Raiders of the Sun
Raiders of the Sun
R | 30 July 1992 (USA)
Raiders of the Sun Trailers

Bloodthirsty factions rule the barren earth. It's the 21st Century and a biological disaster has ruined the planet. Here, in a world where gunpowder is more valuable than gold, a few hundred survivors wage the final conflict for power and control. Yet among them rises a new warrior, destined to shape the aeons which will follow -- a man who stops at nothing to achieve his ends, and for whom courage is the only commodity

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Wizard-8 I've seen a number of low budget post-apocalypse movies, and the majority of them haven't been that good. I have also seen a number of movies directed by the prolific Filipino director Cirio H. Santiago, and the majority of them haven't been good. "Raiders of the Sun" is a Cirio H. Santiago post-apocalypse movie, and it's a bit better than average for both categories. The production values for the most part aren't bad, with sets and props that obviously took some time to build, and other attributes like dozens of extras. Also, some of the action sequences are fairly decent. However, the movie has some big problems. There isn't much of a story here, and even at just 80 minutes there is a lot of padding. Also, not much is given to flesh out Richard Norton's hero or the main bad guy. You shouldn't go out of your way to see this movie, but if you are finding it hard to find a better movie and this movie crosses your path, it'll help 80 minutes of your time pass by relatively painlessly.
Barogna Raiders of the Son is by far one of the worst movies ever made. The main antogonist, Clay, has spray painted shoulder pads for his outfit. Hell, me and my friends could do that. Other characters such as Hoghead, who actually wears a hog's head on his head, makes me want to puke. The movie has some mildly pathetic parts. Also, ROTS has some of the funniest bloopers ever. Toward the beginning of the film, a group of about 3 people are running away from a gunman. He fires on all of them and then ceases fire. 2 or the men fall down immediately but one keeps running for 5 more seconds then decides to fall. The worst part about it is that hes wearing a pink shirt so he stands out. Horrible acting and horrible story make for one of the worst movies ever.
blackxmas Goofball reworking of MAD MAX that seems strangely competent for Cirio Santiago, but it's still a mess. Instead of gasoline, warring factions battle for gunpowder. It's all highly watchable and relatively painless, and actually contains some lively characters. Who would have thought? It's still a big mess, though.....
BigP-84 Bloodthirsty factions rule the barren earth. It's the 21st Century and a biological disaster has ruined the planet. Here, in a world where gunpowder is more valuable than gold, a few hundred survivors wage the final conflict for power and control. Yet among them rises a new warrior, destined to shape the aeons which will follow -- a man who stops at nothing to achieve his ends, and for whom courage is the only thing.