie. 1/10 Bethany Cox
ifilmstuf24 Raptor Island is a Sci-Fi Channel movie. It's very funny because it has a dumb story,bad acting,bad visual effects,bad direction,and enough plot holes to make a small cemetery.It starts out with a fake looking Chinese Aircraft getting struck by lightning. The movie is about A Group OF Navy Seals that are on a mission to rescue an agent from terrorists led by Steven Bauer who was in Scarface with PACINO. They follow the terrorists to an island with Raptors. That's where the bad visual effects come in.This movie is hilarious in its awfulness. Oh and the Plot Holes "I don"t think he'll make it through the night. In the next scene that man is up running around. Why was a Chinese Aircraft holding American chemicals Was the above comment useful to you?Final Verdict 1* out of 10*
MartianOctocretr5 Some of the cheapest looking CGI creatures you'll ever see attack some of the most poorly trained mercenary troops to ever brandish fake looking weapons on a bogus "South Sea island" set (in Canada). The goofs are endless, the script resembles mangled Swiss cheese, and the story is pretty much a chaotic maze of nothingness.The Raptor attacks are priceless. Usually they stand around, hanging out in groups doing nothing, as nitwit Green Beret wanna-be's pepper them with hundreds of rounds, and they just kind of stare in stupefied apathy as the useless bullets shower them. One of two things always happens: Either they get sick of being shot at, and they gang tackle the victim and then some animated blood spurts around; or a poorly done CGI red blotch appears on the poor confused Raptor and it drops over in a heap, never losing that silly grin they always seem to have. The chronological order for the victims-to-be is so obvious, they might as well have had numbers painted on their faces.Viewers definitely need to "turn off the brain" for this material. The writer, director, and cast certainly did.